Hello guys.
Today is a big day for me as at 2:45PM, I will be taking my first teaching exam (ALST).....should be fun XD! I prepared for it and feel good about it, and knowing that I could retake it again in the future in case anything goes wrong makes me feel a lot better too. Wish me luck.
Moving on to on-topic things, decided to re-play Rayman Origins on Vita alongside Rayman 2: Revolution and Rayman 3 HD on PS3 (got in a Rayman mood after beating Rayman 2 PS1 on Vita). Origins looks fantastic on Vita while the 3D games on PS2 hold up really well.
Revolution takes the Dreamcast version of Rayman 2 (best version) and adds more content to it (three hubs to explore, higher difficulty, new levels, Metroidvaina elements, ect). It comes with a hit in a few spots (no auto-save, long loading times, frame-rate not being stable) but considering I paid 3-5 bucks for this during a Rayman sale back in 2013, not a bad deal in the slightest.
Rayman 3 is a very odd game, as it removes a very important element form Rayman 2, the great feeling controls, but retains everything else that game had mechanically (Rayman still shoots with his fist, but instead of energy balls, its him throwing his fists like in Rayman 1, You still have the hovering ability, ect). The only new element is the costume powers that give you new moves (throwing a wind at objects, launching a rocket fist) or giving you powers you had in Rayman 2 (grabbing on objects to swing, unlimited flight for a short while).
They are fun to deal with but the game has a few issues sadly. The controls not feeling like how they do in Rayman 2 leads to things feeling very stiff, which makes platforming and combat a bit wonky at times. Rayman 3 also has issues running on PS3; due to it being a sloppy port of the PS2 version, the game has sound issues, unstable 60FPS and odd graphical issues (water is rainbow colored for some reason XD).
Its still a fun platformer and like Rayman Revolution, got this at a steal price (4-5 bucks), so I don't mind its issues to much. I just wonder how many times the game will get ported in the future XD!
Honestly surprised the X1, PS4, Vita, and Wii U didn't get Rayman 2 and Rayman 3 ports yet :'); Ubi likes to port the former to everything at this point XD.
The 2 Rayman Vita ports are friggin amazing games.