1. Was it ever confirmed that a 10k egg can only hatch the 10k pokemon? Or is there a chance that it can hatch the other pokemon too?
2. Was it ever confirmed if curveballs increase or have any effect on catch rate?
3. Was it ever confirmed that Nice! Great! Excellent! throws dont effect the catch rate, and its just the size of the inner circle that matters? Like if the inner circle was small it doesnt matter if you get the ball in it or not.
I've seen the posts in the previous page with people calling it quits.
I think i would be calling it quits as well if it wasn't for Pokemon Go+. There fact that I can accumulate Stardust, Pokemon and XP during work keeps me going. I usually hatch 2 5KM egg or 3/4 2KM eggs per shift. Haven't bought anything since i got it.
2: raspberries don't do anything to improve catch rates
I have a desk job, but I can imagine the Plus being an even bigger benefit if you have to walk a lot during the day. The lottery of the eggs in general is a big part in me still playing.
Huh, then what's their point? You throw a razz berry to have a higher chance at catching a Pokémon. If it still breaks out, the effect is gone and you have to throw one again. At least that's what it says on rankedboost.
I have a desk job, but I can imagine the Plus being an even bigger benefit if you have to walk a lot during the day. The lottery of the eggs in general is a big part in me still playing.
Huh, then what's their point? You throw a razz berry to have a higher chance at catching a Pokémon. If it still breaks out, the effect is gone and you have to throw one again. At least that's what it says on rankedboost.
Berries affect run rate AFAIK not actual catch rate.
Huh, then what's their point? You throw a razz berry to have a higher chance at catching a Pokémon. If it still breaks out, the effect is gone and you have to throw one again. At least that's what it says on rankedboost.
Eggs are set once you pick it up. There's no influence.
Seems useless, I dont use berries for those.Wow had no idea. So is it useless to use berries on Abra since they're guaranteed to run away after one miss?
I've seen the posts in the previous page with people calling it quits.
I think i would be calling it quits as well if it wasn't for Pokemon Go+. There fact that I can accumulate Stardust, Pokemon and XP during work keeps me going. I usually hatch 2 5KM egg or 3/4 2KM eggs per shift. Haven't bought anything since i got it.
I've seen the posts in the previous page with people calling it quits.
I think i would be calling it quits as well if it wasn't for Pokemon Go+. There fact that I can accumulate Stardust, Pokemon and XP during work keeps me going. I usually hatch 2 5KM egg or 3/4 2KM eggs per shift. Haven't bought anything since i got it.
I would love to use my pogo+... doesn't work with my phone though (moto x pure 2015). Sad panda over here. I won't return it though, just may lend it to my friends so they can use it until there is a fix or I get an iPhone next year. =p
Wow had no idea. So is it useless to use berries on Abra since they're guaranteed to run away after one miss?
It should work. The phone looks like it has all the necesary specs and stuff.
It shouild work, but after many tries, it didn't. r/thesilphroad posted a work around but it doesn't work for me either. Has to do something with the bluetooth radio from people with the same problem (rants in Moto boards).
Works like a dream on my friends' Galaxy S7 and I will bring it to work tomorrow to try it out on a coworkers iPhone 6s.
What's the source for razz berries affecting flee rate only @_@
How did people work that out though? As far as I know, all that stuff happens on the server, so did people just test it with a giant sample size?It's more of an extrapolation from the fact that we know with certainty that it doesn't help you catch Pokemon.
I've a Zenfone 2, would it work with it? I'm unsure of importing one because of that. What if it doesn't work...
Wow it's piss easy to train gyms now. Even idiots could do it. Which results in lvl. 10 gyms everywhere sigh
edit: at least I'm in 13 gyms now
Any Electric Pokemon worth fighting a Vaporeon with?
This whole time I thought berries were helping me. Lame.
P.S. Did they screw with the catch rate again? Everything is being a shit today.
Can anyone roughly explain how the new gym system works as it pertains to the kind of "old rules" of battling? I have a level 300ish chansey who I used to slap against much higher guys and he would pull 1000 cp per battle as if your pokemon was half the CP of the gym defender, you would get the bonus.
I ran the same thing and got 100 cp which was awful, so i made my party all level 200 caterpie with my 1100 ish Snorlax and the CP calculation seemed to work in the old fashion. I tried clicking around but wasn't able to adjust anyone or fiddle with the numbers, but any insight would be helpful.
berries change the color of the circle, it affects catch rate.
supposedly fastpokemap is coming back soon but I don't know what to believe anymore
The formula is based on level, not cp. Which makes sense from a programming standpoint. Just remember the level of your pokemon, maybe even add it to its nickname. If its level is half or less than the pokemon you want to use to beat that pokemon, you're good.prestige is based on your highest pokemon cp...what you can do is use your chansey and remember it's cp, then put your other 5 as lower cp than chansey, then only fight 1 pokemon. you will get your 1000 cp.
what I'm doing is picking out how far I want to fight. let's say there is a 1500 arcanine, 1750 vaporeon, 2000 slowbro, and 2750 snorlax in a level 4 gym. I don't think I can get through a 2750 snorlax that high up in the chain without having strong enough pokemon to fight it, so I focus on the first three. I want to be sure to get 1000 prestige against the slowbro so my highest cp pokemon is a 1000 cp raichu. I then choose a 999 cp eggecutor, 999 cp dragonite, 999 cp magneton, 875 cp parasect, and 700 cp dugtrio. in terms of prestige earned, the last 5 don't even matter, since the prestige calculation will all be based upon your 1000 cp raichu. so if I go through the 3 pokemon that I set out to, no matter who I fight with from any of my 6 pokemon, my max prestige earned for each downed mon would be something like +750 for arcanine, +875 for the vaporeon, and +1000 for the slowbro for a 2625 prestige gain for beating those 3 pokemon.
if you picked a 750 cp vaporeon as your highest to beat the 1500 arcanine and had the other 5 be less than 750 cp and you still beat those 3 pokemon, you will get the max 3000 prestige gain because all your pokemon were half or less all of THEIR cp
Easier to train gyms = more people can do it = people with weaker pokemon can get into gymsI'm not sure how this helps the game.
Isn't it the other way around?You can also use the CP as a guideline, but know that a 750cp Vaporeon will be at a higher level than a 750cp Starmie.
YOU SAW NOTHINGEasier to train gyms = more people can do it = people with weaker pokemon can get into gyms
Probably will see more high level gyms but less gyms that are stacked top to bottom with 2000+CP pokemon.
Isn't it the other way around?
Easier to train gyms = more people can do it = people with weaker pokemon can get into gyms
Probably will see more high level gyms but less gyms that are stacked top to bottom with 2000+CP pokemon.
The formula is based on level, not cp. Which makes sense from a programming standpoint. Just remember the level of your pokemon, maybe even add it to its nickname. If its level is half or less than the pokemon you want to use to beat that pokemon, you're good.
You can also use the CP as a guideline, but know that a 750cp Vaporeon will be at a higher level than a 750cp Starmie.
Isn't it the other way around?
This. This is meant to make it better for the more casual players who don't have every damn Pokemon at different levels to train up those annoying 2000 cp+ only gyms. Plus, helps out those new to the game. Someone who is only lv 8 beforehand would almost NEVER be able to train up against any decent gym. But, now they have a good chance.
Most gyms in my area are usually lv 7+ anyways, for months now. And a lot of those usually changes teams anyways. To those afraid of more future lv 10 gyms, try taking them down. Taking down a gym is easy. The only hard part is resources & time. Obviously a l10 gym going to take a good bit of time. But certainly doable by yourself.
I'd like to see an item you can get or buy that makes taking down gyms faster. Like will reward 2x to the amount you boost up a gym or take down a gym. So instead of 500 per Pokemon defeated, can be 1000.
I just don't get how this is an improvement. You pretty much always use the lowest level guy you have to train, 1000cp Vaporeon will destroy a 2000cp arcanine. You don't need to be high level to get a spot.
To me the problem is to many level 10 gyms that people dont even bother attacking because it will take over an hour to beat down. I think this is just going to gridlock gyms.