VitaGAF, should I get a PS4?
It's time Shizuka, yes.
VitaGAF, should I get a PS4?
Play them? Hahaha, silly you.
Playing is like the meta-game. The true game is collecting them. For each 20 you buy, 1 you play. For each 50 you buy, 1 you finish. That's the true game!or at least that's what I learned on SteamGAF
I really want to get a PS4, but it's still a lot of money and I can't keep up with yet another platform to buy games. I'm just getting wrapped up with law school and stuff, I don't feel like it's the right time even though I want it badly. I have so fucking many Vita, PS3, 3DS, PSP, DS, iOS, Steam, Android and whatever games, I'd have to spend three lifetimes to play them all.
I really want to get a PS4, but it's still a lot of money and I can't keep up with yet another platform to buy games. I'm just getting wrapped up with law school and stuff, I don't feel like it's the right time even though I want it badly. I have so fucking many Vita, PS3, 3DS, PSP, DS, iOS, Steam, Android and whatever games, I'd have to spend three lifetimes to play them all.
Bloodborne says yes. However, if you are only doing it for one game, probably not. Besides isn't it super expensive where you are?
I was in the same situation (not the law school stuff, the gaming portion) and Bloodborne kinda pushed me into getting a ps4 on Thursday. So far, I'm a lot poorer, but no regrets!!!!![]()
Bloodborne says yes. However, if you are only doing it for one game, probably not. Besides isn't it super expensive where you are?
With the current price of the dollar, converting it to reais, you can pretty easily find one for $400~$450 with 3 months of warranty.
It doesn't make it any less expensive than what it is for our country. R$1500 is a lot of money, a fucking lot of money.
It doesn't make it any less expensive than what it is for our country. R$1500 is a lot of money, a fucking lot of money.
Well, I do think you don't need to hurry. Type-0 will be in bargain bin soon, and Bloodborne has the high chance to get the discount since it's one of Sony's game, so you could wait a bit longer until your finance situation is surplus for this.
It doesn't seem like there are many thing you want right now on the PS4 anyway.
This, combined with you comment on how you only want a few games, is what's making me hesitant on getting a Vita. I REALLY want to play 5 games on it, and that's it. It's half of the price of a PS4, but it's still a lot of money for such little things.
And even though a good PC + G27 is 4x the price of a Vita, it makes more sense to me since I already have 700+ games on Steam with a huuuge backlog. Combine it with the fact that I REALLY want to play ETS2 and other racing sims, and overall It has a better price/benefit.
As long as you buy it before Persona 5 hits, for the superior remote-playable version, I think you will be ok![]()
P5G4VitaYou just calmed me, I guess you're right. Thank you, Maid.
Pshh, not the same thing, because the Vita is the best system ever and you know it.
Oh, I'll definitely buy Persona 5on the PS3.
As long as you buy it before Persona 5 hits, for the superior remote-playable version, I think you will be ok![]()
Pshh, not the same thing, because the Vita is the best system ever and you know it.
I've learned to embrace remote play you know, specially now with the 60fps mode. I own both systems, if I am able to play gorgeous games on my handheld that otherwise wouldn't be on the Vita, why not? Thing is stable as fuck, doesn't need internet connection if you are in the same room as the console, and it even allows for button mapping now. Heck, this being an RPG you won't even have to worry about lag, not that there is much anyway... been playing Bloodborne just fine on itPersona 5 on my Vita sounds amazing. Though just not the way I imagined it.
I really want to get a PS4, but it's still a lot of money and I can't keep up with yet another platform to buy games. I'm just getting wrapped up with law school and stuff, I don't feel like it's the right time even though I want it badly. I have so fucking many Vita, PS3, 3DS, PSP, DS, iOS, Steam, Android and whatever games, I'd have to spend three lifetimes to play them all.
Has anyone else noticed that the PS Vita firmware 3.50 has now completely broken online scoreboard functionality?
You read that correctly, people. Online scoreboards in Vita games simply do not work at all.
Add me for co-op. PSN: Randy_M_GreenCaved and bought Metal Slug 3. Vita version looks amazing without any filters. The screen is so small that it's hard to notice how blocky it is. PS4 on the other hand looks really blocky without any filters. I like the scanline filter for that version
Probably no one cares but it is my 30th birthday today. I have no money, I have no job for now( I'm currently looking) but my vita keeps me positive . I have so many games to play and yet so many will come. Im positive my resume will get me a nice job. But I realize if my attitude is negative things will come out negatively. Im enjoying hotline Miami 2 and lamulana way too much which is for me at the moment the goty for vita) so just a message for my favorite vita and not vitacats. Keep it up and positive. It will bring better things than whining about everythings the only thing you cannot solve is death.
Ok, Live Chat Support did nothing. Told me to Restore my licenses, then Deactivate and Re-Activate my PS4 as Primary and, since this didn't solve anything, "call us"...
I think I lost $60
I can find it on my download list
Play them? Hahaha, silly you.
Playing is like the meta-game. The true game is collecting them. For each 20 you buy, 1 you play. For each 50 you buy, 1 you finish. That's the true game!or at least that's what I learned on SteamGAF
That sounds about right. That's not healthy though, I should get my situation straight and stop buying so many games!
Probably no one cares but it is my 30th birthday today. I have no money, I have no job for now( I'm currently looking) but my vita keeps me positive . I have so many games to play and yet so many will come. Im positive my resume will get me a nice job. But I realize if my attitude is negative things will come out negatively. Im enjoying hotline Miami 2 and lamulana way too much which is for me at the moment the goty for vita) so just a message for my favorite vita and not vitacats. Keep it up and positive. It will bring better things than whining about everything the only problem you cannot solve is death.
premium avatars can only be selected on PS3. After that they can be seen on all systems though. Yeah, its stupid..So uh, I bought the Senran Kagura SV Vita Hikage avatar and I'm getting some bs co-10935-8 error or when trying to install it on my Vita.
Any ideas? Or is it actually not compatible even though it says it is on the store and in my downloads list?
Screenshots and a refund then. The store clearly has this thing marked as a Vita item.premium avatars can only be selected on PS3. After that they can be seen on all systems though. Yeah, its stupid..
Probably no one cares but it is my 30th birthday today.
I posted a little bit earlier (post # 3603) about this problem:
It looks like the problem does not actually affect all games, just some of them. The first three games I tried today (Super Stardust Delta, Futuridium EP Deluxe, and Velocity 2X) all showed strange behavior, which I've described here.
Super Stardust Delta: Only shows my scores, as if I was playing locally without online access.
Futuridium EP Deluxe: Trying to access online scoreboards pops up a large message saying to press X to connect to PSN. Pressing the X button does nothing.
Velocity 2X: The Leaderboards option on the menu is grayed out, as if I wasn't connected to PSN. Tapping that portion of the menu does nothing.
I've also tried OlliOlli 2 and Aqua Kitty DX, and both of those games appear to have normally functioning online scoreboards, as far as I can tell.
If anyone else here has the PS Vita games Super Stardust Delta, Futuridium EP Deluxe, or Velocity 2X, please try loading them up, and tell me if you see similar behavior on your system.
Probably no one cares but it is my 30th birthday today. I have no money, I have no job for now( I'm currently looking) but my vita keeps me positive . I have so many games to play and yet so many will come. Im positive my resume will get me a nice job. But I realize if my attitude is negative things will come out negatively. Im enjoying hotline Miami 2 and lamulana way too much which is for me at the moment the goty for vita) so just a message for my favorite vita and not vitacats. Keep it up and positive. It will bring better things than whining about everything the only problem you cannot solve is death.
Probably no one cares but it is my 30th birthday today. I have no money, I have no job for now( I'm currently looking) but my vita keeps me positive . I have so many games to play and yet so many will come. Im positive my resume will get me a nice job. But I realize if my attitude is negative things will come out negatively. Im enjoying hotline Miami 2 and lamulana way too much which is for me at the moment the goty for vita) so just a message for my favorite vita and not vitacats. Keep it up and positive. It will bring better things than whining about everything the only problem you cannot solve is death.
So VitaGAF, I'm going to take a break from GAF due to my recent problems (some of you may have seen my thread). I figure getting away from game discussion for a while will allow me to get some of my sanity back. I'll probably be back within a month or so. Take care, y'all.
I can't imagine myself playing Persona on a TV screen. I like my social links on the fly, no strings attached.
VitaGAF, should I get a PS4?
Probably no one cares but it is my 30th birthday today. I have no money, I have no job for now( I'm currently looking) but my vita keeps me positive . I have so many games to play and yet so many will come. Im positive my resume will get me a nice job. But I realize if my attitude is negative things will come out negatively. Im enjoying hotline Miami 2 and lamulana way too much which is for me at the moment the goty for vita) so just a message for my favorite vita and not vitacats. Keep it up and positive. It will bring better things than whining about everything the only problem you cannot solve is death.
Wilflare, are you connecting directly or over a network? Or just being picky?the video quality for RemotePlay to Vita needs to get better
Woot, happy day of birth! Here's hoping for many more to come in our company aha.Probably no one cares but it is my 30th birthday today. I have no money, I have no job for now( I'm currently looking) but my vita keeps me positive . I have so many games to play and yet so many will come. Im positive my resume will get me a nice job. But I realize if my attitude is negative things will come out negatively. Im enjoying hotline Miami 2 and lamulana way too much which is for me at the moment the goty for vita) so just a message for my favorite vita and not vitacats. Keep it up and positive. It will bring better things than whining about everything the only problem you cannot solve is death.
Yup, I had said it before, PQ is a love letter to us fans. Have fun!Amen.
On that subject, I just (barely) started Persona Q last night. I've a feeling I'm in for a treat.
Damn, that game looked mighty fine. A shame it never came over but now it's too late... As for myself, I feel like everyone here knows because I talk about it every day, God Eater 2 Rage Burst. Just fucking announce it already Bamco!Thanks to all of you guys , feels good to be a vitagaffer . its a weird birthday because against all odds I'm having a blast today and your words of kindness just improve my experience. Thanks again! I'll continue playing.
On topic: let me ask you guys , what is the Japanese only game you want to be localized and what are the chances of the localization to happen?
Mine is the 7h dragon game. But I'm pretty sure will never be localized.
the video quality for RemotePlay to Vita needs to get better
Wilflare, are you connecting directly or over a network? Or just being picky?On your last post you commented on the video quality too talking about compression, but to be honest I don't see it on my side, even with 60fps toggled. Looks as sharp as a knife
I fired up SSD and 2X, both leaderboards work. With the 3.30 issue I had the same issue. Weird that it's now different.
Screenshots and a refund then. The store clearly has this thing marked as a Vita item.
the video quality for RemotePlay to Vita needs to get better
Who am I? Shizuka, as per your request... New avy.For the day
Okay on a scale of 1 to Hotline Miami 2, how awesome is it.The OST for Axiom Verge will be released monday (before launch), it'll be on Amazon, Bandcamp, Google Play and a few others. If you haven't heard it, it' might want to hear it.
lol I always forget. At least you have me herewe are still awaiting your glorious return
Okay on a scale of 1 to Hotline Miami 2, how awesome is it.
Guess I'll have to. And even if you don't play the game, DO LISTEN TO THE OST. Actually, this is a PSA for everyone here, the OST for that game is fucking mental. Hotline Miami's OST was phenomenal, but the sequel brings the quality even higher. Out of the 50 something tracks in the release, I listen to about 30 of them daily on my commute to school and work, which is more than I can say about any other OST.Haven't played Hotline Miami 2 actually (wasn't a big fan of the gameplay of the original, instadeath is very stressful outside of shmups for me). Review embargo is up in 3 days, I'm sure you can wait =p