2009. Sequel released in Japan on PSP that same year. NISA released a PSP game in 2013 in the west, lol.
We did get stuff like Summon Night 5 and Brandish get localized for the PSP in 2015 for example, so who knows.
2009. Sequel released in Japan on PSP that same year. NISA released a PSP game in 2013 in the west, lol.
Nippon ichi opened a teaser site for what it looks like a murder mistery game
If it's PS4 or PS3, use that account to download to the system. Then switch to any account you want to setup the theme.I downloaded the Persona 20th Anniv theme from the JP PS store. Is there any way to use this theme with my non JP accounts on the same system?
That looks promising, maybe we will hear more about the project as further information comes out.
I'm trying to play FFXV soundtrack for the first time. But I always get the message:
The /MUSIC directory could not be found.
Make sure the USB storage has a /MUSIC directory.
What should I do?
I can't decide whether I want to buy another PSTV or not. Real first-world dilemma going on here haha.
I have 2 x Vita on my EU account and 1 x PSTV. Tbh I don't use my PSTV much but I like having it as a "future-proof" tool to play compatible Vita & PSP games maybe 10 years down the line when the batteries on the handhelds have died (plus upscaled PS1 games which can be played with DS4, rather than DS3 via PS3).
I have a US account that I'm planning on using to play some PSP/PS1 games which are only available on the US store (stuff like Breath of Fire IV; Class of Heroes; Legend of Dragoon; Kenka Bancho; the Mega Man games; Summon Night 5 etc.) I was just going to buy (yet another) Vita to play them on, which I've begun saving up for (planning on getting the new white model from Japan).
But if I want to future-proof the USA account, I really need to buy a PSTV now before they all disappear. I've found one from an import site for ~ £85 which is more than I'd like to pay but I'd rather have a new one than a pre-owned one. I'd also rather have a white one to match the white Vita I'm intending to get lol.
In fact, question about this. For anyone out there who imported a Japanese Vita TV - are circle and x switched on that like they are on Japanese Vitas?
Can you game share on PS4 exactly like you can on XBONE? In different houses on different networks?
Haven't done it personally, but have heard first hand accounts from many that have - and yep. You won't get the Featured tab either, which is worth the button swap IMO. Fuck that thing.
There are often smaller sales throughout the month with one bigger flash sale.Where is all the sales??
I have about $100 sitting in my account from the holidays.
Seemed like we had them every week for several months.
Where is all the sales??
I have about $100 sitting in my account from the holidays.
Seemed like we had them every week for several months.
Builders is fine, but I'd honestly probably wait for the PS4 on WOFF.How are DQ Builder and World of FF on Vita ? Good versions or should I wait for me inevitably buying a ps4 ?
Don't forget the separate download for audio for the Vita version.Builders is fine, but I'd honestly probably wait for the PS4 on WOFF.
Graphics don't normally bother me much, but WOFF is pretty darn rough so if you have the option...
DQ Builders is tons of fun on vita, it's a really good game on the go. I have 10$ store credit and want to pick up a ps1 classic or something and I need some recommendation idk if I want an RPG right now because I'm currently playing through Persona 4 Golden.
Now that the Switch was fully revealed what will Vitabros and Vitasis do? Would you jump at d1, wait or you aren't sold at all?
I'm in the wait and see camp, Vita has still many interesting games coming so i'm not in a hurry, if i have to be honest i would prefer a win 10 handheld, but i'll wait for a GPD Win 2 or 3 or some good tablet + controller solution... while we are at it do you know if there is an extensible gamepad controllers for tablets with some kind of usb out?
You made sure you downloaded the OS, not just the latest update?I'm trying to install a new hard drive on my PS4 and I keep getting error codes when trying to install the software from my thumb drive. At first it was saying it couldn't find the file so I put it in its own folder like it says on the website and now it says the update file can't be used. I'm about to break my PS4 in half. Please help
You made sure you downloaded the OS, not just the latest update?
I'd say $45 but you'll wanna see what others are selling them for in the thread.This is kinda random, folks, but..
If I had a hand full of $50 psn codes I wanted to sell in the BST thread here on GAF, what would be a fair/the best price?
$45 or $40 each? Opinions?
It's alright. Definitely has flaws. It's like a solid 6/7 out of 10.Just bought myself Root Letter. Am I in for a good time, GAF?
Just bought myself Root Letter. Am I in for a good time, GAF?
Now that the Switch was fully revealed what will Vitabros and Vitasis do? Would you jump at d1, wait or you aren't sold at all?
I'm in the wait and see camp, Vita has still many interesting games coming so i'm not in a hurry, if i have to be honest i would prefer a win 10 handheld, but i'll wait for a GPD Win 2 or 3 or some good tablet + controller solution... while we are at it do you know if there is an extensible gamepad controllers for tablets with some kind of usb out?
Now that the Switch was fully revealed what will Vitabros and Vitasis do? Would you jump at d1, wait or you aren't sold at all?
I'm in the wait and see camp, Vita has still many interesting games coming so i'm not in a hurry, if i have to be honest i would prefer a win 10 handheld, but i'll wait for a GPD Win 2 or 3 or some good tablet + controller solution... while we are at it do you know if there is an extensible gamepad controllers for tablets with some kind of usb out?
Now that the Switch was fully revealed what will Vitabros and Vitasis do? Would you jump at d1, wait or you aren't sold at all?
I'm in the wait and see camp, Vita has still many interesting games coming so i'm not in a hurry, if i have to be honest i would prefer a win 10 handheld, but i'll wait for a GPD Win 2 or 3 or some good tablet + controller solution... while we are at it do you know if there is an extensible gamepad controllers for tablets with some kind of usb out?
Hey guys, I only own a Vita right now, and am getting a PS4 in a few days. Did some research about importing games for PS4 and it sounds pretty much like Vita; i.e. physically bought will play fine, patches work, dlc won't work unless you buy from same region as the game, saves are locked to account. Am I understanding this correctly? Or am I missing something important?
Any ideas when we'll start seeing the weekly deals (NA) again?
Any ideas when we'll start seeing the weekly deals (NA) again?