Speaking of RPG's, got up to Chap. 11 in Summon Night 5 and man did the game get harder

. Already had to restart the whole game due to badly getting stuck on Chap. 9 (Normal) but even on easy the game puts up quite a challenge

The thing I really like about the game is how smart you feel after winning a fight; all that time, energy and planing all coming together playing off. Its a nice feeling

Honestly my only issue with the game is two things; the lack of JP VA and the difficulty. The former isn't distracting to me, but I can clearly see people getting annoyed with it. The latter is an issue but it might just be me; this is my first SJRPG (outside of VC2 but that plays very differently compared to this; this is more like, say Advance Wars or Fire Emblem than that game).
Will likely have the game finished by Friday and will write my first review
