40 minutes to go until Aksys' AX panel~
40 minutes to go until Aksys' AX panel~
Cool! Hope for some great announcements to happen
Where can I keep track of the announcements?
"Aksys is promising some important announcements today"
You said the same thing last time Aksys and all we got was BlazBlue!
I've learned to expect nothing from them when they overhype things.
Aksys is localizing Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters: Daybreak Edition for PS4, PS3, and Vita
Nice, I enjoyed the vanilla version of the game.
Nice, I enjoyed the vanilla version of the game.
I'm... pretty sure he's joking, lol.
Watch RPG SIte on Twitter, they've live tweeting and nothing about that.
And, no I'm not..
Or at least I wasn't. The tweet got deleted, but I can take a screenshot.
Where have you read it? Like I say, there's nothing in live-feed #AX2016 about it, nor have RPG Site tweeted about.
Btw we got our first localization announcement, 3DS eShop game Ninja Usagimaru. Uff.
No, they did tweet it. Here:
Aksys Games is localizing new otome games. Paging @Maajora #AX2016
Wow, I've been refreshing new tweets as they go up and I didn't even see that. It's gone now though? Weird.
Here's one for Shizuka:
Code Realize fandisk and Bad Apple Wars. Wow, wasn't expecting that.
edit: The Code Realize fandisk is for Vita, right? (I know Bad Apple Wars is)
Holy shit, Period Cube!
Three otome! Yes!
Aksys Games said they don't have any plans right now for Tokyo Xanadu ex+ on PS4. It's a wait and see
this is so weird
I'll take it, but I would have honestly prefered the PS4 version
Weren't impressions of Xanadu a bit mixed in Japan? Or did the general opinion change since I last checked?
Weren't impressions of Xanadu a bit mixed in Japan? Or did the general opinion change since I last checked?
Looked over all the announcements.....
-New Version of Tokyo Twilight Hunters this Fall on Vita/PS3/PS4
-Three VN's
-999 Port announced
-Zero Escape Port announced
-Tokyo Xanadu announced for Vita & PC
Many have wanted the VN's and Tokyo Xanadu to happen, so I am very happy to see all the announcements! And we were all upset when they had nothing last Anime Expo
It was a decent game, but not as good as the Kiseki series since it was done by Falcom's younger staff.
Yeah, I've heard it wasn't great, but it's Falcom and I'm 100% on board with everything they release.
I have no idea what 'otome' even means.
An otome game (乙女ゲーム otome gēmu?, literally "maiden game") is a story based video game that is targeted towards the female market. Generally one of the goals, besides the main plot goal, is to develop a romantic relationship between the female player character and one of several male or female characters. This genre is most established in Japan, and is mostly made up of visual novels and simulation games; particularly dating sims and life simulation games.
Games primarily aimed at a female audience, usually involving the romancing of guys. They're also usually VNs, and these certainly are, so if you're not a VN person (which I know you're not) then they're probably not something you'd enjoy.I have no idea what 'otome' even means.