That was me years ago missing Corpse Party for 1 cent at launch. I had to get a $10 PSN card for that one cent.
I wish we still had those $5 PSN cards but this game is worth me getting a $10 card.
That was me years ago missing Corpse Party for 1 cent at launch. I had to get a $10 PSN card for that one cent.
alright nuclear throne doesn't run like shit on vita and i'm not fuckin pissed
it's a solid 30fps if you just turn off the lame ass freezeframe setting in the options
Nice to see it was worth skipping another sony conference. Cool that Yakuza 0 is coming but I won't care for a long time and I still have to play 5 so whatever.
But anyway, why is Bastion 7,50 in Europe?
Also, I assume there aren't free games this year, right?
Photo from wario
Did we know about this? What kind of game even is this?
Photo from wario
Did we know about this? What kind of game even is this?
I still laugh every time flunkie posts about some hyper moe anime shit ahahaha
This is what Vitagaf has done to you, man
hahahaha not that I play any NepNep games, fuck those games. Hate em. Tried Rebirth 1 and wish I could undo it.
hahahaha not that I play any NepNep games, fuck those games. Hate em. Tried Rebirth 1 and wish I could undo it.
just forget I'm playing and loving SAO: HF
And in all seriousness, I wouldn't say that this is what "it's done to me," it's really opened my mind to accepting other things. I used to think anime was kiddy and immature, and if people liked even stuff like Dragon Ball Z, I thought they were weird. Enjoying games like SAO: HF and the Danganronpa games, it's opened my eyes to other forms of entertainment, and I can say I kind of like it now. You won't find me spending all day watching anime, but I certainly don't avoid it like I used to.
So is there seriously NO sort of discount on the ps2 games? I have to re-rebuy them? Am I really going to have to spend $10 on TM:B even though I already own the disc and the ps3 version?
Bastion is awesome on Vita! Runs very well, plays great as it always has. The only downside is the writing is super teeny on items you can pick up. It's a supremely minor thing, the actual text in the menus and such are perfectly fine.
Bastion is awesome on Vita! Runs very well, plays great as it always has. The only downside is the writing is super teeny on items you can pick up. It's a supremely minor thing, the actual text in the menus and such are perfectly fine.
Bastion is awesome on Vita! Runs very well, plays great as it always has. The only downside is the writing is super teeny on items you can pick up. It's a supremely minor thing, the actual text in the menus and such are perfectly fine.
I felt the scale of the game (outside of HUD for the most part) was too small in general. Honestly if it was like 25%-35% larger I think it would look much better. As I said previously, though, I think it's likely this is an engine limitation.
I love the game so far.
-The writing is really strong
-The music is great so far
-Love the various weapons/items you can use for fights
-Really enjoy the variety of locations to go and the size of the world
-The visuals look amazing on Vita and the game runs very well
Overall some of the best 3 bucks I ever spent on the PSN Store.
So is Nuclear Throne. Explosions are the only thing that I could say they might improve on. Question though, what does filling up your rad meter in the top left actually do?
You won't find me spending all day watching anime, but I certainly don't avoid it like I used to.
Do what I am going to do when get the games (don't own a PS4 yet); don't get the ones you own already.
Considering the upgrades are not worth it if you own the games already (trophies don't push me that much and I am happy with the performance on games already on my PS3), there is no reason to get them again. Besides, an upgrade program must be in the works considering the backlash of this move (no cross-buy).
So I would have to re-re-rebuy them for the PS5? nty
The only reason for no BC from PS2 classics is $$$
2016 is killer.
As for your second point, idk. People's reception of Oreshika was pretty lukewarm, myself included. I played it, and dropped it shortly after. I got it, I understood the game, and after a while I just moved on to something else. It didn't stick with me. Danganronpa was a great game. I'd say the only game I played on my Vita this year that I actually finished (although there weren't a lot tbh), so that tells you something.
The PS4 gave me great games this year. I loved The Witcher. I lost myself in that game for countless hours and saw everything until the end. Bloodborne was an immaculate game as well. Then there was MGS5, Fallout4, Zestiria, the list goes on and on. I have said it before, I am a very handheld focused guy. This year was just a huge disappointment, but thanks to that I learned to love and respect my console more. Finally this box was more than just a Destiny machine. I'd arguably say the 3DS was okay. It had Monster Hunter, Xenoblade, Persona Q and now the excellent Stella Glow (seriously, SRPG fans get on this game).
If I were to rank this year, it'd be:
PS4 >> 3DS > Vita
Looking forward to next year though!!
for most of the games you listed, should have considered a PC.
the games would be cheaper too and you wouldn't have to deal with the CAD-USD pricing and other pricing woes.
and it's worth playing Bastion again with hardware controlsespecially at that price
It's odd we didn't hear about The Banner Saga today. Stoic mentioned it's in submission since early November. Is it possible it is given a date sometime tomorrow?
And still no Ronin![]()
Aye, but I simply don't have the budget. My laptop is OKAY (I'm playing Dark Souls with Durante's fix on it now at a rock solid 30fps) but I wouldn't be able to see The Witcher or MGSV shining without a decent setup. With my PS4 it's as easy as buying/downloading the game, installing and playing![]()
I guess there are still three games that might get stealth released during December that I want: The Banner Saga, Summon Night 5 and Hatoful Boyfriend Holiday Star.
So I got bastion for 3.75 dollars and now is 2.85? I don't get it .
Should I complain over this Or there is no point?It was said to be $3 during the event, the price still wasn't correct when it went down to $3.75.
Should I complain over this Or there is no point?
with the amount of money you have to pay for PS4 games (due to the CAD/USD pricing woes), you can probably get a decent laptop/PC and still get games on Steam for a good price (just ask the PC/Laptop OTs for advice). the prices aren't out of reach/unreasonable.
and dude. that is what Steam has been doing for years (easy as buying/downloading the game, installing and playing).
Nah, I'll just wait for it drop to maybe $2.85.Guys bastion is a steal at 3.75. Really not a huge issue lol.
Nah, I'll just wait for it drop to maybe $2.85.
I deserve XCOMThis...
..and Xcom![]()
It's odd we didn't hear about The Banner Saga today. Stoic mentioned it's in submission since early November. Is it possible it is given a date sometime tomorrow?
And still no Ronin![]()
Fixed for you.How not to quote relevant posts: A lesson brought to you from NormalFish
Just tried Rocketbirds and yikes, that gameplay is way too stiff for me to put up with. Delete-o.
Late but the conference was meh in my eyes. Some new things coming to ps4 that i'm interested in and kinda was surprised at the amount of support the vita got even if it was cross buy./ports.
2016 looks promising though for PS4/V. It'll be interesting trying to juggle which games to prioritize to get and for what platforms.
Also from the various sales going on what's worth getting? Already got Bastion any other good games on sale less than $7?