Man, how many BlazBlues are there now? It's like they are trying to compete with SF and all of their Super-Extra-Duper editions lol. Money talks right?
Man, how many BlazBlues are there now? It's like they are trying to compete with SF and all of their Super-Extra-Duper editions lol. Money talks right?
Isn't it because they got bought and are going to be mobile only?
Man, how many BlazBlues are there now? It's like they are trying to compete with SF and all of their Super-Extra-Duper editions lol. Money talks right?
Man, how many BlazBlues are there now? It's like they are trying to compete with SF and all of their Super-Extra-Duper editions lol. Money talks right?
Sure you're not thinking of Class of Heroes 2 or something? I can't find codes for sale anywhere and it's not listed on PSN. I actually can't find anything regarding a digital release for the PS3 version at all, I thought it just failed cert and would be along any week. That was months ago...
Haha it's a really hard sell.
On one hand it's another twin stick shooter that you haven't played yet, and you like those.
On the other, as a huge fan of the genre, you a have a decent chance to be more disappointed by the game than the average player because you'll compare it more to objectively better games that you've played before.
I got it for aprox. 5 Euro, I won't say I was disappointed by it, but I'd lie to you if I said that I've replayed it much (while I'm regularly going back to Resogun for example), although there is a Challenge mode that gives it some replay value and Leaderboards.
I think with how often indie games go on sales on PSN, I wouldn't be surprised it was 5$ sometime this year.
All that said, I wanna say go for it, it's not a bad game, but don't hold me accountable if you don't like ityou really know best if money is an issue, how big of a backlog do you have or if you just fancy this type of game at the moment.
Man, how many BlazBlues are there now? It's like they are trying to compete with SF and all of their Super-Extra-Duper editions lol. Money talks right?
Fighting games are a whole different beast. The fact that they even put this many "versions" means that they sell. I can just imagine, you are playing a main entry and the shinier, more polished version comes out, everyone jumps ship and if you don't also, you are left throwing punches and kicks to the air...
Zodiac trailer:
Zodiac trailer:
Man with how consoles are powerful enough to run shit correctly I want a report of Xmen Vs. Streetfighter for mad infinite combo bullshit again lol D:
Really do not want to go out and find a SS + the Game again on top of arcade sticks.
Licensing would say otherwise to what I want though D:
Is the soundtrack composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto? Sounds really familiar.
I feel that with Destroyer Trillion, Compile Heart is just trying to sell me a Mugen Souls game with another name.
Zodiac trailer:
Do you still have the game on your first memory stick with all the data from before you transferred your save? If so, sync it to PC with content manager and then sync that to your second memory card. I do it between my PSTV and Vita all the time.
Any game with DLC, it's best to sync it to PC instead of playing the "I'll just download it again" scenario, you're likely to need to add the extra content as well which can be tedious.
64GB memory card came in, no more deleting games every other day! Going to be using the vita so much more now.
I'm going to try to break my budget this week and buy Oreshika, just to support it in hopes games like that Trillion game (and Stranger of Sword City) get localized. i just wish I had an extra $10 in my pocket to cover it.
I'm going to try to break my budget this week and buy Oreshika, just to support it in hopes games like that Trillion game (and Stranger of Sword City) get localized. i just wish I had an extra $10 in my pocket to cover it.
Was this known? Kodaka says DR has sold 100k+ in the US. Doesn't specify if that's across both games or not.
From the Danganronpa thread, sounds like the series has been a hit in the US:
Also, Kazutaka Kodaka (DR series writer) wants people to buy and design games for the vita:
More live tweets from his panel can be found here.
I don't believe it. I can't believe it. The first game did 13k at retail in North America for the first month. He must be using sales for both games, NA and Europe.
I don't believe it. I can't believe it. The first game did 13k at retail in North America for the first month. He must be using sales for both games, NA and Europe.
I don't believe it. I can't believe it. The first game did 13k at retail in North America for the first month. He must be using sales for both games, NA and Europe.
vita is far from being a dead console and that makes me happy.From the Danganronpa thread, sounds like the series has been a hit in the US:
Also, Kazutaka Kodaka (DR series writer) wants people to buy and design games for the vita:
More live tweets from his panel can be found here.
PSone Classic
Battle Hunter
PS2 Classic
Alter Echo
PS3 Games
Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode Three
Sniper Elite: Ultimate Edition
Sparkle 2 (+trial)
Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters
PS Vita Games
Flame Over
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Scram Kitty DX
Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters
PS4 Games
DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode Three
Scram Kitty DX
Sniper Elite: Ultimate Edition
Let's see how Ultra Danganronpa will perform. It's a spin-off, but it's an original title for the Vita.
I don't believe it. I can't believe it. The first game did 13k at retail in North America for the first month. He must be using sales for both games, NA and Europe.
While I keep hearing people recommended the game, I don't think it's that popular. Especially when in NA only. Furthermore, the genre isn't something people would jump in without thinking.
Final Fantasy Typ-O HD worth getting?
I can settle with 100k being DR1+DR2 (retail + limited edition + digital) for North America and Europe. That makes sense.
I think it's reasonable to assume that the Vita is doing a lot better at digital than retail in the West.
I might be misinformed but SAO wasn't like 400k+ worldwide sales wise?that would still be sort of bad though.
SAO was the highest selling game on PSN last year and yet it only sold 70k.
I might be misinformed but SAO wasn't like 400k+ worldwide sales wise?