What's the best stream to watch guys? Sony one won't even load for me
The Verge - "I'm cold, where's Apple? Conference is already a 5/10. Apple does it better. Soon we'll put an article up about 10 things SOny can learn from Apple."
10 minutes! It's been a fun ride everyone. Now let's experience Next Gen.
Gt stream quality is going down for me![]()
Did Adam say he thinks this will launch close to $600? Lol
We give the press a lot of shit here on gaf. But I'm really impressed with how GT has put together there pre show stream. Good quality good informative guest. And not catering to the lowest common denominator gsmer stero type.
GAF what are the best streams quality/smoothness wise?
Masturbating because he owns Apple products. Check.
GT stream on IE works perfectly.