She'll spare three dragons and keep them as pets instead.
Why can't I ride dragons in this game?
Please, this is a Bioware game. You should know better than to ask for unique features.
TOTP: buy DanganRonpa2
She'll spare three dragons and keep them as pets instead.
Why can't I ride dragons in this game?
No store update.
Oh well, back to playingGame of ThronesDragon Age Inquisition.
Not enough games released per month to justify separate GotMs and extra work for me.
Skyrim had that feature already.Please, this is a Bioware game. You should know better than to ask for unique features.
Welcome back, buy Diablo 3 while it's on sale. The PS4 version is vastly superior to the PC version IMO.Did I mention I have a PS4 now? I'm back, bitches.
Skyrim had that feature already.![]()
To be fair, Atlus has the same sale every 2-3 weeks, Sony probably doesn't bother taking it out the deals section cause they know the games are going to be back on sale the week after lol.
Skyrim had that feature already.
Welcome back, buy Diablo 3 while it's on sale. The PS4 version is vastly superior to the PC version IMO.
To be fair, Atlus has the same sale every 2-3 weeks, Sony probably doesn't bother taking it out the deals section cause they know the games are going to be back on sale the week after lol.
$36 on PSN. SCEA also extended the holiday sale.Where is it on sale?
And for how much?
I don't see it in the flash...
I'm really excited for Prototype 2 for PS+
I don't know if that's sarcasm or not, a lot of people don't seem pleased with it, but I thought it was a really fun game. I got the platinum and everything! Have fun with it!
I just ordered the white/light blue Vita today. About time I jumped on the Vita 2000 bandwagon. Now I need to figure out if I want to put a screen protector on it.
Honestly Prototype 2 seems like the exact sort of not great not terrible AAA retail titles people were fawning over in "the good old days" so I'm a bit confused by the hate. Is it the Metascore? I thought it was supposed to be a decent, not quite as good as infamous sort of game.
I don't know if that's sarcasm or not, a lot of people don't seem pleased with it, but I thought it was a really fun game. I got the platinum and everything! Have fun with it!
At this point I'm pretty sure that there won't be one. I recall that in previous years there was an Xmas/New Year's break when no updates happened.get a tempered glass screen protector! it's good!
hmm is the Store Update out yet?
It's worse than you have it. If it gives games that people haven't wanted already, then it is just a bunch of garbage that no one wants anyway. If it gives them games they wanted, then they already bought them and so the service is worthless.Maybe it's because it's an older middle-of-the-road AAA title? I have no idea. People hate on PS+ regularly unless it gets them the exact titles that they want to play the most. But even then they'll hate on it because it doesn't meet their expectations.
PS+ can't win at this point.
It's worse than you have it. If it gives games that people haven't wanted already, then it is just a bunch of garbage that no one wants anyway. If it gives them games they wanted, then they already bought them and so the service is worthless.
You tried and you failed, Sony. The lesson is: Never try.
(With apologies to Homer Simpson.)
get a tempered glass screen protector! it's good!
hmm is the Store Update out yet?
I'm shocked that Nocturne hasn't gotten a port yet..
Chiaki is great. Definitely one of my favorites in DR2. I still say Kyouko is my favorite character of those 2 games.Chiaki in DR2 is hilarious I love this character.
I am not sarcastic at all. I loved the first game.
Could try another site. When I was hunting for a black and blue vita it seemed that the prices were pretty uniform across the board. A site that charges in yen might be cheaper due to exchange rate.Well crud. Superufo just e-mailed me saying they were sold out of the Light Blue/White Vita 2000. So my choices are to either get the all white model or see if they know when they'll get more of the Light Blue/White model in stock.
Have fun with Nova, I'm having a blast. Wish I understood the story bits though.
Also what the benefits of installing home brew on a Vita? I always thought it was a thing for piracy.
Well crud. Superufo just e-mailed me saying they were sold out of the Light Blue/White Vita 2000. So my choices are to either get the all white model or see if they know when they'll get more of the Light Blue/White model in stock.
Do you have a link to the original promo shot that the icon background was ripped from? I can get in contact with SCEA.
Honestly i don't think that the GR2 platform is a secret inside Sony, in any case no matter if they know it or not the question would sound strange without the "2", what would be the point of asking: "is Gravity Daze for Vita?"
If i go to the twitter link i don't see the question anymore, only the answer.
I don't mind comic book cut-scenes, but GR comic looked like it was outsourced to some newbie studio in the west that was told to make it look like it's Japanese. Reminds me kinda of the crappy western cartoons that try to look Japanese. It's a shame because the in-game world was so characterful and inspired, and the drawings just looked cheap and overall botched. As if the pencil art got screwed up when they tried to digitalise it or something.
So happy with Jan PS+, specially with Duke Nukem
What's the retail price on Duke?
I wasn't planning on getting SK, but who know if it'll become hard to come by later. I'll probably skip my Burst playthrough and jump straight to SV.
you should still play Burst. Shinovi Versus takes place after the events of Burst, and goes in thinking you already know the characters and events (even though it does have a very brief overview of what happened). It will make your SV playthrough better.
Ya'll are crazy if you think Gravity Rush 2 isn't coming to PS4
Ya'll are crazy if you think Gravity Rush 2 isn't coming to PS4
If they really wanted to reuse assets then they would be 3DS games exclusives and not Vita releases.Western Plebs, Gravity Daze 2 Vita Exclusive + more Dissidia and Birth By Sleep Prequel with Eraqus. Who needs PS4 when you can reuse assets again and again.
I feel like you're posting this reminder at an earlier time with every passing month.Oh, hey, look at the date! You know what it's time for, right?
New thread, please!
I feel like you're posting this reminder at an earlier time with every passing month.
I kind of like this thread the way it is thoughJust make it the Vita thread now that you're in community. No need to keep up the charade.
Yeah, the thread fulfills a nice niche as it is. I can't really see why people think calling it the vitagaf thread will change anything for the positiveI kind of like this thread the way it is thougheven if 99% of the posters are dedicated VitaGAF members.
Yeah, the thread fulfills a nice niche as it is. I can't really see why people think calling it the vitagaf thread will change anything for the positive
Vita is conservativenessfish pls
everybody knows change is bad
Lol. In seriousness though, it doesn't seem likely that the thread will gain more following with the change, and it will certainly alienate a large percentage of potential posters. Seems unnecessary on a purely cost-benefit basis.Fish has got a point though, you're gonna have a serious branding issue if you bring back the Vita flag with Criminal Girls coming out so soon afterwards. Not a good look.
Speaking of Game-Which-Must-Not-Be-Named, I finally put my reserve down for it. Not gonna be the LE, but at least I'm showing support.Fish has got a point though, you're gonna have a serious branding issue if you bring back the Vita flag with Criminal Girls coming out so soon afterwards. Not a good look.