title suggestions pls
title suggestions pls
title suggestions pls
When is Spotify dropping?
Going to throw this here instead of the Persona thread so I can avoid spoilers...
I am at 34 hours played on P4G and the date in the game is 7/12. How far along am I in the story? I am guessing about a third of the way.
Not going completion route but not going speed run either, playing without using a FAQ so I am stumbling around some (but not too badly, I hope).
Going to throw this here instead of the Persona thread so I can avoid spoilers...
I am at 34 hours played on P4G and the date in the game is 7/12. How far along am I in the story? I am guessing about a third of the way.
Not going completion route but not going speed run either, playing without using a FAQ so I am stumbling around some (but not too badly, I hope).
You can just buy the PS2 collections for 1-7 and X1-6 for pretty cheap on Amazon. Gamecube ones are expensive. They emulate fine too, was worried about that. Just some fuss to get them working right. Ugh, never should have sold the PS2. Backwards compatible PS3 my spiky metal ass.
I'm not sure how I could have been clearer. Regardless of their gameplay qualities, both games involve a level of sexual content involving apparent prepubescents -- and no, we're not interested in discussing that point further -- that make them unacceptable on this forum. Again, there are other forums where you are welcome to discuss these games, so take such discussion there.
I'd say you're 1/3 in, but it's been some time since I've played the game.
FlightGAF, if you're out there listening...
This is why I don't start this game. It just seems so daunting.
i was actually kidding but do people actually want that? can't see a nep thread being too popular tbh
I alone am worth 1000 people. Is that popular enough?
I felt the same way as you before I started playing P4G.FlightGAF, if you're out there listening...
This is why I don't start this game. It just seems so daunting.
You can just buy the PS2 collections for 1-7 and X1-6 for pretty cheap on Amazon. Gamecube ones are expensive. They emulate fine too, was worried about that.
Is there a list of PS1/PSP games that allow for screenshots on Vita?
Apparently some PS1 games do like Klonoa?
I hope they add screenshots to homebrew for the games that don't allow it in the future.
Perfect exemplifications of everyone
Crazy impressed by this seller BTW. All these are "used" but you could have fooled me (with a couple super minor exceptions). Amazing packing job and pretty cheap for how much I got.
I hate getting the top of page with a random post. Uh save some money for the 31st. Because of reasons.
DOA5 x Senran Kagura
DOA6 to have costume destruction confirmed.
Team Ninja should definitely make a SK fighting game. These will only be for ps4 right? not on pc?
DOA5 x Senran Kagura
DOA6 to have costume destruction confirmed.
Danganronpa is better served well-done. Let it stay in the oven as long as it needs, a mystery game with no interesting mystery isn't what we as fans or him as a director want. He's put 3 games out, 2 of which we played and loved, 1 of which we haven't gotten yet but Japan loved, so he's got a huge responsibility on his shoulders.Scifi and time travel ideas are in consideration for Danganronpa 3
They have not even started it though![]()
FlightGAF, if you're out there listening...
This is why I don't start this game. It just seems so daunting.
Scifi and time travel ideas are in consideration for Danganronpa 3
They have not even started it though![]()
I'll try to find more info on those, I guess Jak is only cross-buy in Europe.
what is this about?
Team Ninja should definitely make a SK fighting game. These will only be for ps4 right? not on pc?
Ugh no, not if they do the DOA "art style" aka realistic. Tamsoft should just give us proper 1v1, maybe make an extra "fighting" mode with 2D camera and movement, that's all. Combat is already alright, not quite a fighting game, but I'd play online if it weren't only 2x2 or 4 player free for all. That's just a mess.
Ugh no, not if they do the DOA "art style" aka realistic. Tamsoft should just give us proper 1v1, maybe make an extra "fighting" mode with 2D camera and movement, that's all. Combat is already alright, not quite a fighting game, but I'd play online if it weren't only 2x2 or 4 player free for all. That's just a mess.
I'd just want them to adapt Soft Engine in. We need better bouncing.
I just want a co-op Senran Kagura game.
I know localizations have slowed down a bit but can we get Girl & Punzer and Bullet girls before they are forgotten forever.
Bloodborne's loading time is horrible. I really hope they fix that shit first and foremost.
How bad?Bloodborne's loading time is horrible. I really hope they fix that shit first and foremost.
50 secondsHow bad?
Fuck. I'm gonna be spending more time in load screens than playing.50 secondsaccording to baekshi.
More incentive for me not to die.
How bad?
Co op would be cool, though for me the main draw is the 1v1 boss fights so I don't know how well that'd work out in co op. It's already a bit easy to cheese out most of the fights in Shinovi Versus just using the high attack low defense mode.
The ridiculous bouncing is part of the series' charm.
Sounds like the loading times in Bloodborne will be patched...good reason for me to wait as planned I guess. Wonder what happened there, load times are probably my favorite thing about most PS4 games.
I think it's because they do load the whole section. It's pretty quick when you back home, since that place is pretty small, but when you go into one of the other big map, the loading is long. It's seamless after the loading, but when all you're doing is keep getting killed 2 minutes after starting, it's getting jarring looking at the loading screen for 40 seconds.
I know of that one and Sly Cooper 4. Is there any other game that does that? Maybe one of the HD collections?
Yeah, long initial load times aren't unheard of (FF15 demo) but I think this is the first I've heard of a slow PS4 load when you die. Seems weird if they're having to totally reload the whole area instead of repopulating it. Maybe it's because you can be sent back to prior areas when dying?