In other news: Fruit of Grisaia has been submitted to Sony and Sekai Project are now licenced devs. What took them so long, I have no idea:
And amusing news - Root Double has a Vita version in the pledges. And it's $225. And there's no physical version. El oh el:
This is it for me , at least for now. Im not going to try to convince anyone of my point of view . But sometimes gaff turns into this monster where negative and depressive scenarios take place. Im not actually ok mood wise so im gonna stick here as a lurker ghost with no opinion for a while. I dont believe there will be any change or anybody noticing this, but ill take a break from this forum and maybe check on news or information from time to time. Take care pals!
This is it for me , at least for now. Im not going to try to convince anyone of my point of view . But sometimes gaff turns into this monster where negative and depressive scenarios take place. Im not actually ok mood wise so im gonna stick here as a lurker ghost with no opinion for a while. I dont believe there will be any change or anybody noticing this, but ill take a break from this forum and maybe check on news or information from time to time. Take care pals!
Trailer (NSFW):![]()
Wow , last page had some good stuff going on lol.
Appears the Mighty No. 9 got pushed back.....again, but with a 'Spring 2016' time frame instead of a proper release date. Thread covering this:
I would laugh but I wasted enough time talking about this game :'). Hope this means the Vita version comes out alongside the PS4/PS3 versions when it launches at the very least now.
Man at this point, this game is becoming a joke. It's being handled in a disastrous way. It's gonna hurt them bad in the end I think. Again I say, show your game, talk about it when it's ready. The amount of delays that this game has gotten is getting out of hand.
I agree man; want this out soon so we can play it and form my own view point on the title :l.
I feel they should of released the SP portion to PS4/X1/PC/Wii U players first, then when they do the second batch of releases on PS3/360, patch-in the online mode with all versions. Gut the online features for 3DS and Vita to get them out closer to the PS3/360 releases.
Done, you have your game out, people are talking about it and people (should) be happy.
I mean people were already butthurt about the previous delay, the graphics engine, the whole Vita/3DS vs consoles situation. I wasn't planning on picking this up really, it just isn't my cup of tea, but I wouldn't be surprised if even the fans of games like these didn't pick this up at launch. It's gonna bomb hard. And everything because of some multiplayer mode, that from where I stand I see people not that interested in.
Companies need to start realizing that less is more. I can't stress that enough. Keep thing under wraps. Sure you want to inform your potential buyers/shareholders, but making empty promises will only hurt you in the end. I'm still waiting on the Axiom Verge Vita port. Skullgirls. I've learned my lesson now though. Unless I see a hard date, other than "Season 201x" I won't be putting money down on anything.
Other than God Eater of
I am in the same camp man; still waiting on Axiom Verge (hopefully coming out next month).
I want hard release dates on games and with how long it takes some games to land on Vita, its best to have an 'wait and see' look toward things.
The bolded is so true but most companies and studios almost are afraid to do that for some reason :l.
Nice avy change ^
As a side note that kinda relates to the topic of handling information tactfully, I'm honestly impressed with how Ubisoft is handling The Division, I've said this before. These guys usually fall as victims of what you bolded, specially with Assassin's Creed. I'm sure the marketing push is going to start hitting after the beta, but that's it: AFTER THE BETA. After real people, not just press, had time with the game. Let the buyer make his or her own decisions. Help to improve the game even. Show footage, talk about it along with the people. I want to see things for myself, I don't want a game's plot or mechanics spoiled for me before I even unwrap my game's case/finish my download.
Another game that is doing that is Persona 5. Everyone is stoked about the game simply because the little that they showed looked good. We basically know very little about the game. Honestly, all they need to do now is give a release date, and that's that. Game will sell bucket loads on its own.
Uncharted 4 is another one.
I miss the days before the Internet, in that we only had monthly magazines to inform us.
Thank you Names! After the mess that was yesterday, a fresh start was needed and using Classic Sonic was a nice idea
I have to commend Ubisoft with the Division too; looks great and the beta impressions I heard online were very positive. They took peoples issues with past marketing to heart and that is clearly shown with how coverage on the Division is being handled.
Uncharted 4 is a good one too, with enough being shown off to make people excited.
Persona 5 is the odd one for me, as while I getting it day zero on my PS3 or my future PS4.....the lack of information on the title has me feeling 'Meh' about it as a whole. Still want it badly, but due to no information and many delays, I feel content not caring about the game until its in my two hands. I love P3 and P4 a lot, so I have hopes that it will be just as good (if not better) then those two titles. The gameplay released so far shows me it can be better too, so that is a great sign
I'd say feeling like 'meh' isn't bad at all. The game won't be out until the Summer at the very least, which means there is still a 6-7 month wait (and that is assuming that we are getting the game close to JPs release, which I doubt we will). Between now and then, if they kept on giving us info, we'd go from being 'meh' to being burnt out and spoiled on most of the plot for the game, which is really why everyone plays these games. Also, the longer they don't have to show the game, the more Dev time they can put into the actual content of the title, rather than its marketing videos, etc. I'm ok with it. I'm sure we will see more of the game closer to its launch though.
Stranger of Sword City (Vita) limited edition is now available at VGP+ for $79.99CDN. With the cheap shipping, this should be the cheapest option for foreigners.
I agree with you; when the game is closer to launch, we will get a new trailer or two. Just hope we get a release date for the US/EU versions; it might launch in JP in the summer but it might be a while before US/EU gamers get a chance to play it :l.
Ehhh I bet it's gonna be a fall/winter title. FF XV is clearly aiming for the Summer as well, and since that one is an international release, we Westerners would benefit from getting both titles spaced out.
I don't think FFXV will be an early summer game (betting something around July or August), which makes it only a month or so apart from P5 (September/October).
But you are right, having the two releasing at different times gives everyone a chance to fully play both games instead of playing one over the other.
Yeah and to be honest I want time to play these 2 beasts separately. Whatever games release around that time frame will have be put aside. There is other stuff that I'm looking forward to, like the 2 GE games and VLR3, but when it comes down to it I grew up into an adult wanting to play Versus, and Persona is my favourite franchise of all time. It's tough. There's too much to play this year.
As much as I look forward to finally being able to play XV, I can't say I'm not worried about the game's direction. There's so many things that could go wrong and make me enjoy the game less.
I hope XV ends up having a decent amount of side-quests/post game content and that they'll be interesting and not just your standard fetch quests.
I've more faith in P5.
As much as I look forward to finally being able to play XV, I can't say I'm not worried about the game's direction. There's so many things that could go wrong and make me enjoy the game less.
I hope XV ends up having a decent amount of side-quests/post game content and that they'll be interesting and not just your standard fetch quests.
I've more faith in P5.
I feel that P5 will be the better game when both launch, but I have hope that FFXV is at the very least, better then the FFXIII games. Considering I know it will be, that makes me feel better about the project.
I know that FF XV is gonna be good. Now is it gonna be excellent? That's the real question, I understand your worries. Persona 5 I have complete faith on too.
The only thing I've no faith in about P5 is its EU release date. It's going to be 2017.
Gonna buy both regardless. Hopefully, they won't launch too close to each other (since I'll probably have to import P5).
Considering tomorrow is when PS+ games are normally announced, what games do you think will land on Plus?
I think it will be the following games:
-PS4: Not a Hero, 1001 Spikes
-PS3: Retail PS3 Game, Indie/Retail PS3 Game
-PS Vita: Crypt of the Necrodancer/VVVVVV, Oddworld Munches Oddysee HD
Not Crypt of the Necrodancer, the developer said so on Twitter.
RK's list would be godlike, especially considering that I'm not willing to give any money to both Nicalis and everyone involved with Not a Hero, but I want to play NaH, 1001 Spikes and VVVVVV.
Munch's would also be very appreciated.
yeah like they are going to sign a contract with sony over the week and have it on plus just because people want itThey could change there minds, so that is why I but a / between that and VVVVVV. If they are telling the truth, then VVVVVV would hypothetically take its slot.
Edit: Looking up some stuff about Undertale (its soundtrack and some reviews) is really getting me interested in the game. Hopeful that it comes to PlayStation in the future but will get the game on my Laptop with the next few weeks.
If they go on Plus, you're already giving them money. That's where sony spent your money like it or not.RK's list would be godlike, especially considering that I'm not willing to give any money to both Nicalis and everyone involved with Not a Hero, but I want to play NaH, 1001 Spikes and VVVVVV.
Munch's would also be very appreciated.
RK's list would be godlike, especially considering that I'm not willing to give any money to both Nicalis and everyone involved with Not a Hero, but I want to play NaH, 1001 Spikes and VVVVVV.
Munch's would also be very appreciated.
yeah like they are going to sign a contract with sony over the week and have it on plus just because people want it
"If they are telling the truth" So you think they are liars?
Stranger of Sword City (Vita) limited edition is now available at VGP+ for $79.99CDN. With the cheap shipping, this should be the cheapest option for foreigners.
Stranger of Sword City (Vita) limited edition is now available at VGP+ for $79.99CDN. With the cheap shipping, this should be the cheapest option for foreigners.
We are currently getting a submission build for Sony to evaluate before we can get the final approval to release The Fruit of Grisaia on PSVita.
Trying the 'only buy one full price game a month' again.. which I failed at the end of last year but oh well. Thinking of getting Digimon for February. What are the other big Playstation releases?
Trying the 'only buy one full price game a month' again.. which I failed at the end of last year but oh well. Thinking of getting Digimon for February. What are the other big Playstation releases?
Trying the 'only buy one full price game a month' again.. which I failed at the end of last year but oh well. Thinking of getting Digimon for February. What are the other big Playstation releases?
Trying the 'only buy one full price game a month' again.. which I failed at the end of last year but oh well. Thinking of getting Digimon for February. What are the other big Playstation releases?
Nothing major, just Street Fighter V.I don't think there's anything major. February is good for Nintendo with FE Fates and the OG Pokemon re-releases.
Now March and April is a different story.
I would've bought this if the demo hadn't left such a horrible impressionI'd say Arslan as well, but I'll probably be the only one who knows about that game.
Ah right, I would've bought this but I'm just not really interested in using my 3DS anymore.. I did play through Hoshido in the Japanese version at least.February is good for Nintendo with FE Fates
I would've bought this if the demo hadn't left such a horrible impression
Already played Gravity Rush on Vita, don't really want to replay it. Street Fighter V is out next month already? Huh. Well I sucked when I played the beta so don't think I'll get it.
Digimon it is! Hope enough people buy it so we can get the new Digimon World game as well.
Ah right, I would've bought this but I'm just not really interested in using my 3DS anymore.. I did play through Hoshido in the Japanese version at least.
Yeah, probably. I played just the very first beta so a lot has probably changed since then.I don't have a lot of money myself, so while I'm not getting Digimon at launch, will get that for sure before the end of Feb. Really want to play that and I hope it does well enough we get World 2 on Vita next year.
Street Fighter V might of gotten balance patches by the time the full game comes out, so it might be better for you when you play the retail version.
Yeah, probably. I played just the very first beta so a lot has probably changed since then.
I want to like Street Fighter but I just suck at those type of games in general![]()
I'm much better at the 2D fighters like Blazblue and Persona 4 Arena.