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Pokémon Go |OT 3| "No Officer, I'm a Passenger"


I really hope they do an increase in Ice type pokemon for Christmas.

I need Seel/Dewgong and Shellder/Cloyster

i'm hoping for a starter boost for sun and moon release.

like 25% of the pokemon I am missing are the starters and their evolutions @_@


I found just as many ghost pokemon yesterday as in the last two months... that is two, and one from an egg I started hatching before the event. That's a bit disappointing.


I prefer mud shot for quick move. Bubble makes it to hard to dodge effectively. It also builds charge meter faster... at least it seems like it.

Why do you want ice punch for charge move though for dragonites? Or to fuck with grass on defense?

I have one with those moves at 75% IV but I can't say I really like him.
STAB and gym psychology. You wouldn't understand.


What should I doooo?
Its hard to collect dratini candy here and I have these 2:

Dragonite: 2227cp, 69%IV, Steel wing + Dragon pulse
Dratini: 86IV

Should I save candy and try to evolve better IV good dragonite or just up my current dragonite hmmmmm.

Edit: I guess upping my current is best and try to get some 90%+ dratini sometime.

I really hope they do an increase in Ice type pokemon for Christmas.

I need Seel/Dewgong and Shellder/Cloyster

I hope its region related with different weather, could have at least some adventage here with all this snow.
Got 30 Bulbasaur buddy candy yesterday, lol. Guess I'll get to evolve him with this event. Never hoped I'll reach that so quick.
I love this event. The weather is also sweet, maybe I'll go out today.


STAB and gym psychology. You wouldn't understand.

I think I do since I mentioned it in my post lol.

Mud shot and bubble have the same dps. With STAB bubble gains very little and makes it impossible to dodge. Bubble is obviously preferable for defenders due to attack times the ai uses.

Ice punch sucks and has less than half the DPS of hydro pump. You might trick an attacker once and hit thier grass attacker with ice punch, but what about round 2? You are still getting kicked out of the gym.

With poliwrath having a lower cp cap than most popular defenders you will usually be at the bottom of the gym too.

I mostly use mine for attack on fire types so mud shot gets super effective bonus and hydropump just crushes them.

Really the only effective gym psychology is to make them not attack you at all. This means lv8+ gym filled with 2000cp+ defenders. Doesn't really matter the type or moves.


My go plus seems fucked up on Android (maybe beta 7.1 an issue) today, anyone else having problems? Will switch to my iphone tomorrow but missed candy today.

It's still fucked as of this morning. My PG+ connected but never lit during my morning drive.
I think the latest bugfix version sorts the Pokemon Go Plus issue they introduced - may not have fully rolled out, but was good for me again this afternoon.


I think I do since I mentioned it in my post lol.

Mud shot and bubble have the same dps. With STAB bubble gains very little and makes it impossible to dodge. Bubble is obviously preferable for defenders due to attack times the ai uses.

Ice punch sucks and has less than half the DPS of hydro pump. You might trick an attacker once and hit thier grass attacker with ice punch, but what about round 2? You are still getting kicked out of the gym.

With poliwrath having a lower cp cap than most popular defenders you will usually be at the bottom of the gym too.

I mostly use mine for attack on fire types so mud shot gets super effective bonus and hydropump just crushes them.

Really the only effective gym psychology is to make them not attack you at all. This means lv8+ gym filled with 2000cp+ defenders. Doesn't really matter the type or moves.
Why would you power up Poliwrath to use as an attacker? lol

If you only care about CP, Poliwrath has 2000 CP with reasonable IVs around lvl. 28-29 (trainer level 27-28) which is not bad at all. Its CP is slightly lower than Slowbro and Blastoise at the same level, but higher than Golduck, Starmie, Tentacruel, Dewgong and Cloyster.

The real bottleneck is the amount of candies you farm until you're in your mid 30s. If Eevee is super common where you live, then yeah, just evolve Eevees until you get Vaporeons and power them up. If not, your options are limited. Dratini, Snorlax and Lapras are rare. Growlithe and Exeggcute are usually rare. Gyarados costs a million candies. Starters are rare.That leaves Flareon, Muk, Slowbro, Machamp, Victreebel, Poliwrath, Vileplume, Nidoqueen and Nidoking in the upper mid tiers. They all have their pros and cons, but if you actually want to strengthen gyms rather than just get a high position, the only real options are Muk, Slowbro and Poliwrath. Grimers are probably one of the rarest Pokemon out there, so it's just Slowbro and Poliwrath as great defenders with reasonable CP. And defenders you will need if you want to cash out 10x defender bonuses each day.
Was capturing all the Cubone I could yesterday until a Marowak appeared. That's everyone that's supposed to be in the increase that I need.

I have Vulpix as my buddy now and im 10 away from evolving. I'm debating on if I should add Charmander during the end of the event or Dratini to get more candy. I caught a wild Dragonite so all I need is Dragonair


Why would you power up Poliwrath to use as an attacker? lol

If you only care about CP, Poliwrath has 2000 CP with reasonable IVs around lvl. 28-29 (trainer level 27-28) which is not bad at all. Its CP is slightly lower than Slowbro and Blastoise at the same level, but higher than Golduck, Starmie, Tentacruel, Dewgong and Cloyster.

The real bottleneck is the amount of candies you farm until you're in your mid 30s. If Eevee is super common where you live, then yeah, just evolve Eevees until you get Vaporeons and power them up. If not, your options are limited. Dratini, Snorlax and Lapras are rare. Growlithe and Exeggcute are usually rare. Gyarados costs a million candies. Starters are rare.That leaves Flareon, Muk, Slowbro, Machamp, Victreebel, Poliwrath, Vileplume, Nidoqueen and Nidoking in the upper mid tiers. They all have their pros and cons, but if you actually want to strengthen gyms rather than just get a high position, the only real options are Muk, Slowbro and Poliwrath. Grimers are probably one of the rarest Pokemon out there, so it's just Slowbro and Poliwrath as great defenders with reasonable CP. And defenders you will need if you want to cash out 10x defender bonuses each day.

exeggutor are not rare here, neither is bulbasuar. I have 8 2000cp+ exeggutor, I have a maxed (lv27) Venusaur and am working on my 2nd. I I have 3 snorelax above 2000cp. I have a nice lapras. a decent Victorybell and Viliplume. I have more evee candy than I know what to do with.

With grass being so common in my area a water defender is a joke. I can easily claim 10 gyms a day with just exeggutor and snorelax. No need for 3rd tier defenders. I use poliwrath for attacking the random flareon or arcanine because he is awesome. I have 4 of them at various power levels, never really feed them much stardust. Would rather save that for my snorelax and lapras.

What usually ends up happening if someone puts a Poliwrath in a gym is its on the bottom and stifles the gym growth cause no one wants to train against it.


Neo Member
Hatched 3 10K eggs over the past two days, all have been Evee, and two didn't even have a wonderful IV....Fuck this shit

This! 5 km eggs hatched during the event has been shit: magmar, pinsr, himolee, areodactyl (already have two), and electrobuzz... Who the heck needs 64 pinsr candies? Wished it was an eevee BC those candies are more useful lol


Am I right in thinking they upped the 10km egg spawn rate?

My guess is they also lowered the odds of getting a good mon as a counterbalance.


exeggutor are not rare here, neither is bulbasuar. I have 8 2000cp+ exeggutor, I have a maxed (lv27) Venusaur and am working on my 2nd. I I have 3 snorelax above 2000cp. I have a nice lapras. a decent Victorybell and Viliplume. I have more evee candy than I know what to do with.

With grass being so common in my area a water defender is a joke. I can easily claim 10 gyms a day with just exeggutor and snorelax. No need for 3rd tier defenders. I use poliwrath for attacking the random flareon or arcanine because he is awesome. I have 4 of them at various power levels, never really feed them much stardust. Would rather save that for my snorelax and lapras.
My Exeggutors are always the first to return from gyms, even lvl. 9/10 ones. Useless defenders.

Pokemon species do matter. High level trainers really aren't intimidated by Dragonites anymore. Snorlax and Lapras are where it's at and since walking for candy takes forever, I have 500k stardust saved. Might as well use them so I can put more defenders in gyms.


My Exeggutors are always the first to return from gyms, even lvl. 9/10 ones. Useless defenders.

Pokemon species do matter. High level trainers really aren't intimidated by Dragonites anymore. Snorlax and Lapras are where it's at and since walking for candy takes forever, I have 500k stardust saved. Might as well use them so I can put more defenders in gyms.

Well let me guess, you are in a desert area and fire types are more common? The gym meta has a lot do do with your area, what is common and how densely populated your city is.

Even at lv27 I can take pretty much any gym down. Its just how much time I want to spend doing it. I prefer the path of least resistance and the easiest thing is to train established gyms and ignore enemy gyms. I do look at the fighters and try to add what they are missing.

I mean since yesterday though. Have you been out much for Halloween?

I think they did too. I started with none but have 3 cooking now. Of course I did buy more incubators so I am getting more eggs...


Poliwrath with Bubble and Hydro Pump is one of the top five best defenders in the game. Slowbro with Confusion and Psychic pretty high up there too. I think a lot of people look over Clefable and Wigglytuff but they're pretty damn viable as well. Victreebell with Razor Leaf and Sludge Bomb decent.


I'm near a coast.

Exeggutors are terrible defenders because their CP are inflated by their high attack stat. And the fact that Pidgeots are so common, with about a dozen weaknesses, their intimidation factor are in the negatives.


This! 5 km eggs hatched during the event has been shit: magmar, pinsr, himolee, areodactyl (already have two), and electrobuzz... Who the heck needs 64 pinsr candies? Wished it was an eevee BC those candies are more useful lol

Fuck pinsirs man.



Thank you double candy! Caught a Dratini at work, and which gave me 8! (bad stats, so I cashed it in)

I now have 125 Dratini candies, so once I find a good Dratini/Dragonair, I can evolve it. Hopefully one of these 10k eggs I hold will be a Dratini.


Poliwrath with Bubble and Hydro Pump is one of the top five best defenders in the game. Slowbro with Confusion and Psychic pretty high up there too. I think a lot of people look over Clefable and Wigglytuff but they're pretty damn viable as well. Victreebell with Razor Leaf and Sludge Bomb decent.


I mean this seems pretty accurate to me, the original question being why would you want a poliwrath with ice punch...

for attack mud shot/bubble is a wash I just find dodging much easier with mud shot because of the low delay.

I hate when people leave low CP lapras in the entrance of friendly gyms. Makes it very hard to train it effectively. I mean, I still haven't found a good pokemon to level against a Lapras other than my single Magneton.


I mean this seems pretty accurate to me, the original question being why would you want a poliwrath with ice punch...
That list doesn't account dodging, which is why Snorlax's best moveset on the list is ZH / HB even though HB is piss easy to dodge.

Poliwrath is a bit of a special case since you want him to attack with Bubble all the time, which is why Hydro Pump is preferred, but since Hydro Pump is slightly more difficult to dodge than Hyper Beam, his other special moves aren't that far off.

Poliwrath with Bubble is simply better to power up for the sole reason he can double up as an attacker AND a defender. Mud Shot is less flexible, but you seem to insist on defending your decision to power up Poliwrath with Mud Shot.


Went to a local Growlithe park and caught 4 of them, which is 32 candies!!! My Arcanine is now near 2400 and now my top CP Pokemon (with at least 2 more level ups possible). At least till I get my 2nd Dragonite and level it all the way up.


That list doesn't account dodging, which is why Snorlax's best moveset on the list is ZH / HB even though HB is piss easy to dodge.

Poliwrath is a bit of a special case since you want him to attack with Bubble all the time, which is why Hydro Pump is preferred, but since Hydro Pump is slightly more difficult to dodge than Hyper Beam, his other special moves aren't that far off.

Poliwrath with Bubble is simply better to power up for the sole reason he can double up as an attacker AND a defender. Mud Shot is less flexible, but you seem to insist on defending your decision to power up Poliwrath with Mud Shot.

Again, I haven't powered up any of my Poliwraths. I primarily train friendly gyms and lower CP is better for more prestige gain. I usually use 1000cp starmies on flareon but I like to use poliwrath vs arcanine since he is tougher and usually has higher CP.

Maybe after I hit 30 I will power one up as a defender for variety. They are all sitting around 1500cp.
I prefer mud shot for quick move. Bubble makes it to hard to dodge effectively. It also builds charge meter faster... at least it seems like it.

Why do you want ice punch for charge move though for dragonites? Or to fuck with grass on defense?

I have one with those moves at 75% IV but I can't say I really like him.

complete defense for poliwrath, I have a 2500+ vaporeon with water gun/hydro pump I don't really need another water on offense, though I have plenty of aqua tail vaporeon in the low 2000s and a 1900+ poliwrath with mud shot/hydro pump.

poliwrath is a defense pokemon that can stop mid level/cadual players at gyms from getting past since a lot of people never get a specific pokemon to counter him (or slowbro as well)...they usually just focus on the pokemon they think they need to take out. with bubble as a primary move it is almost as if every attack he has is a charge move, that's why he is great defense.

against mid tier trainers with limited bag space for their potions that starts to become a big deal when they are attacking your high level gyms, they tend to give up in the middle.

against high level trainers with 1000 bag space, 3K Dragonites and time on their hands it won't matter what you put in your gym is going down...but if you put your guy in an out of the way gym where your big defense Pokémon are in there you can be in there for weeks at a time. coins and stardust guaranteed feels pretty nice.

edit: actually something like this literally just happened... I have a gym down the block from my house so I can see when gym activity is happening...and someone was attacking it for a while but I look now and it seems like they gave up, but see who is left :p


one of my "stoppers", confusion/ice beam (yes, I like ice attacks to fend off grass against my waters)...he is maxed to my current level. I think of my poliwrath the same way as my slowbro. gym was down to level 2 but now a friendly showed up and trained it to 3 and threw in his higher level snorlax. stuff like this makes the game fun still for me.

might as well post my new top 12 as well since Lapras finally made his debut! very exciting for me...

Hatched seven 10k eggs at once, got FOUR Eevees, two Aerodactyls and a Hitmonchan.

So disappointing, especially as I already had two Aerodactyls.


This event is great as it makes it easier to get my candy for lucky egging, but it had to start when it was raining all day and now that it's 50 with some wind, makes it worse. Still going to walk my Charmander as this is really the only chance I have at a Charizard.


Ive got to 130 caught and I think Im done now. Its too cold, dark and boring to grind. Im at level 28 and im pretty sure I'll die here. How are the rest of you guys doing?


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Ive got to 130 caught and I think Im done now. Its too cold, dark and boring to grind. Im at level 28 and im pretty sure I'll die here. How are the rest of you guys doing?

I have 131 and I was thinking about stopping at 130 too, but being so close to a full pokédex keeps me going. Also the current event is awesome to get candies for the rarer mons. I'm going bulbasaur hunting on sunday.
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