Does anyone else worry the amount of games offered will start going down once the PS4 is released? like we will go down to 1 game a month on each platform?
Can't see how sony can afford all these cross platform games.
I think the only thing that could truly kill Plus would be if used games were axed. I think the primary advantage for publishers is that they get more cash from a product they created a few years ago, once the sales have trailed off. At a certain point, people are just recycling the same used copies in and out. But at least with Plus they get an upfront amount of money and their game gets put into the hands of tons of people who didn't try it before, just in time for the next game. I wouldn't be shocked if publishers approach them to see if they can get in on the action.
Xcom got added less than a year after it was released, probably because its a niche title that sold all it could on the PS3 when it came out. They got a new game in the franchise coming out soon, mind as well get people excited for that. Spec Ops probably happened because of low sales.
I don't think we'll ever see something like a Call of Duty or a Madden added to Plus within a year of their release because those games sell consistently for a high price though the year. There is no advantage in those situation because new copies of it still sell very well.
I don't think things will change very much with the PS4. Games are still going to sell a lot of copies during the first couple months, but then gamers move on to the next craze. Nowadays we jump from hype over AAA game to the one coming out the next month. Sales are usually pretty front loaded for a lot of those titles. So a year or two later, publishers take any advantage they can to continue the viability of the franchise, make money and push dlc to...well make more money.
Plus on the PS3 will keep chugging along just fine. PS4 might have some slow periods until there are more titles released into retail. Sony is probably going to take a hit and pay out the ass to get some titles in 2014 earlier than the publishers would usually agree to it under normal circumstances. But they'll have a bigger bankroll to play with since nearly everyone will have Plus AND the userbase is smaller, so I don't think publishers will mind get a fat check out of their intial outing on the PS4.