I've only had a single 32GB card since I got my vita. It's more than enough. However, I refuse to buy full games outside of some indies digitally because I'm a collector and very materialistic about my hobbies.
32gb is enough
Haven't played any PS+ games since Rocket League I think. The games for November actually interest me for once.
I still can't believe Dragon Fin Soup is on PS+... what about the backers?
guess I'll go with the Steam version on my Backer's Survey
I still can't believe Dragon Fin Soup is on PS+... what about the backers?
guess I'll go with the Steam version on my Backer's Survey
So it was a Kickstarter game? I wonder why its on Plus then; that has to be annoying to backers but at least the devs got paid for the PS+ deal, so it isn't a complete loss.
I guess Sony is going to be doing this more often? I mean, Broken Age was a Kickstarter project and that got part of PS+ in October (though it DID come out earlier this year....).
PS+ isn't a free service and it's not a PlayStation exclusive game
there's no issue with Kickstarter games going on PS+ but doing so at launch just seems kinda strange for some reason.
Agreed on both points but it's still kinda strange though. I backed it for a PlayStation version and bam! it's not on PS+ at launch (being on PS+ is not the trouble, it's the timing)
there's no issue with Kickstarter games going on PS+ but doing so at launch just seems kinda strange for some reason.
Agreed on both points but it's still kinda strange though. I backed it for a PlayStation version and bam! it's not on PS+ at launch (being on PS+ is not the trouble, it's the timing)
Which ones interested you?
For me, its Dragon Fin Soup for my Vita and Mass Effect 2 for my PS3 that has me excited about next month (plus Broken Age and Super Meat Boy on my Vita still aren't beaten yet, so I can add that on my to-beat list for next month).
I didn't know Sony bumped cloud storage up to 10GB. I will be waiting for Plus and eshop code offers in ebay next month.But wasn't this increased to 10gb recently?
Me right now:
I was randomly browsing the upcoming games on amazon and my heart literally skipped a beat when I saw it. So unexpected and awesome
Holy shit @ Vita's H1 2016 lineup. Atelier Escha & Logy, Trillion God of Destruction, Attack on Titan, Samurai Warriors 4 Empires, One Piece Burning Blood, Odin Sphere Leifthrasir, Aegis Earth: Protonovus Assault and now Stranger of Sword City. Both 2014 and 2015 have already been "Year of Vita", now 2016 looks like a contender too.
Holy shit @ Vita's H1 2016 lineup. Atelier Escha & Logy, Trillion God of Destruction, Attack on Titan, Samurai Warriors 4 Empires, One Piece Burning Blood, Odin Sphere Leifthrasir, Aegis Earth: Protonovus Assault and now Stranger of Sword City. Both 2014 and 2015 have already been "Year of Vita", now 2016 looks like a contender too.
Wonder what's next to have a localization announcement? Tag Team Blanc + Nepnep? Death Under the Labyrinth? Luminous Arc? Night Watch? Valkyrie Drive? Tokyo Xanadu? God Eater Ressurection? Exist Archive?
Invizimals surely has to be one of the Vita games and not including a subtitle is just a mistake.
Holy fuck!
Holy fuck!
Ray Gigant next please.
You forgot Digimon!
I know it's probably too much to ask of NISA/Bamco, but I'd love Ray Gigant and Operation Babel as well. Need dem drpgs.
That would be up to Bamco. If they find porting it to PS4 worthwhile then we'll get it. Otherwise chances are slim.
Babel would be up to MAGES, am wondering whats going on with that considering how Abyss got slammed. :/
Not exactly, since they are also into just saying fuck it and do a digital only version similar as to what they did with the original Hollow Fragment Vita. Since it lowers the trouble / cost of having to go physical. And since they know its niche anyways, its not like they would have exactly large expectations for sales either. Which furthers the reason for them to just dump it as DL only if they wanted to do it themselves. Id imagine if NISA did it they would do a physical version with the OST included as a bonus or something.
Yeah, could be digital only. But, I still think that the chances of us getting either RG or Babel are slim. Would be amazing if we did though.
Yeah, could be digital only. But, I still think that the chances of us getting either RG or Babel are slim. Would be amazing if we did though.
Considering BanNam has been a lot more aggressive in general with their titles, hopefully they will release it considering its a new IP.
Will have to wait and see what next year brings I suppose.
No idea about Babel, but would be weird / unfortunate if they just left the series with Abyss only considering Babel was a pretty good improvement over Abyss. Even Chikami-san on last nights live stream said that too which was pretty funny. That basically choosing between Abyss or Babel, he would choose Babel. They were not to happy with how Abyss turned out looking back on things, which is why a lot more effort was put into Babel. Granted its not like super huge changes / overhauls but in general the title feels like a more proper remake. Than Abyss which was basically an artwork swap, which is what fans had said also domestically.
I highly doubt you delete games you beat then
Chances for Babel aren't that slim, I don't see Abyss as being slammed in the West at all.
I highly suspect you have no idea about some of our collections, then. I have well over 200g of games for my Vita. I delete what I beat, but I sure wish I didn't have to -- "team 256g card, please"
Abyss was a remake of two games while Babel is only of one, right? Which would make Babel shorter than Abyss. I'm glad that it's the better of the two. Abyss felt overly clunky and obtuse at times.
We also still have Meikyuu Cross Blood: Infinity, which continues Abyss and Babel stories. Maybe someday...Considering BanNam has been a lot more aggressive in general with their titles, hopefully they will release it considering its a new IP.
Will have to wait and see what next year brings I suppose.
No idea about Babel, but would be weird / unfortunate if they just left the series with Abyss only considering Babel was a pretty good improvement over Abyss. Even Chikami-san on last nights live stream said that too which was pretty funny. That basically choosing between Abyss or Babel, he would choose Babel. They were not to happy with how Abyss turned out looking back on things, which is why a lot more effort was put into Babel. Granted its not like super huge changes / overhauls but in general the title feels like a more proper remake. Than Abyss which was basically an artwork swap, which is what fans had said also domestically.
Seeing how if that info from Germany if correct, SoSC is around March 2016, that would put Babel quite far out if it was NISA to be doing it again. Which is what we would imagine is the case. Seeing as how there was about a year between Abyss JP / US:EU then with SoSC from the JP / EU (current leaked date if correct) is about a year for localization. Then on the side of time between US releases of the (once again leaked?) date for SoSC vs Op Abyss puts it about a little more over half a year, can put together the prediction that the same sort of timeline will be done for Babel also if its in the works. Then that also depends on what other types NISA will be up to. Since they also have their own first party DRPG (Coven and the Labyrinth of Refrain) that comes out next year (Jan 28th) in Japan so with how they seem to be quicker about doing their own stuff no idea with how that will get thrown into the works. (For example Disgaea 5 had about 6+ month between the JP and Western versions.) Then no idea what their schedule is for what they already have lined up First or Third party titles.
Anyone here sub to PlayStation Now? My 7-day trial ends in a few days and I'd like to keep the subscription, but my account tells me that it's going to charge me for the monthly plan. I'd rather do the three months, but can't find a way to change it. Do I just have to wait until the free trial lapses and then "re-sub" under the three month plan?
I guess that is the right move to make, but I didn't re-new my sub to PS Now after the 7-Day trial, so I really don't know how that works :l.
My suggestion is to wait until your sub lapses and then re-entering your credit card into the PSN Account, then 're-activate' your subscription.
I don't know if that is how it works, but I hoped it helps somehow.
We also still have Meikyuu Cross Blood: Infinity, which continues Abyss and Babel stories. Maybe someday...
I was randomly browsing the upcoming games on amazon and my heart literally skipped a beat when I saw it. So unexpected and awesome
What do you guys recommend most: Killzone Mercenary, Lost Dimension, Sonic Racing Transformed, or LBP Vita? I'm almost to all genres.
I actually have no clue what if anything I'm going to get for Vita in 2016. Nothing really jumps out, even waiting for rock bottom sales. Most of my remaining list is 2015 stuff for the right price.
Trails of Cold Steel 1/2
Tokyo Xanadu
Ys 8 (lol believe)
Digimon (There's also the PS4 version)
Stranger of Sword City
Not a lot but that's enough for me to be excited for 2016.
I think we'll probably see Toukiden 2 and Square's Project Setsuna towards the end of 2016 too, along with Xcom plus.
Nothing concrete, but they seem highly likely.
Stranger of Sword City has a listing on Amazon Germany for Vita, so I think an announcement probably isn't far off.
On the indie side of things, Slain, Darkest Dungeon, Salt and Sanctuary and Eitr have all caught my eye too.