I bought Bioshock 2 (and still have the disc!) but didn't really enjoy it until I got it on PS+.This might sound strange but has anyone ever enjoyed a PS+ game so much that they went out and bought it?
Weird, eh?
I bought Bioshock 2 (and still have the disc!) but didn't really enjoy it until I got it on PS+.This might sound strange but has anyone ever enjoyed a PS+ game so much that they went out and bought it?
Have you tried this http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=501177 ?
Nice; but lolol @ the na topic still being full of eu ps+ deal begging. -_- . Maybe with ico this month SOTC will come soon...id def be down to replay that
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=662937&page=3So, uh, which thread is doing the PS+ trial, push it forward deal?
I've been wanting to re-up for my Vita since June, but I haven't seen any good deals. Now is as good a time as ever!
Is anyone else having trouble getting Star Wars Pinball to work on Vita? I downloaded it several times and it failed to install each time. The Star Wars Pinball tables work in Zen Pinball 2, though.
Going to try downloading it to my PS3 and transferring.
I've been downloading Battlefield 3 for two days now, and it's only 43% complete.
My internet isn't the fastest by any means, but I've downloaded games half this size in a couple of hours. This is just ridiculous. Don't know why my internet hates PSN so much. It often takes a couple of minutes just to boot up the store.
Please be excited for the 1.8gb patch.
That's it, I'm out!
Damn this game and its slow downloading speed.
I've been downloading Battlefield 3 for two days now, and it's only 43% complete.
My internet isn't the fastest by any means, but I've downloaded games half this size in a couple of hours. This is just ridiculous. Don't know why my internet hates PSN so much. It often takes a couple of minutes just to boot up the store.
EU onlyDid I miss the jak and daxter trilogy for vita? When I log in to the sen website i can't find it. Or is that not in NA?
Hey, it should work for you now. I was finally able to install it on the vita.
That slow download is really specific to BF3. Happened to me before. All other downloads completed without problems.
PS3 connected via network cable download much faster.
Is it like game installs on the PS3 where a game's install/patch data sits around after the game is uninstalled? (Or, maybe that's just disc games...regardless, you see what I mean.)I actually have a brand new problem now!
I downloaded Machinarium and installed it and all was well. Then I wanted to download the demo of Pinball Heroes, but I didn't have any space, so I deleted Machinarium and downloaded the demo (which was much, much smaller than Machinarium) and it failed to install because there was only like 5mb of free space.
Has anyone had space just magically disappear from their memory card?
EDIT: Also, Star Wars Pinball still won't install. xP
I'm downloading Tokyo Jungle now and it started with 1mps. Once it hit 25% though it's now back to one megabyte every fifteen seconds. Why would my speed change like that?
I don't have anywhere to connect it. Wi-Fi is downstairs, and I don't have any ethernet outlets to plug it in up here.
What is your NAT type?
Type 2, I believe.
Guys, I have one question. For the extra three months when subscribing to PS+ for a year, does that count only if done directly via the PS Store on PS3? Or can it be done via a PSN code on their page or something? A link with info would also help. Thanks!
If everything were right with the world, it would work either way, but I'm not sure. I wouldn't bet on it.Anyone? ):
Instead of guessing it's easier to just look up the blog post from when it was announced and see the answer.If everything were right with the world, it would work either way, but I'm not sure. I wouldn't bet on it.
Best thing to do is always to buy it on the store, in my experience. Buying a card at retail has almost never been the better deal, but that's just me.
PlayStation Plus is available now and will continue to be available for a one-off payment of 49.99/£39.99. However, as you might have heard during the gamescom press conference today, if you purchase a one year membership through PlayStation Store up until 20th September well give you an additional 90 days at no extra cost!
Darkside is done. Waiting for Umbrella to finish so I can try it out with a DS3. If anything I found a Move Sports bundle on Kijiji for $20 and a $5 Move gun at the hock shop.
You and your crazy "rational" approach to answering questions. What is wrong with you? Sheesh.Instead of guessing it's easier to just look up the blog post from when it was announced and see the answer.
Kijiji? Link please? I want this deal.
How well do the RE Chronicles games work with a DS3 controller?
Picking it up tomorrow sir. I'm in Sudbury BTW.
Link please? Is it an online store or what?
Is there a way to see how long your PS Plus subscription lasts, but in the browser? Can't find it in the store's account menues.
Don't know where else to ask this but is there any way to find out more details about what's on the hard drive? I have a 160gb ps3, 149 to use and for the longest time I had about 14gb unaccounted for if I deleted every game I have downloaded. Now I calculated it again and I'd only have about 100-102/149.
Where's all my space going? Any game data I have installed is less than 50mb each and I don't really keep anything else on the ps3. No movies, pictures or anything like that. Don't have Home installed either. I honestly can't figure out what could be taking up 40+gb.
Don't know where else to ask this but is there any way to find out more details about what's on the hard drive? I have a 160gb ps3, 149 to use and for the longest time I had about 14gb unaccounted for if I deleted every game I have downloaded. Now I calculated it again and I'd only have about 100-102/149.
Where's all my space going? Any game data I have installed is less than 50mb each and I don't really keep anything else on the ps3. No movies, pictures or anything like that. Don't have Home installed either. I honestly can't figure out what could be taking up 40+gb.
Nothing is wrong with your hard drive. Hard drive manufacturers like to say 1 GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes (10^9.) but really 1 GB is 1024KB, or 1,073,741,824 bytes.
Basically to get your real hard drive size for any drive, you would take the bytes, which is 160,000,000,000 and divide it by 1024^3. That gives you 149GB in reality.
If you're still missing 40-50GB of space after deleting everything, chances are you didn't actually delete everything. Have you tried maybe doing a format to make sure?
I did a system restore and checked and it's only at 130gb/149. No idea what's taking that space up. I haven't even installed firmware or even set the internet connection up yet.
That's correct. The PS3 OS always saves 10-12% of the maximum hard drive space.
Playing Stealth Inc. currently. Those texts on the walls were amusing for like a couple of levels. I see what they're trying to do, but it would've been better to ditch that tone.
I'm sick of making room in my HDD to get more games. Can you guys recommend me some good HDDs for my Phat 80GB model that are affordable?
So I'm having a huge problem with PS+.
I've been a subscriber since June '12, I have renewed my sub every time it's run out and am now subscribed until July 2014.
Two weeks ago I went to boot up Mortal Kombat on my Vita, a game I got for 'free' from PS+, and it told me that it had expired.
I thought that was very odd, panicked a little and tried another game which had also expired.
I checked that my sub hadn't ran out, and it hadn't, subbed through to 2014.
Booted my PS3, checked a few games: all expired.
Was told that if I went into my Download History and redownloaded them all (even just for a second before cancelling the download) it would renew all the licenses.
So I went into download history, and to my horror every game that I downloaded from Plus between June '12 and May '13 had completely disappeared from my history.
Checked on the online store: same thing.
They're not in my purchase history either.
I called Sony and explained the situation and they said they'd investigate and get back to me in a week. A week later and no word from them, so I called again and was told my investigation had been taken up to higher management and they'll contact me within a couple of days.
Meanwhile I have no access to 61 of the games I downloaded from Plus.
Has this ever happened to anyone else? I can't fathom what can have happened and am extremely worried that I have lost access to those 61 games despite my sub never expiring (even if it had, as long as I renewed within 6 months I should still have access to those games).