Ah, my cat does this to whenever I watch a TV show or movie with my mom; just staring at the screen in excitement or wonder

I can't wait for Axiom Verge to come to Vita in the future

! Really enjoy the Metroid series (loved Prime 1 and 3) so getting another game like that should be an utter treat

Speaking of games, I tried out more of the Plus games and a PS1 classic I recently bought.
Counter Spy is a lot of fun so far

. Great art style that just pops on the Vita's screen, solid controls making everything run really smoothly, great performance (heard reports of the game running bad on Vita, but the game ran really well for the first level; could it be I'm mixing up long load times with bad performance then? Those never bother me; I did play through Sonic 06 without any issue, so that must be why XD!), and I love how each level is randomly generated (creates a lot of replay value). Overall great addition to Plus

OilOil 2 is....not really clicking with me sadly :l. I love the art style and soundtrack, but the core gameplay just isn't getting to me for some reason. I got the controls finally but it isn't grabbing me like say, the Tony Hawk series did back on my PS2 (seems to be a fair comparison, considering both are skateboarding games). Still a great game, but one that isn't 'clicking' with me :l.
The PS1 Classic I recently bought (had extra PSN Credit after getting the Neptuna Rebirth 1 DLC and a PS Now Rental) was Pac-Man World. Man, the game is fun; it reminds me of a mix between the Crash games and Klona, in the sense that it is a 3D platformer but it plays with both 3D and 2D so much, that it is both a 3D and a 2D platformer (I mention Klona due to playing with the 3D perspective a few times). Also like how it smartly incorporates classic Pac-Man gameplay (secret maze rooms and power-pellet attacks) in a few spots; makes it a nice way to bring Pac-Man to the 3D world. I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a fun platformer for their Vita or PS3

Happy about this week ending because....Spring Break

! Got plenty of time to catch up on games I haven't played in a while in addition to plenty of time for getting other college and home stuff done

. Have a great weekend Vita Gaf
