Are you doing this on purp--
Yes, yes I think you do!
I made a spelling mistake
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Are you doing this on purp--
Yes, yes I think you do!
Didn't SAO release LITERALLY yesterday?
No way in hell that'll go on sale.
AE pls, though
The Drop: New PlayStation Games for 11/24/2015
Yeah, I'm mostly hoping for YS, Oreshika, and a few visual novels, and less hopeful for Danganronpa AE and Dancing All Night discounts. If not, if they go true flash sale and make a bunch of awesome smaller games a buck, I'd be happy with that!
I've been addicted to Killzone Vita online multiplayer for the last month, it is really shockingly good and well balanced. There's still a good enough community to always find a game to play in each of the three modes.
I am really averse to the kind of single player campaigns in these games, but the fun online component is making me think about purchasing the PS4 version just for that.
Looking forward to seeing how Teslagrad looks/runs on Vita!
For some reason I thought Eiyuu Senki was a Vita release. I guess I don't need to look deeper into it now, I was intrigued by 'tactical rpg'.
safe expectations -- games that have never been on sale and/or less than a year old -- somewhere in the 50% off range. $20 for a vita game, for example.
Games that have already been on sale once in that range: $12 or so. Maybe $10.
A couple surprise $5 games (like Soul Sacrifice Delta and Freedom Wars were).
Other games ranging from 50-80% off.
Without checking the history of black friday sales, I'm pretty sure the $1 flash sales are separate from holidays and are usually entirely $1 flash sales. Since it's unlikely all games they want to put on sale on BF will be $1, I'd say it's more likely none are (unless they're only a couple bucks to begin with of course).
Any info on the Teslagrad Vita physical release?
We will likely start hearing about that on Monday prior to the games launch.
I made a spelling mistake? If so, sorry man. Still looking forward to that though
Do a NeoGAF/Google search for "Dangronmpa".
Also, no worries.![]()
Thank you buddy.
Spelling isn't my biggest strength XD! Thank god for spell check :').
The second game's forbidden to be discussed on GAF.I honestly thought this was some kind of insider joke I didn't get.
You could add Danganronpa to your spell checker, lol.
btt: I'm going to rent a Vita game tomorrow. It's either (snippety snip) Are both doable in a week?
The second game's forbidden to be discussed on GAF.
Well, I wasn't going to discuss its content. I just wanted to know how long it is on average.
Croixleur Sigma on Vita
That's not a Touhou game.Running well. Considering this appears to be the most intensive of the Touhou games coming to Vita, that's good.
It might also be a Vita release if it doesn't bomb too much.For some reason I thought Eiyuu Senki was a Vita release. I guess I don't need to look deeper into it now, I was intrigued by 'tactical rpg'.
That's not a Touhou game.
Yeah, it's indie/doujin. I wish we got the Touhou games, though.Oh. I probably meant to say Doujin. Whoops.
(Unless you're going to tell me it's not that either!)
Yeah, it's indie/doujin. I wish we got the Touhou games, though.
Yeah, I'm mostly hoping for YS, Oreshika, and a few visual novels, and less hopeful for Danganronpa AE and Dancing All Night discounts. If not, if they go true flash sale and make a bunch of awesome smaller games a buck, I'd be happy with that!
Looking at the previous entries, the only one that might pick it up is probably Atlus (same for Shiren) but I think that a game that looks like that would be pretty hard to sell at a non-indie price in 2016.I'm surprised that nobody have picked up Mystery Chronicle: I Won't Back Down Till I Win for localization yet. I played the original game, One Way Heroics on PC and it's fun as hell. I heard that SC has added many new features to the game including a real story. I'd gladly pay 30 bucks for the localized Vita version.
Do you think someone will bring it to west eventually?
Seems pretty likely that Ys could get a good discount. Oreshika would require that Sony remembers they have stuff on Vita. I could see D:AE getting a decent discount, after all, it released way back in... September?! What the- how the- it seems like so much longer than that! So yeah, strike that, small sale on AE at best. Same with DAN. Atlus discounts their games quickly, but probably not that quickly.
I'm mostly hoping for sales on Neptunia stuff. Based on their sales pattern, seems to be about time for NepReb3 and Noire to go on sale for six bucks.
I am going to be pessimistic one and suggest that Sony might lump all of Vita game sales for the annual new year expectations -- games that have never been on sale and/or less than a year old -- somewhere in the 50% off range. $20 for a vita game, for example.
Games that have already been on sale once in that range: $12 or so. Maybe $10.
A couple surprise $5 games (like Soul Sacrifice Delta and Freedom Wars were).
Other games ranging from 50-80% off.
Without checking the history of black friday sales, I'm pretty sure the $1 flash sales are separate from holidays and are usually entirely $1 flash sales. Since it's unlikely all games they want to put on sale on BF will be $1, I'd say it's more likely none are (unless they're only a couple bucks to begin with of course).
A sale on the Neptunia games would be great! I'm missing the two you mentioned, so those would be nice.
Also! What does everyone think of chances we hear about a localized Star Ocean: Second Evolution during PSX?
During PSX? Zero, because Vita will only be mentioned for a select few of the newer titles. Now will they just randomly port the PSP version that was already localized over some day? Probably, considering the only real difference between the Vita and PSP versions is trophy support.
I honestly wouldn't mind that at all really. Seeing all the ps4 games on sale for black friday that I'm interested in is probably going to kill my wallet. That being said though if there is some great vita game deals and I have to choose I'd take vita games without a doubt.I am going to be pessimistic one and suggest that Sony might lump all of Vita game sales for the annual new year sales.
B. Friday sales might be as disappointing as last week's sales, non-existent or it will be a Atlus dominated sales again.
Honestly I'm kinda optimistic for vita this PSX. There's plenty of localizations that could be announced in addition to any new games being revealed that we haven't heard of yet.During PSX? Zero, because Vita will only be mentioned for a select few of the newer titles. Now will they just randomly put the PSP version that was already localized on PSN some day? Probably, considering the only real difference between the Vita and PSP versions is trophy support.
If they announce anything at PSX other than what we already know is being talked about, I would rather it be new games, not some cheap throwaway port that had no additional effort put into it.
During PSX? Zero, because Vita will only be mentioned for a select few of the newer titles. Now will they just randomly put the PSP version that was already localized on PSN some day? Probably, considering the only real difference between the Vita and PSP versions is trophy support.
If they announce anything at PSX other than what we already know is being talked about, I would rather it be new games, not some cheap throwaway port that had no additional effort put into it.
PSX is something I am oddly looking forward to in terms of Vita stuff. Developers/publishers like Idea Factory and Bamco are going to be present, which has me hoping for localization news on upcoming games (The God Eater Vita games, the second Digimon Game, Neptuina vs. Sega Hard Girls, Blac Zombie game, ect).
I am almost curtain that we will be seeing news on Vita ports for indie games (Shanate & the Pirate Curse, Axiom Verge, Freedom Planet, Bastion, ect) and ports handled by the Third Party Productions team (Disney Infinity 3.0, some surprise game like Bioshock or something else, ect).
Resident Evil REmake coming to Vita is a guess I feel might be happening, considering we got Revelations 2 in August and that supposedly did well (I think....).
Some dream Vita ports I would love to happen but not expecting too include:
-Sonic 1, 2 and CD HD Ports (The ones Taxman and Stealth made for iOS)
-Sonic Colors (based on Wii version)
-Ducktails Remastered
-Castle of Illusion (2013)
-Bionic Commando Rearmed 1 and 2
-Pac-Man Championship Edition DX (got the Mini's version from the PSN Glitch early 2014 but would love a proper version of the game on my Vita)
Not expecting any of them but it would be a nice surprise honestly :l. Could see Legends 2 being announced a PSX, as Legends 1 charted on the Best PS Classics sales for October.
Lost Song coming out made me start Hollow Fragment, and wow what a game. I'm having a blast with it. It's addictive and has a massive amount of content. From the gameplay videos I was kind of skeptical, but it's something you have to play for it to click. It's very, very fun. Almost like this better than a strictly jrpg or strictly arpg game. The bad translation is completely overblown.
Like I told you on Twitter, to me this is the second greatest Vita game I've played to date.
And I played the Asian copy too, so that one was full of errors in the script. The uninformed kiddos playing the US version and complaining when it came out knew nothing about the horrors of Kirito's penetration power.
second greatest being...?
Lost Song coming out made me start Hollow Fragment, and wow what a game. I'm having a blast with it. It's addictive and has a massive amount of content. From the gameplay videos I was kind of skeptical, but it's something you have to play for it to click. It's very, very fun. Almost like this better than a strictly jrpg or strictly arpg game. The bad translation is completely overblown.
Got my first physical retail Vita game in years; Sword Art Online Lost Song.
Personally been looking forward to playing this and finally dived into the game for a good....four or so hours at this point.
The story and set-up is something I always wanted from the series as a whole; just Kirito and his friends having a fun time playing some MMORPG. And while the second half of S2 covered this, there was a lot of potential with the set up Hollow Fragment had with how it fixed up the story the anime fumbled up a bit with S1 (in my personal opinion; outright loathed the second of S1). But it wasn't because of ALO; the world itself looked amazing, the concept of flying around is a fantastic one and I loved how it uses Norse mythology as a basis for its location/myths/NPC's/ect.
So having a game focused on this section of the anime all the while continuing the story I personally enjoyed from first half of S1 & Hollow Fragment, I was very excited to see what the story offered.
And so far, its good. I like the character interactions, the translation is great (thank got the Engerish is gone.....), and Kirito isn't an idiot when interacting with his female friends (which was an element I really didn't like about Hollow Fragment). The second-half S2 characters get some screen time, and new characters are introduced and this was nice to see; new takes on fimilar faces alongside three new faces that have signifcant story roles.
The gameplay itself is the one area I don't know how to comment on. I loved the combat system of Hollow Fragment and I will say right now that I prefer that over Lost Song's combat. But, I love how dynamic and mobile you are now; flying opens the door to some great fights, the stronger dashing mechanics and having the ability to jump does a lot to make the pace and speed of the combat better.
It sacrifices the depth Hollow Fragment had sadly, but considering how fun it is to fly around, I honestly don't mind the combat changes. The dungeons were good in Hollow Fragment but nothing amazing. That seems to be the case with Lost Song too so far; every dungeon feels the 'same' and they are far shorter then the ones in Hollow Fragment (both in comparison to the Floor ones AND the Hollow Area ones). That is okay as its fun exploring the overworlds but its a shame that they didn't mix those up. Espcally with the flying mechanics, you can have some really creative dungeon designs. There are signs of that though; switches that activate launch pads, switches that do different things, ect.
The biggest thing I have to commend the game on is giving us the option to play as any of the party members in the game. Granted, this more or less an replacement for Kritio having the ability to use all the weapon types from Hollow Fragment, but its nice to play as Asuna, Kline, Leafa, and others.
The visuals and music are my last take away and personally, was very impressed when I booted the game up and played for the first hour or so. The game runs very well and it has some great lighting effects. Shadows casting over the ground, the grass and texture work in the world being great when flying around, the character models looking closer to the anime then Hollow Fragment and little touches during the cut-scenes (character stills moving around, text boxes shaking, lips moving when characters are talking, ect) really make it a step up visually compared to Hollow Fragment (which was a mix between HD PSP Remaster and Original PS Vita game).
Overall, really enjoying Lost Song so far and I am hopeful that we will get Hollow Realization next year on Vita.
Glad you are having fun!
Hollow Fragment has its issues (mainly the story and characterization) but those are minor to me. The core gameplay is very strong, the presentation has its PSP origins shown but looks so clean & polished that it doesn't matter, and the combat system has a ton of depth. Exploring around in massive areas to find loot is always a great thing to do.
The game is also one of the longest games on the Vita; you have literally hundreds of hours worth of content to dive into and you essentially, have two games cobbled into one (The Hollow Area is a new game, The Alcard Sections are a remake/remaster of a JP-only SAO game).
I loved my time with it late 2013 and I played it for a long while before I dropped it (never beat the Alicard sections but completed the Hollow Area storyline).
My opinions of Lost Song are here but I am really enjoying my time with it. Flying around is fantastic :').
Sounds great. I really am excited to continue playing HF and eventually get into LS. By the time I'm done with HF (from the looks of it, 12 years from now...), LS will have gotten a hefty sale or two like HF has.
Don't know what the best thread to ask is...
Anyone know how to change settings on who can and can't view the communities you are a part of?
hey vitagaf - havent been in here much the last yr, but i figured i'd ask here as well as the BST thread.
i'm potentially looking for a 16-32gb mem card for the annual neogaf secret santa....if anyone has one they are looking to offload for a good cause and a *fingers crossed* cheap price...please PM me.
Thanks all.
PSX is something I am oddly looking forward to in terms of Vita stuff. Developers/publishers like Idea Factory and Bamco are going to be present, which has me hoping for localization news on upcoming games (The God Eater Vita games, the second Digimon Game, Neptuina vs. Sega Hard Girls, Blac Zombie game, ect).
I am almost curtain that we will be seeing news on Vita ports for indie games (Shanate & the Pirate Curse, Axiom Verge, Freedom Planet, Bastion, ect) and ports handled by the Third Party Productions team (Disney Infinity 3.0, some surprise game like Bioshock or something else, ect).
Resident Evil REmake coming to Vita is a guess I feel might be happening, considering we got Revelations 2 in August and that supposedly did well (I think....).
Some dream Vita ports I would love to happen but not expecting too include:
-Sonic 1, 2 and CD HD Ports (The ones Taxman and Stealth made for iOS)
-Sonic Colors (based on Wii version)
-Ducktails Remastered
-Castle of Illusion (2013)
-Bionic Commando Rearmed 1 and 2
-Pac-Man Championship Edition DX (got the Mini's version from the PSN Glitch early 2014 but would love a proper version of the game on my Vita)
Not expecting any of them but it would be a nice surprise honestly :l. Could see Legends 2 being announced a PSX, as Legends 1 charted on the Best PS Classics sales for October.
PSX is something I am oddly looking forward to in terms of Vita stuff. Developers/publishers like Idea Factory and Bamco are going to be present, which has me hoping for localization news on upcoming games (The God Eater Vita games, the second Digimon Game, Neptuina vs. Sega Hard Girls, Blac Zombie game, ect).
I am almost curtain that we will be seeing news on Vita ports for indie games (Shanate & the Pirate Curse, Axiom Verge, Freedom Planet, Bastion, ect) and ports handled by the Third Party Productions team (Disney Infinity 3.0, some surprise game like Bioshock or something else, ect).
Resident Evil REmake coming to Vita is a guess I feel might be happening, considering we got Revelations 2 in August and that supposedly did well (I think....).
Some dream Vita ports I would love to happen but not expecting too include:
-Sonic 1, 2 and CD HD Ports (The ones Taxman and Stealth made for iOS)
-Sonic Colors (based on Wii version)
-Ducktails Remastered
-Castle of Illusion (2013)
-Bionic Commando Rearmed 1 and 2
-Pac-Man Championship Edition DX (got the Mini's version from the PSN Glitch early 2014 but would love a proper version of the game on my Vita)
Not expecting any of them but it would be a nice surprise honestly :l. Could see Legends 2 being announced a PSX, as Legends 1 charted on the Best PS Classics sales for October.
Given how bad RE:R2 is I dunno if we really want to see RE:RE on vita...
I also want the latest psp yugioh game localized.