*Breaks Normalfish's car*Man...All these games are gonna break bank. Here's hoping my car doesn't break down!
*Breaks NormalFish's bank**Breaks Normalfish's car*
Corpse Party Blood Drive? Xanadu Next?!? Sen no Kiseki?!?!?Yay, Corpse Party Blood Drive localization leak. Can't wait, I'm so hyped.
Don't think I'll buy any of the January titles, pretty busy with Smash, Persona Q, Freedom Wars and Neptunia.
*Breaks Normalfish's car*
Anyone have new IP recommendations for Vita?
At the moment I own Freedom Wars, God Eater 2 PSP (Soon to be Rage Burst), Technika Tune, Tales of Innocence R, Danganronpa Another Episode, and Phantasy Star Nova.
I haven't finished any of these yet, but I want to build a library since I love this Vita after a few days of owning it.
I'm thinking of getting Fate/hollow Ataraxia as I haven't gone through the VN yet and currently importing Persona 4 Golden. Considering Toukiden Kiwami, but I didn't really enjoy the PSP game.
I'm looking for a fighting/rpg/action itch.
Soul Sacrifice Delta and the Hatsune Miku games (not Vita exclusive but much better on the Vita IMO).Anyone have new IP recommendations for Vita?
UWR is alright, I got that on Wii U. It's been a while since I played a Falcom game so I'll think about that.One Piece: UWR is a good game, not a vita exclusive, though. Ys MoC might suit your tastes.
Soul Sacrifice Delta and the Hatsune Miku games (not Vita exclusive but much better on the Vita IMO).
Anyone have new IP recommendations for Vita?
At the moment I own Freedom Wars, God Eater 2 PSP (Soon to be Rage Burst), Technika Tune, Tales of Innocence R, Danganronpa Another Episode, and Phantasy Star Nova.
I haven't finished any of these yet, but I want to build a library since I love this Vita after a few days of owning it.
I'm thinking of getting Fate/hollow Ataraxia as I haven't gone through the VN yet and currently importing Persona 4 Golden. Considering Toukiden Kiwami, but I didn't really enjoy the PSP game.
I'm looking for a fighting/rpg/action itch.
UWR is alright, I got that on Wii U. It's been a while since I played a Falcom game so I'll think about that.
I've never played any Gust games. Are Ciel/Ar nosurge good?
I like FW/GE/PSN, how does Soul Sacrifice/Ragnarok/Kiwami/etc stack up to the other MoHun "clones".
Any other Rhythm games? PSP was so good in that department even licensed shovelware was good.
I'd also like to know this. Is the online in Nidhogg active? I played the crap out of local multiplayer on my friend's PC. Fun game and if it had an active online multiplayer on PS I'd get it.Nidhogg for 9 bucks. Worth it? I'll be playing online mostly.
I still don't like the overall structure of Neptunia.
But damn, is it addicting.
Just conquered some of the side stuff, defeating dangerous thingies all over, leveling up like mad and making some plans. Now I'm Lv47 and only started chapter 4.
Does Re;Birth2 do things differently in terms of overworld, dungeon design and progression? The game pretty much consists of the same 5 dungeon themes, you click from event scene to event scene on an overworld map and dungeon order is pretty random. I also kinda dislike the plan system and the limited space.
I mean, I have fun, undoubtely so, but I can't see myself getting the next one anytime soon if there aren't major improvements. Would probably go on my list of games to buy in a sale if it's over 50% off and I got spare time.
Woah Nidhogg has online? I hadn't even noticed. I just plowed through the single player campaign in less than half an hour then said "alright, all that's left is couch multi with friends next time they come over".
Online multiplayer with friends is where Nidhogg shines (aside from local-multi). A PlayStation Vita + a friend to play with who has jumped on voice chat = a damn good time.
This is literally my first experience with the game, and I had a blast; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YDNW2Qqm7M
I think Demon Gaze has one of my favorite video game soundtracks ever.
that seems to be pretty fun does this game has content for single player?
Do you guys think 500GB is enough (or should I just go all the way with 1TB) to not have to worry about uninstalling things, considering the free games we get from PS+. I've been subscribed since the beginning and by current HD isn't cutting it.
I think I just lost every Ps+ game I owned. My head hurts.
I think I just lost every Ps+ game I owned. My head hurts.
What? Did you lose the account they're on?
What happened exactly though? I think this happened to me to a while ago, so maybe I can help you somehow.
I renewed and now no licenses.
I renewed and now no licenses.
My Plus ran out December 23. All of my games were rendered inactive, as expected. I purchased Destiny in September which came with a month trial. I made an alternative account to use the trial on under the assumption that as long as the secondary account was set as active I would retain the ability to play my IGC games. All of my games are now giving a "purchase this content from the store" message and are listed full price in the store. Restoring Licenses has done nothing. I'm not sure what to do.
Generally 500GB will be fine for all the games you'd want at a given time. That said, with the bluray discs being used, you're going to have a lot of massive (50GB) games, so you may have to either learn to cycle things out or get the bigger drive.
Oh, I think I get your issue; you must have re-subscribed under your sub-account instead of your main one then. Maybe you can get a refund from Sony in that case and then re-buy another year/3 months of plus for your main account then.
If you DID re-subscribe to your main account....then I have no ideal what happened then. Maybe you should wait a day to see if your licenses will gradually come back under your account; PSN re-sets your download list once you re-subscribe, so maybe that didn't happen with your account yet.
I'm sorry about this man. I hope this helps you somewhat :l.
Edit: Oh, if you have a Vita, open the PSN Store, then tap the '...' icon. Then click your 'Services List' icon and then scroll down until you see the PS+ icon. Tap that and click the PS+ link under that. You should then see when you started your subscription and when it expires. Maybe that might help somehow :l.
Soul Sacrifice Delta and the Hatsune Miku games (not Vita exclusive but much better on the Vita IMO).
No. My main does not have PS+, my sub does, both have my ps4 set as active. According to this I should have regained access to my IGC games but instead they switched from expired to rebuy. I only used the trial because I didn't want it to go to waste. I tried restoring and reactivating but no go. Most of the games were wiped from the service list, but even the ones that remain won't work without a rebuy. I guess I'll call them tomorrow.
Whar is Hotline Miami 2?Here you go, a full Q1 list (though I might have missed a recent announcement or two);
Wait, I don't think I understand. You have a main account with a subaccount, yes? And you originally applied PS+ to which account? The main account? If so, and you then applied the PS+ trial to the subaccount, then I don't see why that would have anything to do with the main account.No. My main does not have PS+, my sub does, both have my ps4 set as active. According to this I should have regained access to my IGC games but instead they switched from expired to rebuy. I only used the trial because I didn't want it to go to waste. I tried restoring and reactivating but no go. Most of the games were wiped from the service list, but even the ones that remain won't work without a rebuy. I guess I'll call them tomorrow.
*ding*Wouldn't your primary account have to be subscribed to PS+ in order for that to work?
No. My main does not have PS+, my sub does, both have my ps4 set as active. According to this I should have regained access to my IGC games but instead they switched from expired to rebuy. I only used the trial because I didn't want it to go to waste. I tried restoring and reactivating but no go. Most of the games were wiped from the service list, but even the ones that remain won't work without a rebuy. I guess I'll call them tomorrow.
Wouldn't your primary account have to be subscribed to PS+ in order for that to work?
Whar is Hotline Miami 2?I thought it was a 1Q15 game.
PSNGaf, a question.
If I buy GoW Collection on Disc, is there a way for me to have cross buy with Vita version ?
I love the soundtrack for Demon Gaze, I have the ost on my phone and use it as my workout playlist. Those Vocaloid tracks really pump energy in me. I want DG2 to have another killer ost, with more vocaloid tracks.I think Demon Gaze has one of my favorite video game soundtracks ever.
Has Q1 been confirmed? I heard "Early 2015", but that's not quite a Q1 confirmed.
Yes, absolutely. Keep in mind to explore and battle in the optional dungeons because there's a major difficulty spike at the end of chapter 2 that have scared off a lot of people. At level 25 you learn EXE Drive attacks that will help a lot.So is Neptunia worth the sales price on EU PSN right now?
Nope, digital crossbuy only in Europe and I think US.PSNGaf, a question.
If I buy GoW Collection on Disc, is there a way for me to have cross buy with Vita version ?
No.this game is not a crossbuy game.PSNGaf, a question.
If I buy GoW Collection on Disc, is there a way for me to have cross buy with Vita version ?
Like I said, I think you're mis-reading that section's meaning. It means "If Player A subscribes and Player B is on the same machine, then Player B gets to play Player A's IGC games." That's it.Not according to the faq. If I'm reading it right, as long as the account has that PS4 set as active, most PS+ benefits(including IGC play) should roll over. Instead I lost everything.
Has Q1 been confirmed? I heard "Early 2015", but that's not quite a Q1 confirmed.
Boo. What am I going to do when I'm done with Duke and Manny Calavera?It's probably going to be a March or April game. February is already a packed month for releases.