I'm going to post my feelings on Jak Collection on the Vita, so that way it can better help people in deciding if the collection is worth the 8.10 it costs

Visuals: The games oddly enough, look fantastic on Vita

. I say that due to the collection not being in native resolution, but they look clean and their style pops nicely off the Vita's screen

Sound: Across the three games, they sound just as well as the PS3 collection. The sound effects still have that satisfying 'pow' that the original games had (like when you punch, the sound of that attack feels so good to land for example

Controls: Again, this surprised me, considering how it uses the rear touch pad for critical actions (Jak 2's Dark Jak and Hoverboard, Jak 3's car boosters, Light/Dark Jak moves, Hoverboard) but with my PDP Vita 1000 grip, using the rear touch pad so far has been solid and works well

Performance: This is where my thoughts get a bit confused

. Jak 1 is interesting, as like other posters said, the game runs at a mostly stable 20FPS (sorta like the N64 versions of OoT and MM) but after the initial levels (the intro stage, Sandover, the Beach Area, the Jungle Area, ect) the frame rate gets a solid boost to 25+FPS, making the game more playable. Jak 2 is very odd, as it runs very well on Vita

(ironic, as it is the game I dislike the most of the trilogy XD); mostly stable 30FPS in platforming levels, somewhat stable frame rate in the Haven City, and the controls feel a lot more responsive compared to Jak 1 and 3

. Jak 3....man, what did they DO to you X(. This suffers the most out of the trilogy on the Vita sadly; lowest frame rate of the three games (which must be annoying in the driving levels....), less responsive controls and the game where I feel the visuals take the biggest hit on Vita form the PS3 collection (it just looks off on Vita, where Jak 1 and 2 look very sharp on the Vita's screen; could be from the desert area looking samey, but who knows :l).
Overall: For 8 bucks, you could do a whole lot worse then this honestly

. The collection on the PSN is the cheapest it has ever been, and performance issues aside, it is great to have three amazing games in the palm of you hands, so I find the performance issues being a okay trade-off for having these on the Vita. Granted, I would like the games to run a lot better (notably Jak 3), but considering how many programing tricks Naughty Dog took to make the initial PS2 games, it is impressive enough to see this running on Vita (it could have been a LOT worse...).
Hope this helps anyone interested in the collection; 8 bucks for a flawed port of a collection is a okay deal for that price compared to the games normal 30 dollar price point
