Hope they bring Suikoden to EU as well, I want to play them
- MLB:The Show 15 to Vita
- Geometry Wars 3 to Vita
- Bastion to Vita
- Need For Speed:Most Wanted free for limited time for 20th Anniversary
- Shovel Knight to Vita
- Suikoden 1 & 2 to Vita on December 9th (NA)
- TowerFall Ascension to Vita
- Octodad: Dadliest Catch to Vita
- Super Time Force Ultra to Vita
- The Banner Saga to Vita
- Resident Evil: Revelations 2 to Vita
- Broken Age to Vita
- Grim Fandango Remastered on Jan 27th
- Day of the Tentacle: Special Edition
Yeah today was a good day. Nice to see Sony show some Vita love for once. Why couldn't they treat Vita like this at E3 and Gamescom.So..
- MLB:The Show 15 to Vita
- Geometry Wars 3 to Vita
- Bastion to Vita
- Need For Speed:Most Wanted free for limited time for 20th Anniversary
- Shovel Knight to Vita
- Suikoden 1 & 2 to Vita on December 9th (NA)
- TowerFall Ascension to Vita
- Octodad: Dadliest Catch to Vita
- Super Time Force Ultra to Vita
- The Banner Saga to Vita
- Resident Evil: Revelations 2 to Vita
- Broken Age to Vita
- Grim Fandango Remastered on Jan 27th
- Day of the Tentacle: Special Edition
Yeah today was a good day. Nice to see Sony show some Vita love for once. Why couldn't they treat Vita like this at E3 and Gamescom.
PS4 stuff was generally good too. Drawn to Death looked all kinds of awesome. Too bad UC4 looked about as interesting as The Order.
This game looks cool:
Darkest Dungeon: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2014/12/06/madness-awaits-youin-the-darkest-dungeon/
It does have single player and it's fucking hardcore. Seriously it's hard as nails on your own. It's kind of enjoyable but really the meat of the game is the multiplayer.Does towerfall have single playr content? Story mode? I thought it was couch co-op heavy as it does not have internet.
Also I think towerfall 2 was also shown on the vita.
Does towerfall have single playr content? Story mode? I thought it was couch co-op heavy as it does not have internet.
Also I think towerfall 2 was also shown on the vita.
Does towerfall have single playr content? Story mode? I thought it was couch co-op heavy as it does not have internet.
Also I think towerfall 2 was also shown on the vita.
- MLB:The Show 15 to Vita
- Geometry Wars 3 to Vita
- Bastion to Vita
- Need For Speed:Most Wanted free for limited time for 20th Anniversary
- Shovel Knight to Vita
- Suikoden 1 & 2 to Vita on December 9th (NA)
- TowerFall Ascension to Vita
- Octodad: Dadliest Catch to Vita
- Super Time Force Ultra to Vita
- The Banner Saga to Vita
- Resident Evil: Revelations 2 to Vita
- Broken Age to Vita
- Grim Fandango Remastered on Jan 27th
- Day of the Tentacle: Special Edition
This game looks cool:
Darkest Dungeon: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2014/12/06/madness-awaits-youin-the-darkest-dungeon/
You're missing games on this list, like Severed.
It wasn't meant to be a perfect list. I'm just excited to see some talk of the Vita at the Playstation Experience Event. I know I forgot a few gems. Pardon, my lack of not having a complete list to your liking.
Even on a good day Vita isn't safe from bashing. Dammit, I usually have the willpower to avoid Vita related threads outside here. It looked too positive to resist. But in reality it's never positive.
So were all of those new indies just announced to be releasing in the first half of next year, or do any of them have release dates?
I think only Grim Fandango has a release date, from all indies.
Thought PSX was pretty great, lots of stuff I'm looking forward to
is this real
am i real
I don't have an order confirmation and sony's site is broken as fuck but the paypal went through I am excited and terrified
My friend has been recommending me Suikoden forever now, might pick it up since its coming to Vita.
What's so good about it though?
For those who have played the Atelier games, which one is best? Looking to get one of them for Vita; the only one I've ever played is Atelier Annie for the DS. I liked it, but I never went back to it after I played through once. Atelier Ayesha hits in January, so I may pick that up if it's good.
For those who have played the Atelier games, which one is best? Looking to get one of them for Vita; the only one I've ever played is Atelier Annie for the DS. I liked it, but I never went back to it after I played through once. Atelier Ayesha hits in January, so I may pick that up if it's good.
classy ps4
- MLB:The Show 15 to Vita
- Geometry Wars 3 to Vita
- Bastion to Vita
- Need For Speed:Most Wanted free for limited time for 20th Anniversary
- Shovel Knight to Vita
- Suikoden 1 & 2 to Vita on December 9th (NA)
- TowerFall Ascension to Vita
- Octodad: Dadliest Catch to Vita
- Super Time Force Ultra to Vita
- The Banner Saga to Vita
- Resident Evil: Revelations 2 to Vita
- Broken Age to Vita
- Grim Fandango Remastered on Jan 27th
- Day of the Tentacle: Special Edition
IMO, it's Atelier Totori Plus. Most balanced and most endearing.
So Totori or Ayesha. Cool, I'll look up what I can about both.Ayesha would probably be a good pick, since it starts a fresh saga and is the first in its series chronologically and by release date. Don't know about the quality, since I didn't play it on PS3, but plan on picking up the + version.
Since Totori doesn't require that much knowledge of Rorona and doesn't have as many reocurring characters as Meruru, I'd recommend that one to start with. You could play the original Rorona on PS3, but that's a lesser game in terms of quality and might turn you off the series without seeing the good parts. You could also play Rorona+, but then it might be hard to go back to the gameplay of the older games and it might spoil some stuff.
- MLB:The Show 15 to Vita
- Geometry Wars 3 to Vita
- Bastion to Vita
- Need For Speed:Most Wanted free for limited time for 20th Anniversary
- Shovel Knight to Vita
- Suikoden 1 & 2 to Vita on December 9th (NA)
- TowerFall Ascension to Vita
- Octodad: Dadliest Catch to Vita
- Super Time Force Ultra to Vita
- The Banner Saga to Vita
- Resident Evil: Revelations 2 to Vita
- Broken Age to Vita
- Grim Fandango Remastered on Jan 27th
- Day of the Tentacle: Special Edition
Even on a good day Vita isn't safe from bashing. Dammit, I usually have the willpower to avoid Vita related threads outside here. It looked too positive to resist. But in reality it's never positive.
which Vita thread are we talking about?
and... is there a trailer for GOW3 Vita?
Tim playing Grim Fandango on the Vita
They announced that? Wouldn't vita ver. look like trash though?
I think today was a great day for the Vita, lots of cool games were announced. The cheers of the audience when they mentioned the Vita was cool, brought a smile to my face. Viva la Vita
They announced that? Wouldn't vita ver. look like trash though?
I was thinking of Gears of War.
I was thinking of Gears of War.Why's that? Super Stardust looks great on Vita, Geometry Wars will look just as hot. (Don't tell me you're thinking of God of War.)
I was thinking of Gears of War.
I was thinking of Gears of War.
I think you mean God of War
I think zero's joking
No the patch will still download regardless of region. Just mentioned it in case you were the type who cares about the principle of buying a fundamentally broken game that requires online to fix. I'm also assuming you've played the Sora no Kiseki trilogy beforehand though.
Asia ver. of one piece musou 2 has eng. subtitles right? How's the performance?
I'm thinking of getting it off Play asia but do they have like x-mas offers?
Games to ge from Amazon.com
Ys: Celceta
Rayman Origins
Akiba's Trip (yeah yeah I had budget problems, shut up =_=)
I'm too tired to tell