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Pokémon Go |OT 3| "No Officer, I'm a Passenger"


Wasn't it confirmed that berries don't increase the catch rate but just decrease the flee rate? So they don't help with keeping a pokemon in the ball but they reduce the chances of it fleeing after breaking out?
No, they increase the catch rate as described and have no effect on flee rate. I don't know where the myth about it affecting flee rate came from.


I just caught the Christmas Pikachu! I was surprised that it popped up in my bed.

Those 2nd generation Pokémon aren't available worldwide yet are they?
Finally got 400 Magikarp candies, dont have the guts to pull the trigger to get a Gyarados with Twister.

A high CP Gyarados has enough of a fear factor anyway, it doesn't matter for defending. My 2700 cp has Twister and locks down gyms for long periods of time.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Evolved a bunch because I'm bored of trying to min-max and having these things sitting around for an eventual mass evolve. Blastoise, Butterfree, Pidgeot, Ninetales, Vileplume, Poliwrath and Dragonair are now added to the pokedex.

Almost did Raichu too, but I can wait until the end of Santachu season for that one.
Evolved a bunch because I'm bored of trying to min-max and having these things sitting around for an eventual mass evolve. Blastoise, Butterfree, Pidgeot, Ninetales, Vileplume, Poliwrath and Dragonair are now added to the pokedex.

Almost did Raichu too, but I can wait until the end of Santachu season for that one.

Raichu keeps the Santa hat though! Looks great!
Walked to the store and back, and found a Vulpix to finish off my Ninetales (such a gorgerous Pokemon!) and then popped an egg to get the Ekans I needed for Arbok (also really cool looking). That's another two off the list. No gen 2 in three eggs hatched though, although I don't know if my chances will improve with new eggs.

Hoping for some kind of event for Christmas. It would be nice to get some boosts of some rares, but on the other hand I've been walking this damn Charmander for months now, and it would be kind of lame if I suddenly got a ton of them for free.
I've hatched 14 new eggs since the update and no gen 2 Pokemon yet. Once my incubators are done with the next 4 eggs I have then I'll be done with the game, level 30, 141 in the dex, I can live with that. Can't do anything about Hitmonchan and Aerodactyl unless they add trading one day.
Hatched this little beauty just now...



I'm taking a look at the thread of the worst games you played this year
and I'm surprised to see the amount of people saying Pokémon Go, lol. I've been addicted to this game since day one and I gotta agree that the software as a whole, simply sucks. Tons of bugs, missing features, failures and slowdowns... Yet I keep playing it. On the other hand it's also my current GOTY because all the experiences, people I meet and all the places I've been that I didn't knew we had on the city thanks to this game.

Hatched this little beauty just now...


Nice! From a 2, 5 or 10 km egg??


Got 85 Pokemon in stand by for a mass evolve. I also replaced my Charmeleon by a Poliwag for walking. I have 100 candies to evolve him if necessary but it is pointless to keep walking to 125 if I don't have a high cp charmander to use those on. Then I rather finish up the 9 remaining poli candy.


Niantic Twitter says...

"Trainers, we've observed increased numbers of Pokémon sightings in parks and other outdoor locations in urban and rural areas."

That's neat, good for rural players.


Neo Member

Hatched 5 2km eggs today, all was shit


I´m not that hyped abaut Baby Pokemon to be honest. I wish they would release 20 or so new Mons at Christmas or at least have some kind of Event like before.

Only Baby Pokemon and Santachu for Christmas would be disappointing.


I'm taking a look at the thread of the worst games you played this year
and I'm surprised to see the amount of people saying Pokémon Go, lol. I've been addicted to this game since day one and I gotta agree that the software as a whole, simply sucks. Tons of bugs, missing features, failures and slowdowns... Yet I keep playing it. On the other hand it's also my current GOTY because all the experiences, people I meet and all the places I've been that I didn't knew we had on the city thanks to this game.

People judge Pokémon Go as a traditional game. In that sense, it indeed sucks. Very limited game interactivity with most of the game being based on grinding.

However, as an app that accompanies you when you take a walk or stuff like that it's great. I use it everyday as I go to and return from work and not much else but it's fun using it like that.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
People judge Pokémon Go as a traditional game. In that sense, it indeed sucks. Very limited game interactivity with most of the game being based on grinding.

However, as an app that accompanies you when you take a walk or stuff like that it's great. I use it everyday as I go to and return from work and not much else but it's fun using it like that.
Same here. I was obsessed in the first couple of months I played it and then got burned out. After one month not playing the game I started again the way it's intended (opening it just while going on walks, going to and back from work, etc), and it's been much better. The new tracking is making a world of difference for me too as expected.

People are allowed to play however they want of course, but it's a bit silly to judge the game on merits that it's not even aspiring to achieve.


LMAO this mystic cheater with the double accounts (now somehow lvl 37 in a short time) took down 5 of my lvl. 10 gyms this morning. I don't think this guy is backing down lol


Not sure why people think they will hatch the new baby Pokemon right away after like 4 days... Their not going away.

I'm not playing it (let alone paying Niantic another cent) until they properly release Gen 2. In fact, knowing that they're going to draw out Gen 2 for 6 months makes it far less appealing to even bother.

I know Pokemon GO is *not* a traditional Pokemon game, so it's not quite fair to compare it to the meaty experience of the traditional Game Freak games, but once you catch as much as you can in a reasonable timeframe, the game is basically over. Even attempting to take over and hold gyms is pointless (let alone twice as hard now) given that the coins can only be spent on a lottery system to win a couple of new prizes that nobody gives a shit about any more since almost everyone stopped playing months ago.

A shame, at best, and an embarrassment, really, at worst... given how much potential it had.

But thank God Pokemon Sun/Moon is a marvellous experience.


S/M is boring because I've been playing the same game for twenty years now. At least Go is emulating an MMO, something GF should take note instead of being ass backwards as always.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Day 53

Still no Santachu. Girlfriend becoming increasingly desperate. I have enclosed a message in a bottle, addressed to Niantic.

Godspeed, bottle.


Apparently there is now an Onyx nest near me. Will have to check it out after work! Get some candy to get me ready for gen 2 Steelix.
I'm taking a look at the thread of the worst games you played this year
and I'm surprised to see the amount of people saying Pokémon Go, lol. I've been addicted to this game since day one and I gotta agree that the software as a whole, simply sucks. Tons of bugs, missing features, failures and slowdowns... Yet I keep playing it. On the other hand it's also my current GOTY because all the experiences, people I meet and all the places I've been that I didn't knew we had on the city thanks to this game.

I have lost about fifty pounds playing the game on a daily basis, so I think Pokemon Go sort of "transcends" normal gaming. It's had so many benefits in my life in finding new friends that I am rather grateful for.

I love pokemon, I truly do. I've been playing since Gold/Silver, and have invested my money throughout my life on Nintendo handhelds specifically for a new Pokemon game.

However, I'm in my mid-thirties and it's getting harder for me to find hours in a day to play a mainline Pokemon game. Sun and Moon was an amazing experience from the top down, but like all mainline games, the post-game is a big time investment. Personally, GameFreak's "one step forwards, two steps back" philosophy really hit me this time,
because they made IV checking/manipulation so easy, but made EV training and quickly leveling up a frustrating chore.
Perhaps when Pokemon Bank opens up, and QR rental teams become a thing, team building and prepping for online-battling/end game battling (e.g. Battle Facilities) will be more accessible.

Pokemon Go has been a totally different, but better experience overall—despite the tracking fiasco, completely shallow gameplay with no real "end", communications issues, and overall unbalance with pokemon availability (There's more Pallet Towns than Celedon Cities in the real world). It's the only game I can play with my girlfriend (she loves this game and didn't care for Pokemon in the past). I still see families playing this game together on their walks. Some days I get antsy to go outside to hatch eggs and find a good nest to grind. This can be argued, but the gym/battling has been marginally better since launch; it's more enjoyable (my girlfriend and I have created a sort of PvP: since we are on red/blue teams, we take down an Instinct gym and then one of us fight a defender we put up 1-on-1, but only using super-effective moves as a way to teach her about type-matchups. Whoever "wins" claims the gym.)

My time invested in Pokemon Go just feels more fulfilling than playing Pokemon Sun/Moon.


I caved-in and bought some incubators. I suck :(

I've hatched a Pichu and a Smoochum, but most of the eggs have been trash.


Today's been productive. On my way to a Company Holiday Lunch I found a Dragonair! Got a 91% IV SantaChu as well at the lunch-in. So I now have a nice Raichu I can evolve to have a RaichuClause. Was on a Pokestop, so was able to get a bunch of items every 5 minutes (PoGo+ so didn't needed to even open phone)

Then, I later went to a park near my house that is now a Onix nest. Caught 5 and 1 that was 86.7% and 773CP. So it will be a nice one to evolve. Have 36 candy with 5 ready to transfer. I'll go back again in a few days to get more candy.

Your steadfast OP tried out the Pokemon Go Frappe at Starbucks today. I had to ask and they're like "wat" and then they went to the back and figured it out.

It's basically crushed Rattatas. What else are they going to do with the candy?
Actually it's a "Razz" Berry Frappe, kind of a raspberry and coffee combo. Mom said it tasted a bit like white chocolate with raspberry but I didn't quite get that.

It's not to bad, but I'm not a frequent Starbucks patron. $4.25 was the price of the small if anyone out there is interested. If I was Starbucks I would have actually called it a Razz Berry Frappe or made a Pikachu design on the cup or something. Meh.


Your steadfast OP tried out the Pokemon Go Frappe at Starbucks today. I had to ask and they're like "wat" and then they went to the back and figured it out.

It's basically crushed Rattatas. What else are they going to do with the candy?
Actually it's a "Razz" Berry Frappe, kind of a raspberry and coffee combo. Mom said it tasted a bit like white chocolate with raspberry but I didn't quite get that.

It's not to bad, but I'm not a frequent Starbucks patron. $4.25 was the price of the small if anyone out there is interested. If I was Starbucks I would have actually called it a Razz Berry Frappe or made a Pikachu design on the cup or something. Meh.

Yours looks wayyyyyy different than mine. I thought it was pretty solid


I must say... the Pokemon GO Frap was delicious when I tried it last week.

My sister gave me 10 bucks today so I'm going to get another GO frap tomorrow... hopefully its just as delicious.


Your steadfast OP tried out the Pokemon Go Frappe at Starbucks today. I had to ask and they're like "wat" and then they went to the back and figured it out.

It's basically crushed Rattatas. What else are they going to do with the candy?
Actually it's a "Razz" Berry Frappe, kind of a raspberry and coffee combo. Mom said it tasted a bit like white chocolate with raspberry but I didn't quite get that.

There's actually no coffee in it at all. It's basically just milk, sugar, vanilla powder, raspberry syrup, dried raspberries, and ice blended together. It's just way too sweet -- even with raspberries blended in I can't taste anything but sugar in it. I think if they had left out the vanilla powder (which is mostly sugar) and the raspberry syrup, it would have been much better.


I just hatched a 100% Aerodactyl....

with Bite and....

Ancient Power.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!


I love pokemon, I truly do. I've been playing since Gold/Silver, and have invested my money throughout my life on Nintendo handhelds specifically for a new Pokemon game.

However, I'm in my mid-thirties and it's getting harder for me to find hours in a day to play a mainline Pokemon game. Sun and Moon was an amazing experience from the top down, but like all mainline games, the post-game is a big time investment.
Why bother with the post-game then? The main campaign is enough, no?

And honestly, as a huge fan of Pokemon GO, I don't see how one is any less of a time sink than the other. Both require huge time investments to complete the Pokedexes.

Either way, the main goal in S&M (IMHO) is to beat the final villain or whatever, which takes, what, 30-50 hours? Whereas there is no real goal in GO except to complete the 'Dex, which isn't really possible until trading comes out anyway.
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