Seems to be a Team17 sale on US PSN.
Have been tempted by the Escapists for some time now but don't really know if I'll like it or not.
Good price anyway together with The Walking Dead DLC.
Stick with it. That's all I'll say.So I just started Zero Time Dilemma. Not sure how to feel about it. First hour spoilers.
Darkest Dungeon is up on the EU store too.!/fr-fr/jeux/darkest-dungeon/cid=EP2483-CUSA05967_00-RHSDDPS4BND00001
That price though
The price seems 100% fair.
Guys, what Vita console should I buy?
I've decided I want a second one to set up a US account on it (and a third one eventually on my UK account, but that's another story). Since it's going to be a US Vita I thought I might splash out and buy a fancy colour so it's different from my UK account black ones.
So I was looking into it and buttons are swapped if I import from Japan, which sounds like a chore. Then again, I'm only planning on playing PS1 & PSP games on it that aren't available in the UK store, so maybe it's not that big a deal?
I was looking for an Aqua Blue one from the USA, but it seems they're all sold out.
If I buy a PS3 avatar on the web store, can I then set it on my PS4?
Buttons are only swapped on a system level, not for games and inside a few apps.
This thread said it depends on the game as some use the standard system settings and some use their own programming. Has it changed since then?
This thread said it depends on the game as some use the standard system settings and some use their own programming. Has it changed since then?
Darkest Dungeon definitely deserves your time and money (even if it is surprisingly costly in Canada) due to its unique handling on stress as a component of the game's design...thus far at least. I'll likely post a more detailed impression once i've dedicated more time to it.
Guys, what Vita console should I buy?
I've decided I want a second one to set up a US account on it (and a third one eventually on my UK account, but that's another story). Since it's going to be a US Vita I thought I might splash out and buy a fancy colour so it's different from my UK account black ones.
So I was looking into it and buttons are swapped if I import from Japan, which sounds like a chore. Then again, I'm only planning on playing PS1 & PSP games on it that aren't available in the UK store, so maybe it's not that big a deal?
I was looking for an Aqua Blue one from the USA, but it seems they're all sold out.
Buttons are only swapped on a system level, not for games and inside a few apps.
Having imported a white one from Japan the buttons are swapped on a system level and if it's not hardcoded to use the western button mapping it defaults to Japanese mapping. You could import one and just mod it with henkaku to use the western mapping like I did if you don't feel like dealing the button mapping.Guys, what Vita console should I buy?
I've decided I want a second one to set up a US account on it (and a third one eventually on my UK account, but that's another story). Since it's going to be a US Vita I thought I might splash out and buy a fancy colour so it's different from my UK account black ones.
So I was looking into it and buttons are swapped if I import from Japan, which sounds like a chore. Then again, I'm only planning on playing PS1 & PSP games on it that aren't available in the UK store, so maybe it's not that big a deal?
I was looking for an Aqua Blue one from the USA, but it seems they're all sold out.
Yeah this is pretty much the case for how the mapping works.From what I understand there is a flag that has multiple options; default system, circle, and X. If set to default system it uses whatever the standard is on your console (O in Japan, X accept in the West), otherwise it depends on the chosen "absolute" flag of O and X.
no. can confirm, it depends on the game.
From what I understand there is a flag that has multiple options; default system, circle, and X. If set to default system it uses whatever the standard is on your console (O in Japan, X accept in the West), otherwise it depends on the chosen "absolute" flag of O and X.
Also where are you looking for the aqua blue vita? I'm pretty sure it's in stock still.
Here the thread - anyone seen the PS Plus offerings in October for EU?!
Freakin REmake and Transformers Devastation!?
How am I not seeing a thread/post on this? My bad if I'm blind.