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Pokémon Go |OT 3| "No Officer, I'm a Passenger"


Don't be like that........

Don't pull a yoshi-chan...
There's no point in playing any more.

Once completing the Dex, what the hell is the point of:


None of that means anything any more. It's now just a sea of random ass Level 3 towers. There's not even a point in trying to hold any. Collecting coins amounts to absolutely nothing any more.

There is no Prestige to being a Gym Leader any more, because a built up tower will now barely last half a day.

The game is now completely over.
They really did fuck the gym system. Almost every single gym is level 3 or lower now. People aren't training anymore, plain and simple. It's 100% smash and grab.
Got Grimer from an egg! Finally, never seen one in the wild.

Man, I wish I could get one... Seel too. I've been getting dozens of 5km eggs with only two 2km eggs in between and not a single 10km, and I've just been getting shit like Paras, Cubone, Ekans, and Nidoran (both). In other words, all of the local commons that can be gotten from 5km eggs, outside of Growlithe which would at least be useful...

That got me two free incubators every 3 days: so nothing.

Although 5k daily stardust was nice.

Our goal was team domination. Which was fucking hard considering how many Valor and Mystic were out there.

Now it's thug lyf mad dashes in cars to hold 10 gyms at once in a field of level 3s. That's not what I signed up for.

That's a lot of incubators my dude >:/

This is why you're my rival
Found a Charmander nest! I hadn't been to this spot in a while, so I didn't know what was there since the last migration. Pretty excited about that. Charizard will be mine soon.



That got me two free incubators every 3 days: so nothing.

Although 5k daily stardust was nice.

Our goal was team domination. Which was fucking hard considering how many Valor and Mystic were out there.

Now it's thug lyf mad dashes in cars to hold 10 gyms at once in a field of level 3s. That's not what I signed up for.

Most I've ever held at a time was 4 and that lasted 5 minutes. Start sending me a dollar a day if you don't want it.
Incredible day of catching today!

Got a few Machop which puts me 4 off getting Machoke + Machamp.

Caught 1 Kabuto and 2 Omanyte which is incredible, never see them around usually. Puts me at 39 Omanyte candy (all through catches, still none with even higher than 50% IVs lol), and 21 Kabuto candy (6 of which are through walking, and one of the few catches is 80%+)

Found 3 Dratini and am 3 off getting a fantastic Dragonite (have an 80%+ Dratini ready to evolve).

Got a Pikachu right before my phone died, have been sitting at 49 candy for 2 days (first Raichu).

And finally, caught my first 80%+ Exeggcute since launch, so finally have a good Exeggutor. Knows Confusion and Psychic which I'm guessing isn't ideal and I'd want Solarbeam, but it's still gone straight to my highest CP Pokemon at at 2195, second best is my 1992 Gyarados.

Only annoying thing about these increased spawns is that around the waterfront area of my town there is a ton of Growlithe, Vulpix and Ponyta but still no Charmander :mad:
It's him and Grimer that will be holding me off dex completion (along with Snorlax, Chansey and Aerodactyl).


Four lvl. 10 valor gyms down. I have to admit it's kind of fun to beat the whole gym and see the prestige meter spin like crazy. :lol


Just wvolved my Voltorb and got Tackle and Hyper Beam as the move set, dont know how I feel, on one hand I got Hyper Beam on the other hand I would have prefered a move like Spark instead of Tackle.
Managed to get the last few Machop I needed and am now at 136 caught.

Found a couple more Omanyte and Kabuto as well so now have 43 Omanyte and 26 Kabuto candy.

Also found a Grimer which puts me at 19 candy.

Gonna walk my Kabuto a bit more before switching to Grimer.

Nearly there :')
Only need 1 more Abra
Only need like 20 Machop candy

After that I need about 50 Dratini candy which can take a long time
And then I need a lot of luck to finally get a Lapras

And then I'm done. But I hope Gen 2 won't take too long. It's still a lot of fun to get high level and high IV Pokemon and there are a lot of Pokemon I still want to train. I need every bit of star dust.

And I catched a high lvl high IV Pikachu today and after that hatched 2. Amazing.
I'm kinda bored now, all I need are Lickitung, Lapras and Chansey so there's not much I can do except hatch eggs and hope I randomly find them.
I miss the hunt, finding nests when fastpokemap was working was the most fun I've had with the game by far.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Are pokemon nests just bigger and more diverse these days? I sometimes see like 5-7 pokemon hanging around a non-lured pokestop, which is way more than what I used to see.

Also liking how pokestops seem to give 5-7 items on average now, instead of 3.


Ha! My Dragonite has finally been knocked out of a gym after 2 months. That means my Dragonite has gained me over 600 coins just by itself. It was like 2250 when I 1st placed it in, and now since I had the opportunity, I boosted it to 2905 cp after spending about 50 Dratini candies. I found the gym to be a Team Instinct gym, so I knocked that out of course. Funny enough, someone did that very early, like between 3:30 am and 7 am (I was up at 3 to collect my coins)

Gotta say, I love how some life has started to return to these gyms. Seeing gyms actually being battles daily is kinda awesome. The training a gym up really sucks, and I likely won't ever try if it's over 3000 points away. But I do enjoy the game being similar to launch with actual gym life.

I'm actually still doing well in coins each day. I still average 70+ coins a day. We will see how long that lasts of course.

Are pokemon nests just bigger and more diverse these days? I sometimes see like 5-7 pokemon hanging around a non-lured pokestop, which is way more than what I used to see.

Also liking how pokestops seem to give 5-7 items on average now, instead of 3.

It's cause of an unofficial event celebrating the new daily quests. Pokemon are around a lot more and Pokestops give 2x items (min 6) till Friday.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Ah, okay. So I better stock up or try to go to more pokestops if possible.

I was hoping that maybe I'd stop running out of balls and passing up 75% of the pokemon I see lol.
I just took out a gym that had a dragonite in it that was over 3000 cp. What are the chances that's legit?

You don't actually wake up that early because of this game...right?

I think meanwhile that's rather legit. Being over lvl 30 is doable and if you're lucky with Dratinis you can do it. If I would have gotten like 2-3 Dratinis from 10km eggs I would also have a pretty great Dragonair.


I just took out a gym that had a dragonite in it that was over 3000 cp. What are the chances that's legit?
Likely very legit, I'm lv 28 with a 2905 CP Dragonite. At lv 29, it be just over 3000.

You don't actually wake up that early because of this game...right?

Not every day, I am currently collecting coins every 21 hours. So about 2 times a week I need to wake up early and collect. Tonight it be just after midnight and again at 9 pm the next night. Allows me to collect 8 times in 1 week.

I'm not going outside and playing or anything. I'm just waking up, collecting my coins, and then going back to bed 30 seconds later.


Looking for meaning in GAF
I'm level 22 and still haven't powered up anything because I'm afraid on spending my stuff on the wrong pokemon.

Plus it sucks that most gyms around me are level 10 gyms with an average of 9 Dragonites in them. So it's not so much "power up a good pokemon you like" but rather "find a Dragonite counter because that's all you'll be fighting."

What's a good Dragonite counter?


I'm level 22 and still haven't powered up anything because I'm afraid on spending my stuff on the wrong pokemon.

Plus it sucks that most gyms around me are level 10 gyms with an average of 9 Dragonites in them. So it's not so much "power up a good pokemon you like" but rather "find a Dragonite counter because that's all you'll be fighting."

What's a good Dragonite counter?

Lapras. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Dewgong and Cloyster also work well.


Looking for meaning in GAF
The data was added but don't get excited for it coming.
I mean the legendary data has been in the game since the start and we still haven't gotten that.

gen 2 likely won't launch until the spring at earliest.
Maybe now that they have events, the legendaries might come out as part of an event of some sort.

They'd have to make them very rare though, or else gyms would just be full of legendaries all the time.


Maybe now that they have events, the legendaries might come out as part of an event of some sort.

They'd have to make them very rare though, or else gyms would just be full of legendaries all the time.

They could impose a rule of only 1 or 2 legendary pokemon for gyms.


Maybe now that they have events, the legendaries might come out as part of an event of some sort.

They'd have to make them very rare though, or else gyms would just be full of legendaries all the time.

I'm expecting the legendaries to be once a month events, likely held at gamestop locations where you have to do something to get one. perhaps make your way through a fortress in battle where they require you to have a decent level 20 roster to get through it.


Anything is a good Dragonite counter. They aren't that special. My jolteon kills them easily.

Also, found a lv 1 gym with a Snorlax at prestige points of like 250. Lol. That's just mean. But hilarious. You'd have to train it up 4 times at half cp just to get to lv 2. Lol
The gym update is killing the game for me.

2 of my regular high level gyms fell the day after the update. Twice now I've trained them up to level 6 - which takes WAY too long now btw, only for them to fall down within a couple hours. Every time I pass by now it's a level 3 gym with throwaway mons (Pidgeotto, Halloween Gengars, Raticates, etc.) People are figuring out they can't hold gyms and just dump trash in them. They're not prestiging them up either because it takes too long with little to no payoff. We're almost back to launch status.

I still have 8 out of 12 gyms remaining, only due to them being in out of the way areas. Once they fall I don't see myself bothering with gyms anymore. The scale is tipped way too far into the attacker's favor. I suspect this has far more to do with Niantic not wanting their core players getting a free 100 coins per day as opposed to solving stagnation.

The problem before was the lack of incentive to attack a high level gym (we all know why so I won't get into it). Now it's worse, because by removing any incentive to defend and prestige, it cut out a huge chunk of the meta. I was working towards a good Slowbro and Poliwrath to be used as defenders as well as trying to gather more of the other good defenders with good move sets and high IVs. This created an engaging gameplay loop of catching pokemon, going on item runs, hatching eggs, grinding stardust, checking IVs, and culminating in capturing higher tier gym placements. And your reward for this was good chunks of stardust and coins for incubators, resources that directly inject back into this loop. That was the life blood of the game for me. The one thing missing was attacking enemy gyms, something I gave up on long ago because again the incentive just wasn't there.

Now? I can bulldoze any level 3 gym with any 6 2K pokemon in my arsenal. I imagine any level 20+ player can do this as well. My reward in the end is a weak gym with a slim chance of lasting past the hour. Prestiging takes twice the time as before, twice the resources, and it doesn't last. Believe me I've tried. So pokemon like Starmie, Golduck, Parasect, Scyther, Raichu, Jolteon, Sandslash, Rhydon, Dewgong, Cloyster, all niche pokemon that were valuable to prestiging against the common defenders, no longer have a purpose. Why would I use a lower CP Scyther to fight an Exeggutor, paying attention to dodges, when I can just brute force it with Arcanine?

With the state of the game, I'm not as excited to catch the base evolutions of those pokemon anymore. I don't need more, they're worthless beyond a new pokedex entry. I'm less motivated to accumulate stardust since my attackers are all capable of taking on anything at this point and boosting my defenders is pointless since they don't last. I fight gyms less so potions become less valuable. Lower defender bonus means less coins, which means less incubators and less egg hatching. The whole game starts to crumble as a direct result of marginalizing the gym game.

The simple solution to the stagnation was to give stardust as a reward for lowering gym prestige. It's the one resource in the game that's in constant short supply later on, so give players a way to earn it. Let's say for the sake of argument its 100 stardust per pokemon defeated, with an extra 100 dust bonus for an all clear. That's 6500 for a full level 10 wipeout. Not a bad haul for the time put in. And 100 dust per mon is low enough to discourage people from sitting at a level 1 gym and grinding against an alt account.

This game's been quite the journey. I've dealt with no way of tracking, disabling third party trackers, killing passenger play, and all of Niantic's other poor decisions. But cutting out the only meat the game had to it has pushed it over the edge for me. I will continue to walk my Grimer and keep a hopeful eye out for Porygon, but beyond that this journey is over for me.


I still have 8 out of 12 gyms remaining, only due to them being in out of the way areas.
With winter coming, this is my strategy until Niantic patches the gyms. Unless your town is full of spoofers, I don't think people will bother to go out to remote locations and fight gyms without shelter from the cold.

I've actually not bothered to power up any more defenders that aren't Snorlax, Lapras, Vaporeon, Poliwrath, Slowbro. The rest are chaff. I have 12 gyms left, but I think realistically, only three will be able to last until next month. The endgame is now basically to farm candy and experience so that you can get your actual proper defenders to a high level. I imagine a 3000cp Snorlax is a lot more annoying to face than a 3400cp Dragonite and most people in my immediate area either quit or are lvl. 20-25.
I just wasted several Great balls trying to catch a 511 CP Pidgey... I didn't think they ever went higher than 500 CP!

Now they've reduced the frequency of Pidgeys I'm almost seeing as many Mr Mimes as I am Pidgeys.


With gyms being damn hard annoying to boost up, I think it's time people started to adjust what kind of Pokemon they place in gyms. Basically, placing a Pokemon with high CP as well as easy to train against, will be key.

Basically, putting in a Snorlax will likely doom your gym, since those are annoying to train against...


With gyms being damn hard annoying to boost up, I think it's time people started to adjust what kind of Pokemon they place in gyms. Basically, placing a Pokemon with high CP as well as easy to train against, will be key.

Basically, putting in a Snorlax will likely doom your gym, since those are annoying to train against...
If Snorlax is the leader, then it doesn't matter. It's actually more beneficial than having an Arcanine or Dragonite at the top since they're so easy to kill and killing the leader nets double prestige loss. I mean, a 2500cp Snorlax has close to 250 hp which means 500 hp effectively as a defender. That shit will wear down any attacker.


I mean, that isn't anything new. Putting a good defender at the bottom is always a bad idea regardless of gym prestige systems.
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