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Pokémon Go |OT 3| "No Officer, I'm a Passenger"


So basically the new in-game tracker is not so great and we will have to keep triangulating blindly till the damn pokémon appears??? Siiiiigh. We will have to keep depending on 3rd party trackers till the end of times then. Too bad Niantic is making it more and more difficult for them to make it work and the people behind those 3rd party scanners end up giving up just like the guy of Pokevision and the guy of FastPokeMap :(

In more light news, I finally caught Ditto! It was disguised as a Ratatta. I was using normal pokeballs and he keept escaping, he escaped for the fourth time and I was like: "Yup, it's definitely a Ditto" so I throw him and ultra ball... and he still managed to escape! I threw another one and finally got caught. Was totally sure he was going to ran away after he escaped from the ultra ball! Despite all of that, the Ditto turned out to be as weak and menacing as a baby Caterpie, but hey! One more for the Pokédex :)
finally raised this little rat bastard from level 1 to beast


now my top 12 is looking alright



threw 4 pokeballs 3 greatballs and a berry at a rattata that kept popping out thinking it was a ditto.

it wasn't...


Found a Mankey and Eggexecutes nest, I think. Despite that, out of the 10+ monkey and 5+ Eggxecute, only1 Mankey has good IV. The rest are shite. SHITE.

As for assessment, these days, it's faster for me to quickly check with Sparky and if he doesn't say "best of the best" I'd trash the junk. Only later on I go with a proper IV checker to see how good the "best of the best" really are.


Someone mysterious is taking down all the yellow gyms to lvl. 1.

I ain't even mad. (well, maybe a little.)
I've seen lv 1 gyms with a Snorlax only with like 250 points. It's funny. Since means someone will have to solo a Snorlax with 1/2 CP Pokemon 4 times. Very good troll.


Got my ditto and saw a farfetch'd in a gym so up to 143/146. Hoping to head to Spain in a few months, or have regionals spawn locally for a day!


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
136k with the lucky egg evolve. Don't know how much more I could've fit in, wasn't gunning for top speed. Jumped to lvl 27 and 1/4. Now the best part: transferring all the crap. First time I came close to the 250 limit.
So basically the new in-game tracker is not so great and we will have to keep triangulating blindly till the damn pokémon appears??? Siiiiigh. We will have to keep depending on 3rd party trackers till the end of times then. Too bad Niantic is making it more and more difficult for them to make it work and the people behind those 3rd party scanners end up giving up just like the guy of Pokevision and the guy of FastPokeMap :(
Can't even triangulate if you don't know a spawn is there to start with.

Playing the game now just means walking around blindly and seeing what appears, which is in no way fun when all you need to find are Chansey, Snorlax and Aerodactyl.

Once this double xp event is finished I'm done with the game until a major update, especially seeing as Sun and Moon are out.

Red Fire

I got 10840 XP just from one catch lol
Double XP + lucky egg:

Pokemon caught 400
First catch of the day 2000
7 day streak 8000
Excellent throw 400
Curveball 40

And then got 168000+ from mass evolving


Evolved my squirtle finally, thought about waiting for a better IV squirtle but couldnt wait. Bite and hydro pump, not really going to use it that much since Vaporeon is superior.


Gained like 300 items yesterday by walking around bunch of pokestops for hours. Which is good since for first time since like Sept I had below 600 items. I'm also now 60k away from lv 30.


Yeah I uninstalled the game today, I was 5 short of my NA Dex but I'm never gonna get them since I don't go out to play anymore. And with the new gym xp rules I'd have to go out every night to get coins for incubators since gyms don't last and I don't have time for that anymore. Awesome game/experience, met a bunch of cool people and had lots of fun wandering around the city and sneaking into golf courses late at night. I hope more games like this are made in the future.


Can't even triangulate if you don't know a spawn is there to start with.

Playing the game now just means walking around blindly and seeing what appears, which is in no way fun when all you need to find are Chansey, Snorlax and Aerodactyl.

Once this double xp event is finished I'm done with the game until a major update, especially seeing as Sun and Moon are out.

I'm also considering droping the game for a while because I'm honestly so worn out of catching the same crap each day and not seeing a rare pokemon in at least a month despite going around the city two times a week and the ones that appear that I really want to catch to get candies, become the most annoying chore since I have to triangulate like an idiot only to see how literally each pokemon on the sighting list appear except the one you're looking for despite being at the very top on sightings.

Edit: And the gyms, oh boy the gyms! Hackers going all in more and more! I have identified at least 5 dudes that have like 10 Dragonites above 2500 CP on the 5 different gyms around my neighboorhood. They're red team and they never gave us a chance to stay in those gyms not even for an hour (I'm blue). How is it possible to get that amount of Dragonites in a legit way since Dratini is ultra rare on this city and only appears like once every two weeks? Not even by having the best luck on hatching 10km eggs can give you that amount of Dragonites unless you're in a nest. I have reported them several times since last month and they're still there...
I always thought the specials with that many nodes were bad. I'm such an idiot.

The ones with many nodes can be better for defenders. Attacks like hydropump need a long time for a defending Pokemon to even use it. Most of the time you can kill a Pokemon with a one node attack way before it can even use it. And then you only have to dodge that one heavy attack and you're good. The many node ones are triggered faster and more often and you would have to dodge them all the time.
But I also prefer the heavy attacks. I also use Vaperon mostly for attacking and not defending so I love hydropump since it makes so much damage.


Can someone in Miami confirm that you get a Ditto? I have spent around 100 pokeballs over the long weekend catching everything I can and so far no Ditto.


Can someone in Miami confirm that you get a Ditto? I have spent around 100 pokeballs over the long weekend catching everything I can and so far no Ditto.

Mhmm. Finally caught a Ditto after what felt like I caught hundreds of Pokemon. (it was masquerading as a Pidgey)

I live in Hialeah Gardens, FWIW. My friend finally caught a Ditto too and she lives in the Kendall area.


Mhmm. Finally caught a Ditto after what felt like I caught hundreds of Pokemon. (it was masquerading as a Pidgey)

I live in Hialeah Gardens, FWIW. My friend finally caught a Ditto too and she lives in the Kendall area.


Just got one around the Sunset Place area, a level 331 Pidgey turned into a level 442 Ditto.


I always thought the specials with that many nodes were bad. I'm such an idiot.

When it comes to gym defence, since you're not controlling the Pokemon, the best charge moveset is always the one that has the best combination of damage while minimizing their exposure from attacker. So something like Hyper Beam is the worst for defence because a good attacker can easily dodge against that when they see it coming.

OTOH, something that can be spammed by the AI repeatedly is actually better. Like Submission, for example. It's so annoying and frequent and absolutely come out of left field, I always got suckered when Poliwrath does it because it doesn't look like a charge movesets and is spammed so frequently. Having said that, apparently Hydro Pump is still declared as the best Offensive and Defensive charge moves. I'm guessing because the animation doesn't take as long and you can miss out the timing of the spray as an attacker.


Also Bubble adds a crazy amount of energy. Poliwrath can legit spam Hydro Pump faster than I can spam my special move. I always forget that and then I take a full hit from Hydro Pump.

PS. I reached lvl. 33. Next level takes a cool mill. Not sure what I'm even supposed to do at this point.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I could do with less Tangela too, and especially less Pinsir. Can't even use them in mass evolves.


Just hatched a 5k egg and it's a.......*drumroll*..........Eevee.

God. Damn. It.

It still feels bad even as 5k egg. Especially when it's just "Really strong" instead of "Best of the Best" since I got at least 5 "Best of the Best" Eevee in the wild here in the past 2 days.


Is it worth the time and effort to cultivate a good Rapidash? One of the parks in my neighborhood recently became a Ponyta nest. I am looking for some good Fire Pokémon to help me wreck Exeggutors, but Arcanines are in short supply and Flareons really can't take hits from Exeggutor.
The sightings list keeps going blank as if I was going over the speed limit. Have to constantly close and reopen the app.
Even happens like 10 seconds after I've opened it sometimes.


So why am I seeing all this about Gen2 coming soon along with trading and PvP battles on facebook?

Hanke mentioned trading and PvP battles during an interview in September, where it seems battles are the most likely to appear in the game:

"Battling is something we talk a lot about. It’ll probably make its way onto the road map, but I don’t have a specific date."



So why am I seeing all this about Gen2 coming soon along with trading and PvP battles on facebook?

Basically, every time an update comes out, sites like Pokemongohub dissect the code and find out what's new.

They found the code for the Ditto encounter long before it was actually implemented, for example. And now they've found the code for the entirety of gen 2, quest systems, that kind of stuff. So it's coming.
I just evolved a magikarp and it turned into a gyarados with bite and dragon pulse, did they unpatch that or was I sitting on this magikarp for the longest?
I just evolved a magikarp and it turned into a gyarados with bite and dragon pulse, did they unpatch that or was I sitting on this magikarp for the longest?

What's wrong with that? It's one of the three Gyarados move sets available right now.

Did a little tour through town. But no luck for me, didn't find a Machop or Dratini. Maybe I will have to finish my Pokedex through the buddy system. But even then I'll be finished by the end of the week.
What's wrong with that? It's one of the three Gyarados move sets available right now.

Did a little tour through town. But no luck for me, didn't find a Machop or Dratini. Maybe I will have to finish my Pokedex through the buddy system. But even then I'll be finished by the end of the week.

Nothing's wrong I thought they patched gyarados from learning dragon pulse


There was a Tauros in a gym, so now my seen total is up to 144.

Hopefully they switch around the region exclusives soon.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Exclusives talk always reminds me that South America doesn't have one.

Should be Mew. It's canon.
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