I just got the new tracker here in Los Angeles as well.
Can anyone give me a simple primer on how the new tracker works? Or a link?
You click on the creature you want, click on the steps, then it'll show you where its location. Unclick the steps to stop showing the location.
please lord, let this mean a global rollout is near
We will be expanding the ability for Trainers to test this updated version of the features and provide us with feedback. Starting today, Trainers in the following areas will now be able to use the new Nearby and Sightings functionality:
United States of America: All states west of the Mississippi River (except Hawaii and Alaska)
Canada: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and the western half of Ontario.
Australia: All states and territories
No more checking the tracker wherever I am and getting excited for a hunt. Now it's.. Here's what's at the pokestops near you. Take it or leave it. Anything else? Goodluck playing blind.
My first post here, but have been an active player since launch. Am I alone in feeling like this new tracker just kills the game?
No more checking the tracker wherever I am and getting excited for a hunt. Now it's.. Here's what's at the pokestops near you. Take it or leave it. Anything else? Goodluck playing blind.
I used to go out in my neighborhood all the time upon seeing a good spawn. Now I doubt I'll even open the app unless I'm at a major pokestop hub.
So the new tracker will now just show the pokemon around the stops in lieu of everything else?
It will also show Pokémon not found near stops on the bottom half of the screen under "Sightings". However since there's a maximum amount of Pokémon that can appear on the screen and "Nearby" Pokémon at stops take precedence, they can "push" the "Sightings" Pokémon out if there are enough at the stops.
In what world did fucking Dragonites and Snorlaxes need a buff? Seriously.
So only pidgeys and rattatas turn into Dittos?
Anyone caught one in Europe yet? Bummed we don't get the new tracker.
It will also show Pokémon not found near stops on the bottom half of the screen under "Sightings". However since there's a maximum amount of Pokémon that can appear on the screen and "Nearby" Pokémon at stops take precedence, they can "push" the "Sightings" Pokémon out if there are enough at the stops.
No, that's what it used to do until the latest client came out. Now it won't show Sightings at all if there's even a single Pokéstop nearby with Pokémon. Sounds like a change for the worse, it should ideally show both unless there are too many Nearby.That's not a bad trade off then. I'd rather take the sure thing than aimlessly walking around looking for a pokemon not near a stop.
Wait, what?? Tracker works perfectly for me.New tracker seems awful for me. I can't even hunt locally with the Venn tracker with this garbage.
That's it, I'm completely finished with this game. I tried so hard, and they just keep making it worse.
It doesnt seem like Dittos are all that powerful? Or do they mimic the pokemon they are fighting?
It doesnt seem like Dittos are all that powerful? Or do they mimic the pokemon they are fighting?
So only pidgeys and rattatas turn into Dittos?
Ditto is only hiding as a pidgey or a ratata?
I was looking through my Pokemon this morning and noticed something very strange. Apparently, the CP for some of my Pokemon have changed for some reason.
For example, I have a couple of Geodudes, that were 475 CP and 474 CP, today they are 675 and 674. I also have a couple of Magikarps that were 149 CP and 148 CP that are now 125 and 123.
Did Niantic do something that might have caused those changes? Because I haven't done anything to them and now they are suddenly changed.