Today I finally got the KH2.5 Collection
! Finally, I can have the chance to play Birth By Sleep after years of just waiting on it coming to PSN (and it never will thanks to Disney's stupid licensing agreements with Square X().
Started with Ven and played through the first half of the worlds (up to Radiant Garden) on Normal Difficult (would have played it on Proud.....but I never played BbS before, so I didn't want to struggle through it X().
Man, it is a blast so far
; the deck command system is fantastic, love how the different style shifts work (much better replacement of the Drive system from KH2 in my opinion), the Disney worlds are fun to run though and I really enjoy the story so far. Overall fantastic game and I'm happy to finally play this game
. Wish the PSP version was playable on Vita but, oh well :l.
Also played through more of Neptune Rebirth 1 and......I finally think I'm getting a good grove with the game
. Got the DLC characters (for two bucks, it isn't that bad honestly
) and the free item DLC's, got a few items from forging them, and level grind till a majority of my party (except the DLC characters) got to level 16-17 (in the second major dungeon in Lavastation).
Really enjoy the game so far and the game is quite funny XD! Didn't think I would be enjoying the game as much as I am, but here I am loving the game
. Thank you TapTap for recommending this to me; you got me into the series now and looking forward to Rebirth 2 whenever I get around to buying that.
Started with Ven and played through the first half of the worlds (up to Radiant Garden) on Normal Difficult (would have played it on Proud.....but I never played BbS before, so I didn't want to struggle through it X().
Man, it is a blast so far
Also played through more of Neptune Rebirth 1 and......I finally think I'm getting a good grove with the game
Really enjoy the game so far and the game is quite funny XD! Didn't think I would be enjoying the game as much as I am, but here I am loving the game