Maybe it's your connection? My stuff downloads fine. I've only had noticeably slow download issues twice, and both times were on days of 'big' releases.
Definitely not my connection, this isn't exactly an isolated issue either you hear about it all the time.
I'm hardwired and have an 8mb/s download speed, it shouldn't take 6 hours to download a 3.5gb game. And this happens all the goddamn time. There certainly wasn't a big release last night to justify a slow download speed.
It depends on which model. There's two of them one glossy and matte.I recently upgraded to one of the white slims after my original BL2 slim died recently and believe it's matte. Looks nice regardlessAny Glacier White Vita Slim owners here? I just wanna confirm whether it's matte or glossy finish.
It depends on which model. There's two of them one glossy and matte.I recently upgraded to one of the white slims after my original BL2 slim died recently and believe it's matte. Looks nice regardless
It depends on which model. There's two of them one glossy and matte.I recently upgraded to one of the white slims after my original BL2 slim died recently and believe it's matte. Looks nice regardless
For those interested with Steins;Gate and Root Letter, I was at PQube's/Rice Digital's both in Japan Expo and they're apparently releasing in September.
Take this with a grain of salt even though it came from the staff.
For those interested with Steins;Gate and Root Letter, I was at PQube's/Rice Digital's both in Japan Expo and they're apparently releasing in September.
Take this with a grain of salt even though it came from the staff.
I... don't know how I feel about this. I'm looking forward to Root Letter but Steins;Gate would absolutely take priority. Should space them out a bit more.
Unless they've got loads more to fill out the coming months huh?![]()
Steins;Gate 0 is probably August 26 because that was the retailer date before it was officially announced and also 26 august is the date the Japanese one releases on PC. So I mthinking simul PC release worlwide and the console one releases that day as well.
For those interested with Steins;Gate and Root Letter, I was at PQube's/Rice Digital's both in Japan Expo and they're apparently releasing in September.
Take this with a grain of salt even though it came from the staff.
September continues to be hell for fans of Japanese games. I have like 12 games for September lol.She specifically said "a la rentrée" which translate to "return to school" in English so End of August through September could fit what she said.
Psycho-Pass is September also. Visual novel overload.
September continues to be hell for fans of Japanese games. I have like 12 games for September lol.
Just imagine if P5 had a WW release in September.![]()
Finished my Duke Nukem 3D review for Vita. Enjoyed it, and there's little else like it on the console, but it does have a number of frustrations.
I wonder if it'll ever get returned to PSN. It got removed earlier this year when Devolver lost publishing rights but Gearbox said they were seeking to get it back up on the store later this year, no progress so far though.
PQube ‏@PQubeGames Jul 9
@Danwanderer8888 Hi, we're really sorry about that, we were going to make an announcement next week about it - manufacturing delays :/
Nice work man! Make me eager to give the game another shot whenever I re-sub my Plus Account (expired last night; tight on funds so can't get another month for a few days :l). It is a great game and happy you enjoyed it.
Very indepth review; liked how you touched on the gameplay mechanics and how it differs from other modern shooters.
As I said in the Galgun thread, the game has been pushed to August 2nd due to manufacturing delays and they wanted to wait till after the weekend to announce it's delay.
As I said in the Galgun thread, the game has been pushed to August 2nd due to manufacturing delays and they wanted to wait till after the weekend to announce it's delay.
Psycho-Pass is September also. Visual novel overload.
I wonder if this includes the digital version, as sometimes the digital version releases before the physical one. That happened with Grand Kingdom, so maybe that might happen with Gal;Gun.
Sad to hear about the delays but good that they are telling us about it instead of it being a last-minute thing before the games original launch date.
Even if it's supposed to affect the digital one it might not, like when Blanc vs. Zombies was delayed but came out on PSN for a couple hours.
Dungeon Travelers 2 is like the first DRPG I've ever really enjoyed. None of Experience's games have grabbed me like this. Better than Etrian Odyssey too.
Dungeon Travelers 2 is like the first DRPG I've ever really enjoyed. None of Experience's games have grabbed me like this. Better than Etrian Odyssey too.
I love just how much flavor everything has. The characters and writing are really fun, and the bear/penguin skits are great. I keep playing a chapter, suspend it for a bit, then come back and play another whole chapter. So good.Pretty much the same for me. Experience games just have too many flaws in my mind for them to stand up to DT2. Even as the hardest Experience title, Sword City couldn't scratch the same itch that DT did for me.
Really is a shame that we'll most likely never get DT1 or even DT2-2 (which there is a chance this one has been cancelled).
Honestly, the fanservice is so innocuous, it doesn't bother me in the least. You're doing yourself a massive disservice by letting anime boobs irritate you to the point of considering the game destroyed.The awful fan service just destroyed the whole game for me. I believe folks when they say the game is fantastic, I tried for myself and the mechanics and dungeon crawling are great. I just can't stand the fan that the game shoves down your throat. Right when I would be enjoying a game, some character would say something or a trashy looking semi-naked enemy would pop up.
Dungeon Travelers 2 is like the first DRPG I've ever really enjoyed. None of Experience's games have grabbed me like this. Better than Etrian Odyssey too.
Honestly, the fanservice is so innocuous, it doesn't bother me in the least. You're doing yourself a massive disservice by letting anime boobs irritate you to the point of considering the game destroyed.
I'm not really a fan of EO's lack of story (or how it turned out in Untold). The dungeons feel fairly standard DRPG so far 4 chapters in, but the gameplay mechanics and narrative stuff are the most engaging I've experienced in a DRPG.Whoah, that's a big compliment. O love Etrian Odyssey. I've been wanting to play one of my DRPGs in my backlog, and was recommended to start with Demon Gaze, but maybe I'll go with this.
So, I'm thinking of buying a new Vita (UK gamer). If I import one of the Japanese models, are the circle and x buttons switched? Are things like native applications in Japanese or would I choose the region when I'm setting up my console?
They seem pretty rare in UK these days and £175.00 seems to be the cheapest I can find a new console.
They are switched on a system level. Most games have specific bindings, so something that would use X will use the same button no matter the Vita, but some games use the system-level buttons for stuff. The only example I remeber now is Muramasa, but iirc the in-game button prompts changed too.
Was weird to begin it on the US OLED and then continue on my JP 2000.
Oh and applications will be on whatever language you choose.
Yeah, it'll be interesting to see if they adapt at all to support this increased volume of releases.Root Letter won't be September, UK placeholder is October 21st and PQube never meets their first placeholder date.
Steins;Gate 0 is Sept 1st and I also doubt that it's gonna meet that date. Just look at Gal Gun. 2 week delay at the last second. EDF 4.1 was delayed in Germany for 1 month for no reason.
I love PQube but they suck at distribution.
Yeah, it'll be interesting to see if they adapt at all to support this increased volume of releases.
They're probably still an extremely small team and that's the only way to even make these projects profitable, so I guess that's just something we'll have to live with. I still prefer this to for example Aksys who don't even try to do WW physical releases. (they seem to have trouble even getting NA right lol)
The awful fan service just destroyed the whole game for me. I believe folks when they say the game is fantastic, I tried for myself and the mechanics and dungeon crawling are great. I just can't stand the fan that the game shoves down your throat. Right when I would be enjoying a game, some character would say something or a trashy looking semi-naked enemy would pop up.
Drinkbox releasing a physical collection of their 3 games on PSN:
drinkbox thing is digital not physical :/Relevant here too:
Mutant Mudds Super Challenge coming on July 26th (PS4/Vita):
A.W Phoenix Festa releasing in Europe the same day as NA (July 26th - Vita):
Gal Gun Double Peace delayed a couple of weeks (PS4/Vita):
Drinkbox releasing a physical collection of their 3 games on PSN (Vita):
Digital collection.
drinkbox thing is digital not physical :/
Pretty much the same for me. Experience games just have too many flaws in my mind for them to stand up to DT2. Even as the hardest Experience title, Sword City couldn't scratch the same itch that DT did for me.
Really is a shame that we'll most likely never get DT1 or even DT2-2 (which there is a chance this one has been cancelled).
As an anime watcher I just can't help but roll my eyes when it pops up on both that medium and in games. I've seen way too much fan service that now I just get annoyed lol. Its a cheap trick, almost shows that the creators had no faith in the product itself and had to insert that stuff just so it would sell.
I like the dungeon design and some elements of DT2 much better, but SoSC has the best sense of character progression for me. That is, I like 'blank slate' characters, building them up, learning skills, finding good lewt to make them bad ass. That's the best part, for me, and SoSC does that all very well.
DT2 has fixed/story characters I find annoying, class trees that I don't really like, etc.
SoSC blank slate progression with DT2 dungeons would be where I want it.
Drinkbox releasing a not-physical collection of their 3 games on PSN (Vita):