I Wanna Be The Guy
U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
I thought it was fantastic. Well executed gameplay and brilliant level design.Is it really good? Haven't tried it yet.
I thought it was fantastic. Well executed gameplay and brilliant level design.Is it really good? Haven't tried it yet.
Is it really good? Haven't tried it yet.
in regards to it being the worst of PSPlus... either PSPlus-GAFs standards are really that ridiclious high or mine are just that low.I loved Aaru'a Awakening. I like Futuridium so far. Players gonna play play play play play. Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate.
I thought it was fantastic. Well executed gameplay and brilliant level design.
Being a PS Plus member really saved my ass today. Decided to finally upgrade to a 2TB HDD on my PS4 late last night and I made the grave misfortune of not backing up my save data to the USB drive I was using, only to the new HDD. So I've spent most of the time re-downloading most of my apps with no saved data and having new data instead. I thought I lost almost everything.
I decided to look up the info on cloud storage. I didn't actually upload my data to online storage yesterday, but I decided to look at the info anyway. I then went to my PS4 and checked out the application saved data management and much to my surprise (and enjoyment), my previous saved data was all stored. I immediately downloaded all my saved data for the stuff I've downloaded so far.
Really grateful that I'm a PS+ member
Tbey really need to remove that limit. It's a joke. But then if save files on PS4 weren't so damn insane it wouldn't be as much of a problem. The sizes of save files on PS4 makes no sense whatsoever. You've even got stuff like Apotheon taking over 300mb! I don't get it.Sadly online storage doesn't help if you have more than 10-15 games, because most savegames take about 50-100 MB (Driveclub and GTA V take more than 200MB) and there's only 1GB avaiable. Plus you have to manage yourself what should be uploaded and what shouldn't and as far as I know you have to delete manually each savegame you don't want in online storage.
Easily the best PS4 month ever just because of Ground Zeros. Why the hell did I sell this game? Going to end up close to 70 hours by the time Phantom Pain is out.
I played it for 10 minutes and it was too much.70 hours! I played it for an hour and that was more than enough.
Been playing it myself and I am really enjoying it, about half way through chapter 4 now so have about 15 levels to go before I finish it.I thought it was fantastic. Well executed gameplay and brilliant level design.
Super Exploding Zoo.
Every time I launch it, it crashes 5 seconds into the splash screen. Try to delete it, it has been trying to do so for 10 minutes with a 'please wait'.
Anyone else have this issue?
Please tell me Futuridium evolves beyond shooting squares?
This game is begging for gun turrets and flying enemies.
Yesterday I beat Hohokum (although it seems I missed a lot because I barely unlock trophies).
That was... an interesting game. Had more fun that I expected with such a basic game. Really charming.
Not with that specifically, but with other games. Do a database rebuild and try that.
Please tell me Futuridium evolves beyond shooting squares?
This game is begging for gun turrets and flying enemies.
Super Exploding Zoo.
Every time I launch it, it crashes 5 seconds into the splash screen. Try to delete it, it has been trying to do so for 10 minutes with a 'please wait'.
Anyone else have this issue?
You'll see gun turrets later in game. But not sure about flying enemies.
Tbey really need to remove that limit. It's a joke. But then if save files on PS4 weren't so damn insane it wouldn't be as much of a problem. The sizes of save files on PS4 makes no sense whatsoever. You've even got stuff like Apotheon taking over 300mb! I don't get it.
Game runs fine on PS4, but have issues on Vita stuck at loading screen.
I've yet to play Shogun but otherwise nah. Shogun could put the month on that level but as of now I'm saying no. PS3 and Vita seem like the best since March though. Then again Killzone Mercenary was in April and regardless of the fact I already owned it that probably makes April better than this month for Vita.Anybody else feel like this is the best PS4 month we've had in quite some time?
Anybody else feel like this is the best PS4 month we've had in quite some time?
Transistor was sooooo good.No.
Transistor + Apotheon > Shogun + Ground Zeroes
So, got a PS4 last weeks and thus am finally able to reap the benefits of dilligently adding the then unplayable PS4 title to my basket every month.
How are;
1) Outlast
2) MGS V: Ground Zeroes?
(If my glacier-pace internet ever fucking finishes the DL)
Yeah Outlast was amazing. Probably my second favourite horror game behind Alien Isolation.Outlast is one of the scariest games I've played. You're unable to fight back, and its atmosphere is great. You should definitely play through it.
Ground Zeroes is also good, but it's nothing too special.
Transistor + Apotheon > Shogun + Ground Zeroes
Just beat the story of Cloudberry Kingdom. No doubt about it. Best PS Plus game this month by far.
Played the first few tutorial levels and I really like it so far. Seems very interesting.Did you play Shogun yet? I can't put it down and have barely touched anything else this month yet.
Anybody else feel like this is the best PS4 month we've had in quite some time?
Outlast is imo one of the best horror games released in the past few years. The story is great (as long as you remember to read notes) and the gameplay gets tense very frequently. You just have to be familiar with the genre, because otherwise you'll get a heart attack after triggering one of the earliest scares or (if you're not a total pussyOutlast.... got about 5 minutes in and NOPE'd the fuck out. Just nope. Tonnes of nope. A whole special delivery of "Nope".
My man. Puppeteer was amazing. I bought it before it went on Plus. No regrets. I think it's the best platformer Sony have made since Crash. Charming as fuck and really well executed gameplay.About a year LTTP but god damn Puppeteer is amazing. Also the exact kind of game I wouldn't even know about if it wasn't for PS+.
Futuridium - quite difficult one, would work better in 3D maybe. Or first person.
The controls of Futuridium feel really weird and not natural. Almost feels like the is a delay or something. And why can't I control the menu with the D-pad?
You know what the worst thing about Futuridium is? Do you want to continue?