Still nada. Good grief
Soooo, uh, how big is the PS3 version? Still haven't decided if I should go digital or not...
Soooo, uh, how big is the PS3 version? Still haven't decided if I should go digital or not...
Are pre order people DLing on Vita too?
looks like I'm the last one to get it. At one screen I can't even download the theme. It's just nothing
looks like I'm the last one to get it. At one screen I can't even download the theme. It's just nothing
Me and you both
How ironic...
Wait... Where are the costumes DL? I only got 3 downloads...
PS3 version
Vita version
Vita online pass
Does the PS3 need a online pass or is it shared with the vita pass?
are the costumes part of the pass?
Well I'm going to take a nap or something, my DL speeds are pretty crap. Hope to play it in a few hours.
It's like they know. Still got nothing on all menus too?
Deleted and redownloaded the store. Just now restarting PS3
You can download the Vita version first after buying the PS3 version.
If costumes are not available, I ain't buying it.
Have people who have ps+ been able to download it?
Looking at all the options here...
Have people who have ps+ been able to download it?
Looking at all the options here...
Seth said all preorders (including digital) will have the costumes. So a dlc option when tomorrows store update goes live?
I haven't preordered it yet. Preorder period is over I think, or am I wrong?
I can't believe that the disc version of the game did not come with an actual manual, only digital
So I guess the vita version is found in the 'disc benefit'?;’s a great first attempt to bring a Smash Bros. type party brawler to the Playstation, and one that is applauded for the most part. Save for a couple of niggles here and there, it’s a strong fighter worthy of your time. Packed with content to keep you entertained for hours, Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale provides a certain ingredient that is often overlooked in the world of first-person shooters and over complicated combo fighters, fun. It’s good fun (after the first 10 minutes of learning the controls) and I strongly recommend it.
Graphics: The game looks great on the PS Vita’s huge screen, characters are alive and the detail in the arenas are top-notch. 8
Gameplay: Hours are lost in the single player and even more will be lived out in the multiplayer. Top notch fighting mechanics and some trophies to collect make it a long-lasting game. 9
Sound: Music is great, characters are a joy to listen to and the sound of Kratos going mental is scary. 8
Presentation: Menus are easy enough to navigate with colorful backgrounds to please your eyes until you get into the main game. 8
Yes but I don't think that the Vita version is up yet through the "disc benefit" thing
When you go to PS3 full games are the only options you have "overview" and "videos" no download or anything
Preordering on PSN is a mess. They should let you predownload at least a day before, and the activation should be automatic or placed in your download list. Also it should be there on time!
Pretty sure it is. Oh well...I'm sure it's over.
Games > PS3 Games > Hot PS3 Games > PSASBR Day-1 > Add to cart
Preordering on PSN is a mess. They should let you predownload at least a day before, and the activation should be automatic or placed in your download list. Also it should be there on time!
Pretty sure it is. Oh well...
If we get a string of reviews like that...
Then we'll definitely get a sequel
Please people please!! Be honest with this game!
God i hate every single one of you.
I literally just "preordered" this through the link that said "Preorder Now!" in the PS Store, and it granted me full game download as soon as I finished. Will this count for an actual preorder, with costumes? It's downloading now, so we'll see, but there's definitely still banners up on the PS Store (under Hot for PS3) asking to Preorder the game, so...