Is Read Only Memories still coming out this week? I only found out it was a thing that exists a few days back, but it sounds like something I'd really like.
Is Read Only Memories still coming out this week? I only found out it was a thing that exists a few days back, but it sounds like something I'd really like.
Wow, almost halfway through the month and I made barely any posts here. Sorry guys but been busy traveling with family and writing on 3wirel/Crashy News to make posts here. Plus.....haven't been playing much Vita stuff lately outside of slowly digging my way through Patapon 3 and Oreshika.
Will try to post more this coming week and hope we all are having fun playing games on our Vitas.
No worries. Enjoy your travels. Safe journey et all.
So I just got a PS+ code on Amazon for a friend's birthday on the 30th. Will he be able to redeem it by then without it expiring? I'd just like to be sure.
I guess this is more of an Amazon question than a PS question.
So my review of A.W.: Phoenix Festa for PlayStation Vita is up.
The TL;DR version; It's a title that tries to pander to everyone, and ends up falling flat because of it. Make sure you know what you're getting into before buying it (it's $40 US).
Probably an easy platinum, though it'd require a lot of grinding and time.
New vita locked and loaded after my beautiful white OLED vita failed in its battle against a tub full of water.
Love the lightness of the new model. Love the mini-USB though that means I have like 3 old school cables and an old school Sony battery that I guess I'll ebay or something...
Glad you're back up and running.
Where are you located? I might be interested in taking the cables off your hands. I have an OLED model as my backup/JP-PSN model, but if/when the cable ever gives out, I'm boned.
I'm in the US...
Tricky Towers looks fun in short bursts. Rebel Galaxy is fairly well regarded.
I had a blast with Rebel Galaxy. Take the marine combat from Assassin's Creed IV, put it in space, and that's the gist of the game.
slow thread is slow, where are all the Vitacats?
slow thread is slow, where are all the Vitacats?
slow thread is slow, where are all the Vitacats?
Playing No Man's Sky at the moment on the PS4 with some Chrono Trigger on the Vita mixed in. Biding my time until Dragon Quest Builders drops in N.A.slow thread is slow, where are all the Vitacats?
slow thread is slow, where are all the Vitacats?
slow thread is slow, where are all the Vitacats?
Overwatching. And finishing Ray Gigant, with S;G probably coming right after.
slow thread is slow, where are all the Vitacats?
Too many review games.
That, plus nobody else is talking.
slow thread is slow, where are all the Vitacats?
nice psv theme that comes w/ dengeki playstation mag 619. ys bgm and all:
Ive been posting more in the vita 200 games thread that is basically vita community thread at this point lol.
On the non vita side of things, I got Natsuiro High School (oh yes i did), GG Xrd Revelator, anohter edition of bloodborne from Japan for my collection and some old PS1 Persona games. Been playing mostly Overwatch still and a bit of review stuff. Mostly focussed on Attack on Titan right now.
Yeah, I post more in the upcoming Vita games thread than this one now for some reason.
Anyway, I'm just playing Senran Kagura and Trails of Cold Steel at the moment. Went through another bout of SAO: Hollow Fragment but I find it too repetitive to play for more than a few days at a time.
Also I had a spree of ordering games when I got paid yesterday. Rainbow Moon (Vita) physical and Code Realize/Ukiyo no Roushi from Play-Asia. Gonna have to start chopping down this backlog soon though!
ive been meaning on getting Code:realize and norn9. suggestions for best place to get physical?
Where do you live? Play-Asia have Code Realize for £25 at the moment. I ordered from there because I wanted another game (Ukiyo) and had a $5 off $60 spend voucher though.
365 games have it for £25 as well if that's any help.
Otherwise, if you're in the US, it's on sale for like $12 on PSN I think.
Trailer: (turn down your speaker volume)
Wanderjahr Geek Game EVER
PS Vita Store release date confirmed at 31 August
Hi Everybody
It is Corecell Again, while we are busying making our new game.
We are happy to introduce our new title Wanderjahr from our partner Workyrie Company. The game will hit North America PSN Store for PS Vita this 31 August 2016.
What make we love Wanderjahr enough to bring it to console is,
It is totally geek-centric game with a bunch of deep down contents such as RPG point & click game. You can play up to 18 characters with different roles, fight against tricky monsters in very challenging battles, solve the mysterious quests, and discover the beautiful and inspirational story.
The most impressive point of this game is real game source code had been shown inside the game as a part of the story telling and as a hint for player. I can say it is the craziest idea that Ive ever seen.
First game ever to lets player enjoy finding hint in source code!!!
Geek-idea only! (Some source code will be provide in encyclopedia mode)
WpjThn (developer) said One of my secret intention in this game is I want to spread out the trend of Coding Era and find the real gamer. Cause we are living in the world of computer machine surround us, we should understand how to command it.
More than that, one of interesting thing about Wanderjahr is, all the game source code was developed by one man who patience enough to polish this game for 4.5 years.
This crazy idea is not hit much in Steam players, but I believe that PlayStation player is totally different. Wanderjahr on PS Vita comes with new features that doesnt have on PC version, totally new wide screen interface, Hi-definition graphic and rebalancing the game.
Then Wanderjahr will be waiting for you in PS Vita PSN store on 31 August 2016.
Dont miss to prove yourself geek with this game. #ProveItYourself
Check out game page here
Wanderjahr tells the story of UN Jariya, a global organization charged with maintaining world order and peace. You see, a hundred years ago, the Universal Source Code was discovered and its secrets and structure was the key to create a better universe in harmony and peace. With changes, updates and tweaking, the code could be improved to create a better existence to all, but alas, when you least expect it, two weeks before you are done, evil shows its ugly face, and monsters appear in droves with the intent to destroy everything you have worked for. Is this a coincidence?
Corecell is bringing a Thai indie game called Wanderjahr to the North American store on August 31st:
Trailer: (turn down your speaker volume)
Corecell is bringing a Thai indie game called Wanderjahr to the North American store on August 31st:
So I finally finished my second article, top 10 Vita localizations that should've happened. It's another meaty read, but might as well share it here since the last one went down quite well.
Also hoping to finish my J-Stars Vita review soon. It's been a slog to write it though.
So I finally finished my second article, top 10 Vita localizations that should've happened. It's another meaty read, but might as well share it here since the last one went down quite well.
Also hoping to finish my J-Stars Vita review soon. It's been a slog to write it though.
I responded to your article on Twitter but I really loved reading it. Shows a lot of great Vita games locked in Japan at the moment and I would love to play all the games you have on your list.
I have a feeling Mahouka would be shit now that I've played the demo as much as I have, but there are some other good titles and generalization in that list. ^_^
So I finally finished my second article, top 10 Vita localizations that should've happened. It's another meaty read, but might as well share it here since the last one went down quite well.
Also hoping to finish my J-Stars Vita review soon. It's been a slog to write it though.