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Pokémon Go |OT 3| "No Officer, I'm a Passenger"


I'm happy Santachu is gone, now I just hope to find a normal Pikachu...

I need to catch:

x1 Squirtle
x12 Bulbasaur
x14 Charmander

So I can get those final evolutions. I hope I can catch all those before the 8th!


I didn't get much chance to hatch new eggs during the event, just to clear out my inventory of crappy 5km eggs, but this is what I've gotten from eggs I know I got during the increased baby weeks:

Eevee (x2 or x1 and Exeggcute x1)
Tangela (admittedly only my third so at least a tiny bit of novelty value there)

Great. I still don't even have a Ditto either. What a bust.


I managed two Elekid, two Igglybuff, two Togepi, a Cleffa and a Smoochum so that is eight baby Pokémon. Out of 30-40 eggs total or so.
In the end I got every baby but Cleffa, including 3 Togepi. I have enough candy for a Togetic now, but none of the Togepi had top-tier ratings, sooo... :\

Also caught 26 Santa Hat Pikachu, one of which I plan to have as a fully leveled Santa Hat Raichu. I know Raichu ain't great, but come on, Santa Hat Raichu!

Also went a Magnemite for the first time today. Only ever gotten one before, through an egg. Only need 9 more candy now for Magneton, and the plan is to go back on Thursday.


The increased rate of Gen II Pokémon has also ended.

Which sucks cause I didn't get a single one.

Yeah, I kinda feel like the Gen2 event was just a scam to make people buy incubators. I ran 6-7 inucbators at a time but only hatched 1-2 Gen2 babies the whole time.
What eggs contain is already decided when you get them so the increased chance should still be in effect for any eggs obtained during the event right?

Hope so seeing I only got a Magby.


So like... how the fuck does one get a Grimer?

You don't. LOL.

And on the rare rare rare occasion he shows up, he's likely to have super duper shite IV. Also, he'd never show up enough for you to have enough candy to turn it into Muk. At least not these days. Maybe back in July/August....

I'm somewhat....lucky? Not quite, but I can't find another word for it.....that I have a few and already evolved one into Muk but JFC, Grimer is one of the rarest Pokemon in this game.


You don't. LOL.

And on the rare rare rare occasion he shows up, he's likely to have super duper shite IV. Also, he'd never show up enough for you to have enough candy to turn it into Muk.

I'm somewhat....lucky? Not quite, but I can't find another word for it.....that I have a few and already evolved one into Muk but JFC, Grimer is one of the rarest Pokemon in this game.

Yeah, so imagine how fucking lucky I felt when I found a 1750 CP Muk in the wild and actually caught it with the first ball :D
I've only "encountered" one ever, on the 3rd day or so after release. Popped up on the radar on campus. Never found it before it despawned. Didn't realize I would literally never see one again. :|

Level 29, slowly closing on 30, with nearly 4,500 captures...

I seriously don't get it though. WHY? It makes no goddamn sense. As far as I can tell the nests literally don't exist (on the Silph Road Atlas there's only a handful of unconfirmed nests GLOBALLY and all are heavily disputed) and yeah, normal spawns are rare as shit. Never got one from an egg either, and I've hatched like 100 5km eggs... My girlfriend did though, somehow. But yeah, why Grimer of all Pokémon? Is it because of the early bugs where Muk would crash the app on some Android devices, or something like that? Did like, Niantic soft pull Grimer/Muk because of that and never fix its spawn rates or something?


So like... how the fuck does one get a Grimer?

A wild Muk appeared for me two days ago.





My friend and I were just hunting the starters when my friend spin a pokestop disc and out of it popped a 10k eggs. I made a note of the pokestop and checked my incubators and noticed that one of them is 4.8/5. In other words, it'd hatched soon.

When it hatched, I tried to spin the same pokestop and lo and behold, a 10k egg also popped for me.

So is this coincidence? I know that the pokestop will pop an egg randomly but it seems within certain amount of time it'll pop similar egg?

I've only "encountered" one ever, on the 3rd day or so after release. Popped up on the radar on campus. Never found it before it despawned. Didn't realize I would literally never see one again. :|

Level 29, slowly closing on 30, with nearly 4,500 captures...

I seriously don't get it though. WHY? It makes no goddamn sense. As far as I can tell the nests literally don't exist (on the Silph Road Atlas there's only a handful of unconfirmed nests GLOBALLY and all are heavily disputed) and yeah, normal spawns are rare as shit. Never got one from an egg either, and I've hatched like 100 5km eggs... My girlfriend did though, somehow. But yeah, why Grimer of all Pokémon? Is it because of the early bugs where Muk would crash the app on some Android devices, or something like that? Did like, Niantic soft pull Grimer/Muk because of that and never fix its spawn rates or something?

Koffings have the same kind of rarity IME. Not as rare as Grimer but I'm always happy everytime I see Koffing's stupid derpy face on my screen despite knowing his IV is likely to be shite.


I've only ever encountered one Grimer, and I caught him. I don't have a Muk though.

And guess what? I hatched my first baby today, and it was a Pichu!!!

I also caught one Doduo so now I can finally evolve it, and I have enough Squirtles to evolve it into its final form. Now I just need 7 Bulbasaurs and 9 Charmanders before the event ends.

Koffings have the same kind of rarity IME. Not as rare as Grimer but I'm always happy everytime I see Koffing's stupid derpy face on my screen despite knowing his IV is likely to be shite.
I caught a Koffing today. But yeah, he doesn't pop up that often.


I had to walk my Grimer for Muk, but funnily enough I caught Weezing waaay before I got Koffing [sounds so funny when you say it, damn puns heh].

Since then I must have seen around 5-6 Koffing in the wild, sometimes I didn't even bother catching them. I have 32 candy... hmm, I guess I better save up for another evolution seeing as they may become valuable IF trading is introduced to the game.


They already confirmed trading for the game.

I really wonder what they'll introduce next and when.

Also I need to catch one normal Pikachu to evolve into a normal Raichu. But there's no Pikachu's around here anywhere. And Santachu was everywhere.


Trading seems like it will just lead to everyone collecting everything very quickly and filling the gyms with perfect mons.

But I suppose if people were gonna hack and cheat they would already be at it.

I would probably have been more into the idea had I not finally found a Chansey last week.


They already confirmed trading for the game.

I really wonder what they'll introduce next and when.

Source? I know the initial reveal video advertised trading and PvP battles, but as you can see 6 months later we still don't have that.

I know many players who are 31+ that are very wary of possible trading feature. Niantic proved that it simply doesn't know how to deal with botters and spoofers, I can't see how they could deter cheaters from abusing trading.

However... it has always been a part of Pokemon games and it's the only way of getting regional Pokemon [outside of very expensive traveling]. I want it to be implemented, even if there were some limitations to it.


Used Incense for the first time, Venusaur immediately popped out. Vine Whip / Solar Beam too :D It's strong so I'll probably level it as a Vape slayer.
In a dick move someone in England put a (unseen) Tauros on the Gym near me ruining my Pokedex for good. Totally soured me on the Gyms and how they've changed the pokedex to seen. Apart from fly to America - whwt can I do?
In a dick move someone in England put a (unseen) Tauros on the Gym near me ruining my Pokedex for good. Totally soured me on the Gyms and how they've changed the pokedex to seen. Apart from fly to America - whwt can I do?
Wait, I don't get it. How does seeing a region exclusive Pokemon ruin the dex for you? Is it because you're stuck with a silhouette of a Pokemon you can't catch? I think it's kinda novel to see the region exclusive Pokemon since you get the sense it came from such a long way to get there.

nice avatar btw, always nice to see someone using Legends 3 concept art as an avi :p


I don't mind seeing them, I kinda want to have all available Pokémon on Seen so I know what to aim for. There just needs to be an actual path to getting them soon. Maybe even something as stupid as sending in a Mime and getting a random different regional Pokémon.
I caught a Grimer during the candy event and walked the hell out of it. Still took forever to get a Muk.

Since I'm like 300 K Exp away from 30, I've been working more on filling out the Pokedex. No more evolving first stage evolutions just to pad my lucky egg numbers. Also walking the Pokémon that are close to getting me a new evolution to add to the dex.

Whoever thought making Togepi a 5 Km per candy buddy can eat my ass. I have to walk this sucker 100 Km...


Hatched Elekid and Smoochum today! Egg before that had Togepi. Really happy :)

Btw I've been sitting on these lures and incense since launch.. Are they actually worth using? I've used the incense in the beginning but all it did was attract pidgeys and rattatas. Could they be useful now for farming starters?


Incense is really useful if you go for a jog. They spawn faster the faster you are moving/etc. I was usually spawning a new Pokemon every 2 to 3 minutes. Helped out getting some uncommon Pokemon a good bit.

Lures haven't really helped me much. Though, in a different biome, like water biome, I placed some and got a few Dratinis.


Someone in work obviously got a lot of iTunes or play store credit for Christmas.

Out building is a pokestop, hasn't stopped being hit with lures by the guy/gal since we came back on Tuesday. Basically 16 hours straight of lures.

Working out great for me. Nearly have all the starters (got blastoise, missing charizard (one ran away) and venusaur)


My hatchings of today:

- Tentacool
- Pichu (yes!)
- Oddish
- Mankey
- Oddish

Won't complain about the last three as those gave me candy for evolutions.

Also, I tried catching a Charmander with a berry and 3 ultraballs with no luck. Then I tried one Pokéball and got it lmao.

I just need 5 Bulbasaurs and 7 Charmanders in order to evolve into their final evolutions while also having one of their stage 1 and 2. Shouldn't be a problem achieving that before the 8th. I'm not far from being able to evolve a Bellsprout, Nidoran (m), Vulpix and Rhyhorn into their final evolutions either, although they rarely show up in the wild.
Hatched another Togepi and finally decided to not fool around any more and evolve everything I was sitting on with 2 lucky eggs, in lieu of a double XP weekend.

Added 20 entries to my Pokedex including Togetic and got several premium DPS combos AND leveled up to 25, at last.

Muy bueno.
Wait, I don't get it. How does seeing a region exclusive Pokemon ruin the dex for you? Is it because you're stuck with a silhouette of a Pokemon you can't catch? I think it's kinda novel to see the region exclusive Pokemon since you get the sense it came from such a long way to get there.

nice avatar btw, always nice to see someone using Legends 3 concept art as an avi :p

Yeah, I'll never catch them all now </3



It was quite a bizarre experience to go Pokémon hunting in -19 celcius (-2,2 fahrenheit) outside with some decent wind. I walked about 3,5km, would've wanted to walk more as I had warm cloths on, but decided not to ruin my new phone in that cold weather. Glad this ~ -20 celcius weather will end soon and it goes to around -10 in the following days, not nearly as bad. I have almost all 1st generation Pokémons, could evolve two more new ones, but want better IV specimen. I have 5 2nd generation babies, got two Pichus today.
Hatched a Cleffa! 147 in the Pokedex now.

Just Chansey, Pichu, Magby, Togepi/Togetic, Farfetch'd and Kangaskhan left!

In a dick move someone in England put a (unseen) Tauros on the Gym near me ruining my Pokedex for good. Totally soured me on the Gyms and how they've changed the pokedex to seen. Apart from fly to America - whwt can I do?

I did that once, there's a gym near where I live (UK) that every time I take down it gets taken back within hours, so I plonked a Tauros there to annoy the other player.


Did a mass evolve because I was getting low on room. The game crashed in the middle so I don't have an exact count but still I got like 75 evolves. I already have 24 for the next session, even without the candy I'm saving for Crobat and the likes. I should be ready in a week for the session that will bring me to 30.
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