Hey look, some Vita recognition from a Sony exec!
Can't post source because it's banned site, but they just translated it from a Famitsu interview.
Good luck targeting kids when you're missing the most important games they care about.
Hey look, some Vita recognition from a Sony exec!
Can't post source because it's banned site, but they just translated it from a Famitsu interview.
TOTP: Pre-order Trillion God of Destruction!
Sorry, I should have said console exclusive or write the post to make more clear what I was talking about.
I meant that the PS4 version was announched much later than the Vita one, yet we're getting the Vita version later. So, while it's not a long delay(assuming there aren't more delays, it will be out next month) it's not a very good thing.
So is there no more trophy syncing on PS3?
After the latest update I cant seem to sync my trophies o.o
Mines syncing fine after updating
Weird. Mine goes directly inside the list without syncing at all!
It's not 'a very bad thing' either. It's neither, it's just a 'thing'. Why care what something was announced for first? Why care if some other version comes out first? Barring rare exceptions, it's generally far easier to develop for more powerful devices first, since they require less (or no) optimization. You then release that version to get some income coming in, and work on other versions. Trying to spin this as some sort of negative 'not a good thing' is silly, it's sound business and makes perfect sense. It's coming out for Vita. That's all that matters.
Now they recognize the Vita's existence with Mincecraft carrying it in Japan. Wait until Dragon Quest Builders. Sony marketed the Vita wrong, they should have targeted the young audience, not a young adult demographic.
Given the monopoly Nintendo has on games that interest that audience, no, I think Sony was right to target the demo they did in Japan. The problem is that they lacked (and largely still lack) the kind of software that would get people to buy hardware.
As for DQB, I'm not expecting great things from it. I suspect no multi-player + a high price will hurt it. But hey, maybe it'll succeed in Yoshita's goal of moving more kids to PS4 or something.
mine did that but added trophies new trophies i got to the icon list
edit: ah cool, glad its working now!
Good luck targeting kids when you're missing the most important games they care about.
I loved how he threw in there that they're going to push Minecraft more. So they've found a demographic they want to push on Vita, but they're going to leave it up to a game that released in 2014 and DQB, while not putting out any software of their own for it. GG.
Didn't know this damn..
Vita games I would recommend from last year:
Fat Princess: Piece of Cake
Nuclear Throne
Shovel Knight
The Swindle
Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved
Whoa Dave!
Olli Olli 2
These are OK:
AQUA KITTY - Milk Mine Defender DX
Jungle Rumble: Freedom, Happiness, and Bananas
Organ Trail Complete Edition
TowerFall Ascension
Tetris® Ultimate
Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones
Titan Souls
Tennis in the Face
Run Sackboy! Run!
The Treasures of Montezuma 4
Super Meat Boy
Angus hates Aliens
Hah! Is there a GOTY thread? I can't remember if I voted or not.
My GOTY list.
Also, in regards to Lost Dimension, it's fun for what it is. It's not on my GOTY list because it just. Didn't get there. And the dub isn't my favorite either, but I have heard worse.
Knack 2 for Vita coming soon! ¯\_(ツ_/¯
SCEJA doesn't make licensed games anymore and the producer of the Ape Escape games left Japan Studio a few years ago. The recent Yu-Gi-Oh! and Dragon Ball announcements indicate that they're not making up the difference by chasing third party games either.
Damn, Blue Maxima's video about New 'n' Tasty! made not want to play the game anymore.
I kept reading it was solid 30fps in the first impressions and it can drop pretty severely. They also didn't fix some bugs that were present back when the game launched which is pretty disappointing.
It's not his opinion (I don't agree with him most of the times) but just the footage of the game. As soon as he dropped down to a secret area the framerate went down considerably and those areas are pretty hard to clear.What's the gist of it? Because your average Bluemaxima video is 90% moaning. I love that he covers Vita so widely but I haven't found his content watchable for quite some time.
Maybe check out LatestVitaGames if you wanted to see some other footage.
Thanks. I shifted to being a portable gamer full time a couple years back, so everything on my GOTY lists have been either for Vita, 3DS, or Android, with a rare PC game now and then.Hah, now there''s a VitaGAF top 10 list! Nice post.
Digimon is almost here, I'm really excited to play the game. I know it has a multiplayer mode, is it similar to Pokemon's?
I just found this on VGP's website now:
The price is a bit high isn't it?
Digimon is almost here, I'm really excited to play the game. I know it has a multiplayer mode, is it similar to Pokemon's?
I just found this on VGP's website now:
The price is a bit high isn't it?
Oh my damn.Bloodstained is looking REAL nice:
Such an improvement from previous updates that they gave us.
Bloodstained is looking REAL nice:
Such an improvement from previous updates that they gave us.
Oh my damn.
I need this on my Vita nooooow.
Man, that looks really detailed and nice looking. Love the cell-shaded look that style has and I hope its the one used for the final game
The Vita version is very far off from now (likely releasing a good deal after the PS4/X1/PC/Wii U versions launch, and that's sometime in 2017) but this style would fit the Vita perfectly.
Stylized games pop on the Vita (Jet Set Radio HD Vita and the Neptuina games come to mind), so looking forward to seeing this run on Vita in the future.
I loved playing Lego LotR; is Lego the Hobbit just as good?
Man, that looks really detailed and nice looking. Love the cell-shaded look that style has and I hope its the one used for the final game
The Vita version is very far off from now (likely releasing a good deal after the PS4/X1/PC/Wii U versions launch, and that's sometime in 2017) but this style would fit the Vita perfectly.
Stylized games pop on the Vita (Jet Set Radio HD Vita and the Neptuina games come to mind), so looking forward to seeing this run on Vita in the future.
Hey guys, so I was planning to buy Telltale's Game of Thrones for the PS4 (despite the middling reviews). It seems that for the retail version the final episode isn't included on disc, but you are able to download it at no additional cost. As the game hasn't been released in Japan, I was going to order it off Amazon. My PSN account is tied to the Japanese PSN store...Will I even be able to download the final episode if I buy the retail version (as the game isn't on the Japanese store). Does anybody know?
Okay, cool. So from what I can understand, worst case scenario I will just have to create a non-Japan PSN account and download the DLC (episode 6), then sign off and go back onto my main account and I should be able to access it. Shouldn't be a problem. Thanks!If the "Final Episode" is treated as a 'DLC' (aka you have to download it from the PS Store), then you need an account. If it is an "update", then you should be able to download it regardless of your account region.
Also, since you are on PS4, you can just get a sub-account on US/EU (or whatever region you are importing from), and download on that instead if needed.
Sorry for the very late reply.So I'm looking through your list of games that remained in Japan.
From 2011/2012 we have:
- Tales of Innocence R
- Gundam SEED Battle Destiny
- Lord of Apocalpyse
- Fate/Stay Night
- AKB/149
- Japanese baseball games x 2
- Legend of Heroes licencing hell version
- Nobunaga's Ambition
- Little Battlers
I don't really see the point with the majority of these. Tales of Innocence - we begged for Tales games, Heart came and it didn't sell enough for us to get Innocence. We've missed so many Gundam games across PS3/2/1 that it's pot luck whether they come or not now. AKB has never made it across. Japanese baseball games will never leave Japan. XSEED have already detailed why they won't bring across the LoH Evo games (licencing issues). Nobunaga's Ambition released in English and we didn't get the Vita version. Little Battlers only released in English once Nintendo stepped in.
So you've only really got Fate/Stay Night and Lord of Apocalpyse in that list.
There's games remaining in Japan even now that could have come across, and that's after this supposed port begging. I really, really don't see your point here.
I think this question needs flipping on its head. Why are you ignoring the reason I gave?
Perhaps. I'm just trying to be realistic. The vast majority of those games came to Vita because other publishers were interested in updating them for other modern platforms, and then Vita got thrown a bone. You'd have to target similar games to see any success from this. Some exist, but as I said to autoduelist, Liam was already aware of the more major ones so he'll have a response on those regardless.
1)Sony also has the more successful PS4, but again most of their games are vita games
LRG has currently 25 releases planned for 2016
13 PS4
12 Vita
There is one game already released.I was talking about the ones already released, they chose to start with vita, do you think that the platform where a new little company decides to start betting all their few money means nothing?
There is one game already released.
They chose to start with the games they made themselves, which are B&C (Vita only) and SMRPG (Vita & PS4)
Breach and Clear and SMRPG are also on PC.
And no one cares about retail PC games
Damn do you read my posts or what?
LRG is not for the masses, it's called LIMITED RUN for a reason, it's for collectors, the world is full of collectors even on pc, look at kickstarter rewards for example, the psysical editions are always among the most requested.
vita is going to end up with a port of that tragic looking .hack game isn't it
Sorry for the very late reply.