Puppet Shadow
Even if it's beyond awesome, I suspect there will be bitter tear bans. Mods will be busy for sure, they've called in both teams to supervise.Personally i'd prefer another terrible event, just for all the meltdowns and bans.
Even if it's beyond awesome, I suspect there will be bitter tear bans. Mods will be busy for sure, they've called in both teams to supervise.Personally i'd prefer another terrible event, just for all the meltdowns and bans.
so will https://us.playstation.com/meeting2013/ be the best place to watch this?
GAF is slowing down. It's not going to last through the press conference.
Fuck I should have taken a nap, getting really sleepy now
From Community show on NBCWhat's the source for this?
Never owned any Sony device...really excited for this.
Oh god no
So freaking pumped for this. Next gen starts in 1 hours 26 minutes.
"chance of gaf crashing : 0%"
hmm, not so sure anymore
So are we pretty much guaranteed a next gen reveal tonight?
I just noticed that too. Hopefully the servers are as capable of handing such a huge number of users as Gromph mentioned earlier. Anyway, with an hour and twenty five minutes until the conference begins I can't wait until it begins. Do we know if a new thread be put up for it since this is already at (almost) 20,000 or will this be a special case (I don't imagine it will be but I won't discount the possibility).Holy crap. There are almost 12000 users on at the moment. Hang in there GAF!
Personally i'd prefer another terrible event, just for all the meltdowns and bans.
jodkdvgskigdvgdvj;okdjo j fo ofo ufofa
Dude, the Wii U is next gen. Come on meow.
So are we pretty much guaranteed a next gen reveal tonight?
Is that when the pre-show starts or the actual show?So freaking pumped for this. Next gen starts in 1 hours 26 minutes.