DG update: Finally a BGM change. Also got Slash 2 from an artifact. Nice.
someone's turning into a fan
someone's turning into a fan
The game is great, buy it. =PSo, anyone have any opinions on Mega Man Maverick Hunter X? Particularly for a MM virgin.
DG update: Finally a BGM change. Also got Slash 2 from an artifact. Nice.
The DLCs are indeed tough at the beginning, specially because you don't get to unlock any special abilities (that improves your attacks/moveset) by the time you find your first boss. But then at late game they're all super broken
Please do report when you reach Okoi's second boss. That one's a favourite for everyone.
Didn't one just come out, a sequel already?Neogaf will have another game to ban soon, yay!
Didn't one just come out, a sequel already?
With 2nd boss do you mean theshapeshifter boss? Just tried that boss fight and died after the "snake head" phase. I think this might take me a while but I really love the aesthetics of that fight! We really need a new Vanillaware game.
What wilf means?wilf sound so wrong...
If we are to go from MILF... I'll just leave it at that lol. Google the wordWhat wilf means?
You should have just entered Grimodar, you'll see. I just beat the demon of that area.but the maps are tiny and simple.
You should have just entered Grimodar, you'll see. I just beat the demon of that area.
You should have just entered Grimodar, you'll see. I just beat the demon of that area.
Wording from this tweet makes it seem like EB won't be selling Disney Infinity 2.0 for Vita after May 31st. Game is already OOS online.
I'm in the mood for a musou game for Vita. OP Pirate Warriors doesn't come out till august. I believe that leaves either Neptunia U or Senran Kagura. Which one would you all suggest?
I'm in the mood for a musou game for Vita. OP Pirate Warriors doesn't come out till august. I believe that leaves either Neptunia U or Senran Kagura. Which one would you all suggest?
Senran Kagura is a better game overall, IMO. Double the characters, more customization and the environments are larger.
I'm in the mood for a musou game for Vita. OP Pirate Warriors doesn't come out till august. I believe that leaves either Neptunia U or Senran Kagura. Which one would you all suggest?
I don't know, I think they're big enough. If they were even bigger than the first Grimodar floor I'd probably get bored of seeing the same environment over and over.I beat the demon of that area last night. The maps are still a bit smaller than I'd like and very simple. A slight uptick in random encounter difficulty but I can usually slash/slash2/slash2/holy shield/wizard bolt my way through all of them. Bosses have been a joke since getting Demon rage. Also with Convert Mana I can probably use line spells on my Wizard instead and just fill up their mana with the Cleric's, who can regen it and doesn't use it in random battles anyways.
It is....isn't Orochi 3 Ultimate on Vita?
I'm in the mood for a musou game for Vita. OP Pirate Warriors doesn't come out till august. I believe that leaves either Neptunia U or Senran Kagura. Which one would you all suggest?
You also have Dynasty Warriors Next, Orochi 3, and Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme to choose from.
DW Next -- has some goofy touch mechanics, and not everyone loves it, but it was my first real deep venture into the genre and i found it really enjoyable.
Orochi 3 -- working through it now on the side. cool plot, solid combat, etc. tons of content. rather than command a set of heroes like in DWN, you can flip between 3 at any time to do complex combos.
DW8X -- haven't played it yet. heard good things.
DW8X -- haven't played it yet. heard good things.
Wow, I did not know about this. I didn't care for Next because of all the swipe shit but I do like Dynasty Warriors. I need to look into this, I can get a copy on Amazon for like 25 bucks.
You know what sucks, I did a search for this on the PS Store on my Vita to check the price there and some bundle for Dynasty Warriors Gundam Reborn popped up. My heart skipped a beat for a minute, what a freaking tease.
It's really sad that many people are so against touch minigames to dismiss the best looking and best performing musou game on Vita(exclusive, with character creation and packed with content other than being a lot of fun), but after all they dismiss the totally legit Uncharted GA for few swipes at the beginning, the only uncharted i found fun(i couldn't even finish UC1 and UC2 demos for how boring i found them), i guess it cannot be helped.
Nothing sad about it. It's an annoying gimmick in an otherwise good game, but due to it popping up every other minute, it's a major part of every stage and I could not see myself playing it for longer amounts of time.
Regarding musou on vita: if you're sensitive to a game's performance, you better check first how the ports run. Some take a hit to textures, others have reduced enemy mass on screen, framerate can get really low and loading times may be longer.
It's really sad that many people are so against touch minigames to dismiss the best looking and best performing musou game on Vita(exclusive, with character creation and packed with content other than being a lot of fun), but after all they dismiss the totally legit Uncharted GA for few swipes at the beginning, the only uncharted i found fun(i couldn't even finish UC1 and UC2 demos for how boring i found them), i guess it cannot be helped.
Isn't that better than the usual? The series doesn't seem to have much traction in Europe in the first place.- 3 HYPERDIMENSION NEPTUNIA U: UNLEASHED | COMPILE HEART / IDEA FACTORY
Why you no buy Nep U, UKVitaGAF?
I did![]()
Isn't that better than the usual? The series doesn't seem to have much traction in Europe in the first place.
And speaking of Compile Heart. They just announced a thingy.
How's that trip of yours going? Is the Vita even seeing any uselet's just keep it to wil please haha
hope everyone is well!
Even if we can't discuss it here, I'm so glad that it exists, from a creative standpoint.And speaking of Compile Heart. They just announced a thingy.