Just finished chapter 7 in the Ciel no Surge summary. Man, this shit is getting good.
English Net High trophies appear. Some of you folks said you wanted the game, looks like it might happen. A PSX announcement from one of our niche publishers maybe?
Most hyped 2016 game right there.English Net High trophies appear. Some of you folks said you wanted the game, looks like it might happen. A PSX announcement from one of our niche publishers maybe?
English Net High trophies appear. Some of you folks said you wanted the game, looks like it might happen. A PSX announcement from one of our niche publishers maybe?
English Net High trophies appear. Some of you folks said you wanted the game, looks like it might happen. A PSX announcement from one of our niche publishers maybe?
These popped up as well, don't know if this is old news though![]()
Alright, just bought me a PS4. Need games, my current list is:
Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil
Destiny The Taken King
Driveclub (maybe if it gets on sale this week)
Until Dawn (when I find it on a sale)
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (I'll wait for the mass influx of Black Friday codes)
I like RPGS (W and J), but I already have a capable PC to handle most things, so multiplats are not the reason I'm getting a PS4 (I know D3UE is a multiplat but the PC version is always online).
English Net High trophies appear. Some of you folks said you wanted the game, looks like it might happen. A PSX announcement from one of our niche publishers maybe?
English Net High trophies appear. Some of you folks said you wanted the game, looks like it might happen. A PSX announcement from one of our niche publishers maybe?
These popped up as well, don't know if this is old news though![]()
English Net High trophies appear. Some of you folks said you wanted the game, looks like it might happen. A PSX announcement from one of our niche publishers maybe?
Just finished chapter 7 in the Ciel no Surge summary. Man, this shit is getting good.
2016 really is shaping up to be a fantastic year for the Vita.
-Digimon Cyber Sleuth
-Trails of Cold Steel pt 2
-Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization
-Zero Escape 3
-Nights of Azure (if they bring over Vita version; hope that happens honestly)
-AirShip Q
-Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Wonder Book
-Danganronpa 3
-Neptuina vs Sega Hard Girls
-Violent Dimension Tag Blanc + Neptune VS Zombie Corps
-Net High
-Odin Sphere: Leifdrasir
-World of Final Fantasy
-Dragon Quest Builders
-Dragon Quest Heroes 2
Plus many others that are escaping my mind. I am very excited about the JP support coming to Vita next year, as so many great games are coming :').
2016 really is shaping up to be a fantastic year for the Vita.
-Digimon Cyber Sleuth
-Trails of Cold Steel pt 2
-Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization
-Zero Escape 3
-Nights of Azure (if they bring over Vita version; hope that happens honestly)
-AirShip Q
-Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Wonder Book
-Danganronpa 3
-Neptuina vs Sega Hard Girls
-Violent Dimension Tag Blanc + Neptune VS Zombie Corps
-Net High
-Odin Sphere: Leifdrasir
-World of Final Fantasy
-Dragon Quest Builders
-Dragon Quest Heroes 2
Plus many others that are escaping my mind. I am very excited about the JP support coming to Vita next year, as so many great games are coming :').
What happened to night cry, mighty n9 , bloodstained, mighty gunvolt,that trillion jrpg game, ray gigant? Yes next year i foresee maybe more games and more localizations than this year. I might be dreaming though2016 really is shaping up to be a fantastic year for the Vita.
-Digimon Cyber Sleuth
-Trails of Cold Steel pt 2
-Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization
-Zero Escape 3
-Nights of Azure (if they bring over Vita version; hope that happens honestly)
-AirShip Q
-Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Wonder Book
-Danganronpa 3
-Neptuina vs Sega Hard Girls
-Violent Dimension Tag Blanc + Neptune VS Zombie Corps
-Net High
-Odin Sphere: Leifdrasir
-World of Final Fantasy
-Dragon Quest Builders
-Dragon Quest Heroes 2
Plus many others that are escaping my mind. I am very excited about the JP support coming to Vita next year, as so many great games are coming :').
This shoud have almost everything. They updated it earlier.
I still think mighty, night cry and bloodstained have to be on this list . those are 70 games!This shoud have almost everything. They updated it earlier.
Some PSN Black Friday deals starting to pop up. Mostly seems to be Aksys stuff, like VLR and Blazblue, along with Monster Monpiece and Nep Rebirth 1.
Pretty sure Bloodstained is 2017.I still think mighty, night cry and bloodstained have to be on this list . those are 70 games!
Kindly share source.Some PSN Black Friday deals starting to pop up. Mostly seems to be Aksys stuff, like VLR and Blazblue, along with Monster Monpiece and Nep Rebirth 1.
Me. I just checked the PSN store, saw $6 Nep, $4 Monpiece, $12 Blazblue, and $10 VLR.Kindly share source.
Kindly share source.
This shoud have almost everything. They updated it earlier.
Pretty damn solid list. I already see a couple here that I'm gonna get for sure.This shoud have almost everything. They updated it earlier.
Vita MeMory Card.
I remember using the gyro to control flower(and gravity rush) is this different?Idk how that would work since it uses some Sixaxis.
This should be fairly complete as well, though I do have a small list of updates to add later tonight.
This shoud have almost everything. They updated it earlier.
Is Teslagrad coming to the europe psn for vita? Did not find it yet, really want to have it.
English Net High trophies appear. Some of you folks said you wanted the game, looks like it might happen. A PSX announcement from one of our niche publishers maybe?
2016 really is shaping up to be a fantastic year for the Vita.
-Digimon Cyber Sleuth
-Trails of Cold Steel pt 2
-Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization
-Zero Escape 3
-Stranger of Sword City
-Ray Gigant
-Nights of Azure (if they bring over Vita version; hope that happens honestly)
-AirShip Q
-Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Wonder Book
-Night cry
-Mighty n9
-Mighty gunvolt
-Trillion jrpg game
-Shantae Half Genie Hero
-Axiom Verge
-Danganronpa 3
-Neptuina vs Sega Hard Girls
-Violent Dimension Tag Blanc + Neptune VS Zombie Corps
-Net High
-Odin Sphere: Leifdrasir
-World of Final Fantasy
-Dragon Quest Builders
-Dragon Quest Heroes 2
Plus many others that are escaping my mind. I am very excited about the JP support coming to Vita next year, as so many great games are coming :').
System Shock remake looks really simple graphics-wise
Let's ask for a vita version! XD
DP sorry.
Out tomorrow (Friday), according to the EU blog:
Bloodborne + Expansion for 49.99 is tempting, to be honest. Even though I'm not a fan.
I think i'll buy everything except sophie(i want shallie), neptunia games, airship q(but i could buy it for cheap) and mighty gunvolt.
I'm interested in Night of Azure but IIRC the vita version won't be localized.
Grand Theft Auto: LCS for PSP has been removed from PSN globally. That includes Japan, where the game was only put on the store earlier this year. The PS2 version is still up, though.
I guess some license expired. Will they put up an edited ISO,, or pull a Warriors and do nothing?a Vita native port