Definitely not to that level, way too much is going on there.
Looks great nonetheless.
But does he clap after that?I know someone who regularly threw controllers whilst playing FIFA. American.
But does he clap after that?I know someone who regularly threw controllers whilst playing FIFA. American.
How's Super Time Force Ultra?
are the Atelier games good
It depends on which platform you play it on honestly.
On PS4, it seems to run better and have tighter controls, making the game experience as a whole fun. The time-gimmick the game has must work better too I imagine.
On Vita, the game looks as great as it does on PS4 but it feels really 'heavy' and unresponsive; making the time gimmick really annoying to use honestly.
I didn't play much of the game (only on Vita) so my view point is likely wrong, but I feel the game has great ideas but the core gameplay itself feels to stiff for an action/platforming shooter.
How do I check if it's direct connection or not?
I think it is.
But both PS3 and PS4 is connected to the same router.
Thanks for the feedback. That's disappointing. I have Vita and PS4, but no doubt I would be playing predominantly on Vita. I just finished Shovel Knight and, man, that game is a blast. I thought STFU might scratch the same itch.
Anyone have opinions on Sayonara Umihara Kawase+? Any reason not to import a physical copy?? Is there an English language physical version floating around in any region?
Does anyone know what changes are in PCH-2016 compared to older slim models ?
Are there going to be any downsides to playing TWD S1 on PC first and S2 on PS4? and is the PS4 port okay? I always hear people complaining about the console ports
@PS TV/Vita TV owners, is it normal that transferring games Vita TV to PC via LAN is slower than through Vita's USB?
It takes me 21 minutes to transfer 1.8GB via LAN (connected at the same router)...
Thanks for the feedback. That's disappointing. I have Vita and PS4, but no doubt I would be playing predominantly on Vita. I just finished Shovel Knight and, man, that game is a blast. I thought STFU might scratch the same itch.
The gameplay tends to drag itself and get repetitive towards the end.
The pacing also could be better. You can spend hours on battle and then hours just watching cutscenes and dialogue.
The story ? Probably one of the best I have seen recently.
The game is a follow up to Ciel nosurge (read here: that wasn't localized and probably never will be. Even as it own thing, it stands as a good story with pretty interesting characters.
Other people can explain this better than me, but let's say that this is a game that pulls you in into this world and makes you care about the characters and what's happening.
Read above. Do it.
Yeah, Ar nosurge (plus too) is a steal at $20. Played the Vita version earlier this year. Tons of content and it's obvious that a lot of love went into the game's development. Just make sure you read the summary of Ciel first.
Didn't play Net High. Nor plan to do, since I can't japonês.
Grand Kingdom demo seems legit. Played just the first mission for now (move around a map fighting enemies until you reach the goal panel). The map movement is just like GKH, with the enemies moving whenever you move (or press X to spend a move and stay on the same place). You have a limited number of moves each mission, and I guess you fail if you spend it all before reaching the goal point.
Battle is well different from GKH. Where in the latter you placed your units on a grid and just attacked in turns, here you can (and will) move your units back and forth and between three lanes. Flanking and back attacking is possible this way. Moving is limited by an AP bar, like Valkyria Chronicles - you can't even cancel your actions, so if you move wrong you can't redo it (or I didn't find how to - pressing X just cancels the unit's turn).
Usually, characters have an attack with unlimited uses (set to Circle) and some with limited uses per mission. Attacking costs AP too, but I'm not sure if it's a separated AP bar from the one used in moving (it probably is). Fighter can attack multiple times, combo'ing, and will automatically assumed a Guard stance after his turn. Guarding attacks uses AP, so if you spend it all attacking you won't be able to block much stuff.
He doesn't have a limited use attack, just normal attack and Guard.
Archer and Witch have long ranged attacks. Range is fixed, to you need to adjust your distance. There's friendly fire too, to it's not save to use them agains an enemy near your fighter.
Their common (circle) attacks target an area that would fit around 4 enemies if justaposed. A cursor will move on the ground inside that area (from left to right), and the attack will land whenever the cursor is when you press circle. After the first attack you have a limited time to attack again and combo. If you stay a few seconds without attacking the turn will end (and unspent AP will be saved for the nexr turn).
Archer's limited use attack is a strong charged shot that hits the first unit in the lane (including your own units). Witch's limited attack is a lightining bolt that hits everyone in the lane (again, including allie).
The cleric can throw a potion to damage enemies, throw healing potions to heal allies and drop healing bags for other units to pick up and heal.
Didn't see anything about choosing a Kingdom to fight for and such yet. For now, I enjoyed the combat more than GKH. Need to find some more time to play the rest of the demo. For now, I'd be most pleased to see this coming here, but let's wait for impressions for the full thing (Parakeetman pls).
And there's some demo footage on Youtube already, so go check those if you must![]()
How do you do that btw? I can't find a way to transfer files via ethernet.@PS TV/Vita TV owners, is it normal that transferring games Vita TV to PC via LAN is slower than through Vita's USB?
It takes me 21 minutes to transfer 1.8GB via LAN (connected at the same router)...
You might be able to directly connect to a PC if you enable Internet Connection Sharing to the Ethernet port (essentially making the PC itself a router).How do you do that btw? I can't find a way to transfer files via ethernet.
I have to move a big file from the PSTV to the PC but it keeps failing via wi-fi after a while.
Edit: Oh, you're going through the router, not a direct connection. Well, fuck.
I'll try that next time. It worked via wifi on the third try, maybe it's because I was using resource intensive stuff on my pc earlier.You might be able to directly connect to a PC if you enable Internet Connection Sharing to the Ethernet port (essentially making the PC itself a router).
Root Letter is looking more and more interesting. Glad that we are getting this one as a VN fan.
God Wars looks pretty cool too. I've been burned before with Natural Doctrine, I'm hoping that these two are good lol.
I have given up of PS TV. Besides the transfer files speed to PC via LAN being unstable, I keep getting Error Code: C0-1932-5 when I am downloading files from PSN.How do you do that btw? I can't find a way to transfer files via ethernet.
I have to move a big file from the PSTV to the PC but it keeps failing via wi-fi after a while.
Edit: Oh, you're going through the router, not a direct connection. Well, fuck.
I have given up of PS TV. Besides the transfer files speed to PC via LAN being unstable, I keep getting Error Code: C0-1932-5 when I am downloading files from PSN.
I have tried setting Vita TV outside if NAT firewall (DMZ), use static IP, switching to LAN cable.
Does anyone know offhand when we're supposed to get the $15 credit for having spent $100?
Because I got burned I traded it in quite a while back for something else at EB, sorry! Trust me you aren't missing much anyway.I'll buy your copy of ND for a fiver and shipping c:
Preorders for slime vita already gone from amiami fuck me
Because I got burned I traded it in quite a while back for something else at EB, sorry! Trust me you aren't missing much anyway.
I need some Vita news. Itching for more after the speight of localization announcements recently.
On the plus side, Paranautical Activity has been rated by PEGI, so shouldn't be too far away.
I guess this has to be a remake of sorts because the game was a snes game and idk how the hell we are getting a snes game on vita ( not that I complain about it)Super Star Wars is coming out for the Vita tomorrow, that's relatively new news.
if you are already playing the pc version you will probably notice more all the flaws the game has. The game is not bad at all. The port is not perfect and has some flaws like in some parts the frame rate sub 25-20 fps or less but the new patch has improved the performance and the game looks better ( they change the gamma of the game ) . it definitely looks great imo even with the downgrades of graphics and performance. I'll recommend for you to see a gameplay ( last updated version) so you can see what you will get.Is RE Revelations 2 Vita still "bad"? I'm enjoying it a lot on my laptop but wouldn't mind having a Vita version if it was decent.
if you are already playing the pc version you will probably notice more all the flaws the game has. The game is not bad at all. The port is not perfect and has some flaws like in some parts the frame rate sub 25-20 fps or less but the new patch has improved the performance and the game looks better ( they change the gamma of the game ) . it definitely looks great imo even with the downgrades of graphics and performance. I'll recommend for you to see a gameplay ( last updated version) so you can see what you will get.
Despite what some say, DR2 is definitely the lesser game in the duo. It has a few really awesome highlights but most of the game is underwhelming. Also the endingi am at case 4 of danganronpa 2 and jesus it is just fucking dragging now.
Despite what some say, DR2 is definitely the lesser game in the duo. It has a few really awesome highlights but most of the game is underwhelming. [/spoiler]
Super Star Wars is coming out for the Vita tomorrow, that's relatively new news.
i am at case 4 of danganronpa 2 and jesus it is just fucking dragging now.
HuehuehueStone Ocean said:
Turns out it's my ISP fault.Do you mean C0-10932-5? If so, it's a DNS issue.
Go to Settings > Network > Wi-Fi > Your Wireless Network > Advanced Settings. Select "Manual" under the DNS heading.
Put in Google's DNS (or another if you prefer);
if you are already playing the pc version you will probably notice more all the flaws the game has. The game is not bad at all. The port is not perfect and has some flaws like in some parts the frame rate sub 25-20 fps or less but the new patch has improved the performance and the game looks better ( they change the gamma of the game ) . it definitely looks great imo even with the downgrades of graphics and performance. I'll recommend for you to see a gameplay ( last updated version) so you can see what you will get.
Despite what some say, DR2 is definitely the lesser game in the duo. It has a few really awesome highlights but most of the game is underwhelming. Also the endinghas the worst literary cop out bullshit I have ever seen in a game. Which is actually somewhat impressive, since most games have utterly banal narratives.
I need some Vita news. Itching for more after the speight of localization announcements recently.
Also, any idea when the PS EU Store updates with the new Vita games today? I was hoping to grab Super Star Wars as long as the port is good.
nah, I've read extensive impressions and watched gameplay. Game looks fun as hell. I like really in depth punishing strategy games.
For all the hate it's still pretty expensive.
I need some Vita news. Itching for more after the speight of localization announcements recently.
On the plus side, Paranautical Activity has been rated by PEGI, so shouldn't be too far away.