Hello guys. I stopped playing with my Vita about a year ago so I don't know of any good games in the year 2015-2016. Can you guys recommend some for me that was released on those years?
It'd help if you could list the games you like
Hello guys. I stopped playing with my Vita about a year ago so I don't know of any good games in the year 2015-2016. Can you guys recommend some for me that was released on those years?
I think it's for the better, the jp is probably too japanese for western tastes, but i think that something like this with more focus on the main character would have worked betterSo, is anyone a fan of Trillion's box art change for the west? Because I am not.
(It's actually still fine, but I find the Japanese one to be so good).
Have I completely misunderstood what this game is or could you, mechanically, compare it to something like 80days?
Edit: It was nice to hear the people at GiantBomb talk positively about the Vita this week (Crypt of the Necrodancer). Someone even said it's his favorite handheld console.
Seems like a cross between a side-scrolling RPG like Muramasa, and a turn-based RPG like Trails or Digimon. It's basic with regards to combat and systems, but there's a lot of text (read; not great for "importing") and explanations going on that you're likely to miss if not fluent in Japanese.
I grabbed a bunch of screens, if anyone's interested; http://thevitalounge.net/2016/02/11/hero-must-dies-japanese-demo-now-available-new-screenshots-too/
Hello guys. I stopped playing with my Vita about a year ago so I don't know of any good games in the year 2015-2016. Can you guys recommend some for me that was released on those years?
Hello guys. I stopped playing with my Vita about a year ago so I don't know of any good games in the year 2015-2016. Can you guys recommend some for me that was released on those years?
I tend to like jrpgs and rhythm games.It'd help if you could list the games you like.
Welcome back!
Going though this released games list and naming a few:
- Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth;
- The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel;
- Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls;
- Steins;Gate;
- Nekoburo -- Cats Block;
- Toukiden: Kiwami - I remember you played the original. This one lasted me around 50h to do all I wanted (importing my old character, of course), which is way less than the original, but I'm not a completionist. Just went after a nice set of armor, some new weapons and most of the Story and Phase missions.
We have a nice bunch of games coming out this semester too, so you might want to save some cash for those.
Digimon Story Cybersleuth.
Best Digimon media ever.
Stress-free digimon game. Your digimons won't literally turn into shit against your will. It won't turn into other unwanted evolutions as well. And you can fucking devolve with no catch. And it really is stress free. Leveling is also not time consuming if you can get some preparations (no, not the Disgaea-style "you haz to grind to prepare for your actual grinding coz I heard you like to grind in order to grind").
Also the only one that actually managed to revive my interest in the series. And I do mean revive. I never thought I'd ever thinkto ever be cool to me again, and this one proved me wrong. And there's also the fact that I didn't like that Agumon is pretty much the face of this game as well since he is the over-exposed mascot (come the fuck on, there's so many Greymon that we already having a fucking Samurai Greymon via Gaioumon). Yet, I love Agumon/Gabumon in this game. Their tandem with Shiramine Nokia (best Digimon character out of the entire franchise) was awesome.Omegamon
Warning Late game spoiler: It also hasfucking Sakamoto Maaya voicing as goddamn Alphamon. Let me repeat that: Sakamoto Maaya is voicing a bigass Digimon and has a damn awesome arrival scene as well.
You don't know how disappointed I was that when I found out that the new digimon game on Vita wasn't goddamn Cybersleuth 2. I mean, sure, it's Next 0rder is still digimon, but my boner was killed.
P.S. No, Nostalgia Glasses has no effect on me on this series.
I tend to like jrpgs and rhythm games.
Thanks! Glad to be back.
Oh wow. Those games sound amazing since some of them were announce way before I went away.
Holy shit. Yass. Definitely gonna get digimon to relive my childhood.
Judging by the demo it's also a pretty text-heavy game. Localizing for example Yomawari and Rose's Old Castle would probably not be a significant translation effort but Hero Must Die is. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the most text-heavy among all the NIS games they haven't announced for localization.I don't want to be too negative since I'm interested in the game myself, but I can see NISA skipping Hero Must Die because it's going to sell poorly in Japan. I fear it's heading to a <10k debut.
I don't want to be too negative since I'm interested in the game myself, but I can see NISA skipping Hero Must Die because it's going to sell poorly in Japan. I fear it's heading to a <10k debut.
Stop crushing my dreams.
(I do agree with you though, I think it's going to do poorly in Japan).
Edit: With that said, Makai Shin Trillion opened to like... 16k (?) in Japan and that came across (fairly text-heavy, too). Cladun came across on even lower sales.
It's certainly possible, but I do kinda feel it's out of our hands - depends whether NISA are committed to Vita exclusives/PC porting later or not.
So, is anyone a fan of Trillion's box art change for the west? Because I am not.
(It's actually still fine, but I find the Japanese one to be so good).
Grand Kingdom LE is up on Amazon.ca for $99.99, which for us Canadians means not paying $50 for shipping. Run and get your pre-orders in while you can, or pay $150+ through NISAs store.
Don't see it up on Amazon.com for US folks.
Good price when conversion is taken into account.
This NEEDS to be dual audio.The latest issue of Weekly Jump reconfirms Squall Leonhart (voiced by Hideo Ishikawa) and reveals Quistis Trepe (voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro) from Final Fantasy VIII will appear in World of Final Fantasy.
This NEEDS to be dual audio.
They did for Type-0, LR and probably more recent ones. I think XV will have it too.Does Squeenix usually do dual audio? For modern games anyway, I think they didn't bother with FFXHD, right? But they did lots of weird crap with that release.
World of FF is still easily my most anticipated game from Squeenix in a while
Hero Must Die looks legit. I knew it seemed great from the screenshots but nice to see it looking good while running too.
If you want it in English, don't forget to post in the topic I made requesting it on NISA's forums. With all AniHawk is talking lately about them skipping Vita exclusives, we may need to start making our voices heard for this kinda stuff.
You should mention that's your opinion in these kind of posts. Your mantra broke some people like 18-Volt that now believe a Steam port is mandatory in order for a Vita game to be localized.i didn't say exclusive vita games are getting skipped, just that games that get localized aren't going to be exclusively for vita at this point.
You should mention that's your opinion in these kind of posts. Your mantra broke some people like 18-Volt that now believe a Steam port is mandatory in order for a Vita game to be localized.
You should mention that's your opinion in these kind of posts. Your mantra broke some people like 18-Volt that now believe a Steam port is mandatory in order for a Vita game to be localized.
No one's going to port those Falcom games and it's pretty clear Marvelous can't really do it on a regular basis. But anyway, it's not like every PS4 "console exclusive" isn't getting ported to Steam (and eventually some will surely jump to NX) so it's a pretty moot point.well it's not, but i would expect a steam, ps4, or nx port to have to happen for it to be a serious consideration. exclusive vita, games, especially in the form of physical copies, are going to be a rarity moving forward. i only see it happening if the company is teeny-tiny like idea factory international, or if it's being done for business purposes.
Unless you're referring to something else, they just said that most games are Vita/PS4 titles now so there aren't as many Vita exclusives to localize but they'll still keep localizing them.XSEED comments about they'd prefer mulitplat Vita titles over exclusive titles.
Unless you're referring to something else, they just said that most games are Vita/PS4 titles now so there aren't as many Vita exclusives to localize but they'll still keep localizing them.
You should mention that's your opinion in these kind of posts. Your mantra broke some people like 18-Volt that now believe a Steam port is mandatory in order for a Vita game to be localized.
i didn't say exclusive vita games are getting skipped, just that games that get localized aren't going to be exclusively for vita at this point.
Hmm, maybe I'm remembering wrong. The way you made it sound to me was that a PS4/Vita game is going to be picked over everything else and a Vita only game would come only if there's potential for Steam down the line (which seemingly is every Vita game these days).
well yeah, that's basically it. but that doesn't mean yomawari or hero must die won't come over at all. it just means that if they do, nis in japan would need to make a steam or ps4 version, most likely. nisa won't just bring over an exclusive vita game.
It's still his tiny little view based on info way too limited to be meaningful in the bigger picture. Which is why his generalizations are often out of place.I was always under the impression that Ani knew people from NISA or somesuch and so was posting from a slightly more elevated on the matter level than the rest of us. Is that not the case?
They were talking in general, not only about their own titles.Yeah I'm referring to that. If they really meant that by that quote, then they are wrong, currently Vita exclusive titles in their alley outnumber multiplat ones.
That was only 4 months ago.Sony has dropped 1st party support for the PlayStation Vita how do you feel about the handheld?
We love the Vita! It’s a fantastic system. The install base may be lower compared to PlayStation 3, but the Vita owners are the exact gamers that we are appealing to so every Vita release we see great support. So as long Vita games are being released in Japan we will continue to bring them over. We’re seeing a lot more of Vita and PlayStation 4 titles being released, so we might not see Vita exclusive games, but we will see a steady stream of PlayStation 4 and Vita titles.
Apart from Namco Bandai with Tales/Digimon, I don't think any of these localization houses have arranged a PS4 version of a game for the western release before. So basically, it is Steam or nothing at present.
Could NISA not handle it themselves? Ghostlight contract devs to do the Steam porting for them I believe. Spike-Chunsoft have done the same for DanganRonpa.
Regardless, though, that kind of situation is fine. As long as the games come over, I don't really give a toss if they're on PC as well, so long as I can still buy them on Vita.
Some new games announced today
Knights and Bikes Confirmed for PS4
Brain-bending Shooter Inversus Coming to PS4
Party Hard Launching on PS4 This Spring
You need to vote on Assault Android Cactus people, the wrong game is winning.
You need to vote on Assault Android Cactus people, the wrong game is winning.
No new PS2 games for PS4 in 3 weeks. Two months after it's announcement. Way to go Sony.
Digimon Story Cybersleuth.
Best Digimon media ever.
Stress-free digimon game. Your digimons won't literally turn into shit against your will. It won't turn into other unwanted evolutions as well. And you can fucking devolve with no catch. And it really is stress free. Leveling is also not time consuming if you can get some preparations (no, not the Disgaea-style "you haz to grind to prepare for your actual grinding coz I heard you like to grind in order to grind").
Also the only one that actually managed to revive my interest in the series. And I do mean revive. I never thought I'd ever thinkto ever be cool to me again, and this one proved me wrong. And there's also the fact that I didn't like that Agumon is pretty much the face of this game as well since he is the over-exposed mascot (come the fuck on, there's so many Greymon that we already having a fucking Samurai Greymon via Gaioumon). Yet, I love Agumon/Gabumon in this game. Their tandem with Shiramine Nokia (best Digimon character out of the entire franchise) was awesome.Omegamon
Warning Late game spoiler: It also hasfucking Sakamoto Maaya voicing as goddamn Alphamon. Let me repeat that: Sakamoto Maaya is voicing a bigass Digimon and has a damn awesome arrival scene as well.
You don't know how disappointed I was that when I found out that the new digimon game on Vita wasn't goddamn Cybersleuth 2. I mean, sure, it's Next 0rder is still digimon, but my boner was killed.
P.S. No, Nostalgia Glasses has no effect on me on this series.
NISA LEs coming to Amazon is great news what with the prime discount and NISA's ever-increasing free-shipping limit. Hell I might even buy Knights of Azure if it goes up on there, not really feeling the $100 price tag on that one personally.
If anyone's going through Megadimension Neptunia VII you can check out my guide, has pretty much all you should need, and only spoils when necessary, behind spoiler blocks. Got the platinum for VII a couple days ago, easily the best game in the series, hope future games keep this style of writing, nice focus on all the characters.
Do we know how late Legend of Dark Witch's dev plans to port future titles? I went and bought Dark Witch 2 on 3DS, and it's great, would rather play on PS4 or Vita if I could. Not sure if all ports will be as late as the first. Dark Witch 1 is clearly a much cheaper and less polished game but I still recommend it, especially for the price.
The Japanese one is SO Disgaea, in a good way. Can't imagine why they changed it.
Would love your advice of where to start with the Neptunia games. I own the 3 Rebirth games on Vita due to digital sales, but I was turned off by a difficulty spike early on in rebirth one and never went back to it. I recently got Megadimension VII due to how good of a game it seems to be, but now I'm just lost on where I should start with this series. Try to start rebirth 1 over again, skip it and start with rebirth 2, start with 3 so I can play V and VII in a row, or just play the newest one first. I can see arguments for doing all 4! What do you recommend?
So no hype for the possible flash sale today?
So no hype for the possible flash sale today?
So no hype for the possible flash sale today?
It is hard to be too hyped about a Flash Sale when most Flash Sales are the same games over and over and sometimes not as cheap as they were in the past. I will bet $100 that R.I.P.D. will be on sale again.