Its a bit sad to see the top poster's post count not reach three digits. The monthly Vit... err PSN thread is lively and fast before, now it almost grinded to a halt. Congrats Team!
Guys can i ask a few (stupid vita questions) please
1. Im getting a 64gb card so will have a 16gb spare which im gonna use to get psp and psone classics not available in the uk store. Which would you recommend japan or usa? Games im looking at arent story based i.e. Strider 2 metal slug anthology
2. If i buy ffx/x2 from spain would i be able to download x2 to my eu vita or is th eu store region specific too?
Its a bit sad to see the top poster's post count not reach three digits. The monthly Vit... err PSN thread is lively and fast before, now it almost grinded to a halt. Congrats Team!
The real worst boss ever in Freedom Wars is that fucking crafting system.
The real worst boss ever in Freedom Wars is that fucking crafting system.
At least we've getting tons os threadsfor Vita games now, so that's something. Still sad though.(and graveyards)
What is so bad about it?It one-hit killed me. :<
Atleast they can't say that the vita has no games now.At least we've getting tons os threadsfor Vita games now, so that's something. Still sad though.(and graveyards)
Yeah did not think about the hd. I have 1tb on ps3 and it's almost full, I'm afraid I won't last long with 500gb on a ps4 so in the long run I'll have to spend 50 more regardlessPersonally I'm waiting for 1TB PS4 + game for <300 and I'm pretty sure it's getting there soon.
What is so bad about it?
2. If i buy ffx/x2 from spain would i be able to download x2 to my eu vita or is th eu store region specific too?
Time for some more drpg goodness for the Vita!
Wizardry Labyrinth of Lost Souls is getting a Vita port.;の迷宮-ps-vita/trophies/
You should definitely get Kiwami first. Ragnarok Odyssey isn't a good game at all.I have played Freedom Wars and Soul Sacrifice. I want to get this and Toukiden Kiwami. I'm a sucker for hunting games.
I think I've played every hunting game that has been localized,Didn't you?
You should definitely get Kiwami first. Ragnarok Odyssey isn't a good game at all.
I think I've played every hunting game that has been localized,
Stranger of Sword City pre-orders for regular and LE are up
Yeah I'm waiting for PSX just for the hope free games lol
I'm cheap I know :V
, I got irked by the many violations I've made on the first hours.
Thats too bad, I enjoyed the demo of RO Ace. I haven't tried the Kiwami demo yet since the file size is so large and I don't want to take something off for a demo.
That being said I do have MHFU and God Eater (PSP) as well so I think the only hunting games I haven't tried for the system are those two.
With the way the CAD is doing these days vs USD, 30% off deals are critical for us Canadians. Added a bunch of Vita goodness to my pre-orders, and just take in how much I saved:
What games did you get?
Stuff that I hadn't had the chance to pre-order during the E3 30% season. I ended up adding one more item afterwards, and the whole transaction totalled at $318.56 (versus a whooping $463.14 with taxes). Games were:
- Stranger of Sword City
- World of Final Fantasy
- Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
- Trillion: God of Destruction
- Trails of Cold Steel
- Zero Time Dilemma
- Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest
- Final Fantasy Explorers
Basically I got all my PS4 preorders in during E3, and all my handheld ones now.
Not a bad line up of games man. A lot of great JRPG's of all kinds across two systems and they seem to all be very high quality
Yes, and fact of the matter is that these are all Winter/Spring games. 2016 is going to be nuts. I put all of these preordered, but I wouldn't be surprised if I had to cancel one or two just because of how close they all are in release date. Still, I want to at least keep my low price on my games. I'm basically paying 39.95 for all of these, something that is impossible with new games now in Canada since our dollar tanked.
Stuff that I hadn't had the chance to pre-order during the E3 30% season. I ended up adding one more item afterwards, and the whole transaction totalled at $318.56 (versus a whooping $463.14 with taxes). Games were:
- Stranger of Sword City
- World of Final Fantasy
- Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
- Trillion: God of Destruction
- Trails of Cold Steel
- Zero Time Dilemma
- Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest
- Final Fantasy Explorers
Basically I got all my PS4 preorders in during E3, and all my handheld ones now.
Does Amazon ship them separately or when all games are released?
Don't understand a lot about pricing systems in other places but at least you was able to get all of those games/place that order with a lower price then you would pay for normally Names.
I hope you enjoy all of those games when they come out! 2016 really is going to be a great year for 3DS, PS4 and Vita owners
Does Amazon ship them separately or when all games are released?
Basically with taxes a PS4 game in Canada is now $90CAD, and handhelds around $50-60 which if you convert to American isn't so bad. But then you realize that games have gone up in price by $30 in 2-3 months for us, and that's without the costs of living or our pay having changed. It's the same as if in America all of a sudden you had to pay $20-30 more for your games.
What is so bad about it?
Man, that bites.
Hopefully the pricing systems get resolved soon then. I would just stop playing games for a while/play through my backlog if that happened in my case.
Glad you got that deal; made something very expensive more manageable.
I presume this is out in December looks good new trailer
Atleast they can't say that the vita has no games now.
I've only played Freedom Wars and SSX so I can only comment on that.
Freedom Wars seems cool before, I got irked by the many violations I've made on the first hours. But it looks fun, the attack on titan weapon feels great to use but some things bog down the gameplay.
SSX meanwhile isnt a back to the old ssx games but it is a fun game on its own. SSX is a nice game to play just for fun, to see the wacky, out of this world type of sport that wouldn't fly in the real world.
Anyone else too cheap to pay full price for ps1 classics? I've been waiting on Herc's Adventures, A Bug's Life and many others to go on sale and every time I almost pay full price I chicken out.
Damn, freedom wars is awesome. Downloaded it earlier and ended up playing it all evening. Really interesting world, and I like how the design of the combat, the exploration and the story all flow into each other, there's a real logic to the game that is super appealing and immersive. Struggled a little on my first mission against other sinners, I was trying to direct my AI companion to help me grab civilians, but it felt like my whole team of 3 were just windmilling around, maybe I missed some there. Got it eventually. Really pleased with that though, especially after Invizimals last monthno idea why they didn't put up one of the vita installments there.
Lol, but yeah i also dislike the thought of paying full price for iso dumps. Though i have done it on occasion for certain games.