There should be a Flash Sale today right? They usually do one on the last Friday of the month right?
Nope, second last or third Friday.
There should be a Flash Sale today right? They usually do one on the last Friday of the month right?
That someone being an employee of Headlander's publisher trying to generate discussion here.
Excuse what? Kinnukiman calling it shovelware? That's his opinion.
I replied to autoduelist to point out that this wasn't just a Headlander super fan wanting more people to play the game.
Kinnukiman is a toxic poster to this thread that was deliberately acting like an asshole.
So what?
First, no. It's not 'opinion'. It's demonstrably false, it's wrong, it's incorrect. It's hyperbole used for trolling effect. Shovelware has a definition, and Headlanders doesn't come anywhere near it. There is re-skinned shovelware on the vita, and Headlanders is pretty much the exact opposite of that.
Second, even if he posted an actual legitimate troll 'opinion', like 'that game looks shitty'... he still deserves scorn. Someone came in here and gave us 6 codes. That's awesome. I don't care if they work for the company... do you see other companies doing this for us often? They deserve applause and a thankyou, and yes, maybe some of us read a review or two of it and end up buying it because we think we'd like it.
But immediately just trashing the game like that? It's inexcusable. It's low.
I almost suspect it's intentionally aimed at pushing companies that do nice things here away, given the poster.
I'm pretty sure that was obvious. It doesn't change my opinion at all.
I completely agree with this post. Even if Adult Swim Games came here to give away codes, so what? That was very cool of them and people had a chance to check out their game now.
Masa hit the nail right on the head; Kinnukiman is a toxic poster on Gaf sometimes and was a reason I stopped coming here for a while in the past. But everyone is entitled to their view point and opinion, so oh well.
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To switch gears a bit, what games are you guys excited for? This coming month has some great stuff coming like Attack on Titan and Project Diva X, so looking forward to playing them when they come out.
To switch gears a bit, what games are you guys excited for? This coming month has some great stuff coming like Attack on Titan and Project Diva X, so looking forward to playing them when they come out.
I completely agree with this post. Even if Adult Swim Games came here to give away codes, so what? That was very cool of them and people had a chance to check out their game now.
Masa hit the nail right on the head; Kinnukiman is a toxic poster on Gaf sometimes and was a reason I stopped coming here for a while in the past. But everyone is entitled to their view point and opinion, so oh well.
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To switch gears a bit, what games are you guys excited for? This coming month has some great stuff coming like Attack on Titan and Project Diva X, so looking forward to playing them when they come out.
Shit. Forgot God eater. Yea God eater 2 also.God Eater!
And then trying to survive the mass influx of new games in September and October.
To switch gears a bit, what games are you guys excited for? This coming month has some great stuff coming like Attack on Titan and Project Diva X, so looking forward to playing them when they come out.
Kinnukiman is a toxic poster to this thread that was deliberately acting like an asshole. Though I guess you're familiar with the idea.
So what?
would i be hitting right on the head if i said you are just as toxic if not anymore by accusing me of it?Masa hit the nail right on the head; Kinnukiman is a toxic poster on Gaf sometimes and was a reason I stopped coming here for a while in the past. But everyone is entitled to their view point and opinion, so oh well.
it's not intentional. you can think as whatever you'd like to though.Second, even if he posted an actual legitimate troll 'opinion', like 'that game looks shitty'... he still deserves scorn. Someone came in here and gave us 6 codes. That's awesome. I don't care if they work for the company... do you see other companies doing this for us often? They deserve applause and a thankyou, and yes, maybe some of us read a review or two of it and end up buying it because we think we'd like it.
But immediately just trashing the game like that? It's inexcusable. It's low.
I almost suspect it's intentionally aimed at pushing companies that do nice things here away, given the poster.
Played Headlander, about 4 hours in and have loved every minute, its an awesome game. Nice humor, decent graphics, fun mechanics.
Its easy to hate on a game you have no interest in playing, why not keep it civil and express your impressions on a game if/when you play it.
Glad you are enjoying the game Mauaus.
Not sure if anyone's interested, but Glitched (a "fourth wall breaking RPG") just added a Vita stretch goal at $35k (and PS3/4 at $40k). Doable
Not sure if anyone's interested, but Glitched (a "fourth wall breaking RPG") just added a Vita stretch goal at $35k (and PS3/4 at $40k). Doable
has there been any Kickstarter projects that fulfilled the Vita versions? I'm somewhat wary (game does seem great though)
Ok guys vita is officially jailbreaked, the good news is that we are able to play some emulators on vita(i hope mame and uae will come soon), the bad news is that this could kill vita.
Afaik you just won't get it or an extra copy of it.Question to gaf:
PSN pre-order give free games like Telltale's Batman gives The Wolf Among Us.
I already owned The Wolf Among Us. What will happen to the so called pre-order bonus?
noted. then i will just get it from Steam.Afaik you just won't get it or an extra copy of it.
Starlight Inception
Various Pinball Arcade stuff
Airship Q
Dragon Fin Soup
Citizens of Earth
Upcoming (as in, with a higher likelihood than most based on actually showing the game on Vita in various states):
Cosmic Star Heroine
Shantae: Half Genie Hero
It's not a great success ratio indeed, so I can understand any pessimism.
Guys i think i have a (huge?)problem with trillion god of destruction, i have lots of passive skills but since the beginning only one is shown during fights(solid mind), is it a bug or what? I focused on passive skills so i need them!
I have many passive skills that modify attack and other things, look at this screen for example
My game only shows solid mind.
It shows the passives that stack/increase during your fights. There's no need to show all other passives. If I recall correctly Solid Mind increases your attack % for every turn you don't move so that's why it's shown.
I have one that increases attack depending on the number of enenies on map, one depending on the number of enemies killed and others.
I believe those never show up. If they did your screen would be cluttered with all the passives.
They didn't show up for me either.
What's the point of the option to show passives or not? I understand not showing the passives that don't change during battle, but the others? If passives are too many then instead of showing them developers could have shown the cumulative bonus for each stat for example, as it is now it's half assed and has no sense at all! If i choose to show the passives it's because i want to know how effective are the passive skills i choose.
It's been a long time since I've played the game, but the passives should show - but they'd show on the stats screen.
So for the passive that increases your attack power for every enemy you kill you'd check your stats before you kill any enemies, kill one and then check your stats again.
Passives like Solid Mind etc are a little different since they can reset to 0.
Edit: Googled it as well and this is what I found:
Citizens of Earth didn't meet its goal on Kickstarter and Atlus picked up the project.
it's not intentional. you can think as whatever you'd like to though.
also it's pretty normal to trash video games just like that. this is neogaf.
This forum is largely anti-self promotion, especially when it comes to the unsolicited and undisclosed kind.
La Mulana Ex has sold 600k.
Volgarr the Viking has been rated for Vita. We were just talking about this the other day in the PSN thread! (Although Adult Swim Games aren't involved with this one, and it's the one that's actually making it to the handheld).
So... my vita just got dunked in water. It only lasted maybe 1 or 2 seconds, but it was a full dunk.
I immediately hit the power button, drained it as best i could, and put it in the sun.
Any ideas? I guess I need to wait at least 24 hours before turning it on at the very least. This is a white US assassin's creed bundle oled. If this thing is dead, what happens with Sony?
This accident involved a spider jumping on my face. I love spiders, but at the time I had no idea what the hell was happening. Dammitall.
Soak it in rice and leave there for a day.
is there a way to open it w/o voiding warranty?
If anyone's interested, here's August's PlayStation Vita release preview; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGR3dKJRl2U
Much appreciated. I was watching Read Only Memories and confused it with Alone With You, so looks like a solid month.If anyone's interested, here's August's PlayStation Vita release preview; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGR3dKJRl2U
Sony support from what I hear very good. As long as you haven't voided the warranty you should be fine sending it in. As for the hard drive not to sure but if you just take it out and put it back after they fix the console you should be fine. Assuming the console wasn't replaced that is.So... My ps4 is getting loud,1cm white lines appear if it's very loud, display cut out a couple of times in one session, sounds like a dying gpu to me. It's under warranty for another month so I guess sending it in would be a good idea or are Sony anal about repairing only when the thing is almost or actually dead?
Also, if I take out my 2tb drive and put it back in after repair, assuming they don't replace the whole console, will it(2tb) still work after I factory reset it(with the stock drive in) or will I have to re-format the 2tb drive.