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Pokémon Go |OT 3| "No Officer, I'm a Passenger"


Rip, feeling sick on the final day of the event so I couldn't hatch my eggs. :( Also need to find some more red gyms nearby. Everything is from mystic, but I have some more mons to dump in a gym. D:
Are Lickitung and Porygon stupidly rare from 5ks or something?
Likewise with Hitmonchan/Lee from 10ks?

I've hatched around 300 eggs since July and haven't seen one of these four fuckers anywhere, including the wild.

Aside from those 4 I just need 6 evolutions, Venusaur, Charizard, Machamp, Golem, Weezing and Dragonite, although it's the former 3 that are still a very long way off.


Ending the event with two new dex entries: Marowak and Gyarados, which brings me to 115 total. I've also started walking with Vulpix, getting four candies before tiring out. Lucked out with the movesets, thankfully. Marowak has Mud Slap and Earthquake while Gyarados has Bite and Hydro Pump. Nothing too exciting egg wise. Pikachu was easily the best, the rest being uncommon (or pretty bad for gyms in Voltorb's case). Overall a pretty good event, and I'm glad the weather cooperated for the most part. Too bad the cold and snow will limit participation in any winter events. :/


Hatched my final 5 KM eggs, which gave me enough Candy for first Vileplume and Nidoqueen, so great. Picked up one other 5 KM egg, but otherwise only 2 KM eggs.


Why are you keeping the candy? Evolve the things you catch, so you increase in XP. None of those are Pokemons without evolutions.

I'm saving my candy for when things hatch for eggs.

also I wouldn't put it past them to eventually put pokemon themed costumes in the game.

you can pay $2.99 to unlock this costume, or spend 300 candy.

my ghastly hoodie will be the best thing ever :p


Just evolved a Charizard. Charmander has been my buddy since the system came out, and I caught a few here and there, but it's almost all from walking buddy candy.

Feels surprisingly good to evolve one this way. Nothing special happened though. He's not even a good Charizard, he's extra small and has crappy skills, but he's mine.

Now to grind out the 85km I need to get my first Gyarados.


After I evolved my Charmander, I'm only missing five: Ivysaur, Venusaur, Clefable, Muk and Kabutops.

Also Pinsir and Magmar from my last 10km eggs FFS
Just evolved a Charizard. Charmander has been my buddy since the system came out, and I caught a few here and there, but it's almost all from walking buddy candy.

Feels surprisingly good to evolve one this way. Nothing special happened though. He's not even a good Charizard, he's extra small and has crappy skills, but he's mine.

Now to grind out the 85km I need to get my first Gyarados.

I'm grinding Snorlax because I've three and they need to be in tip top shape so they can eventually be left to rot in a gym.

I wish there was something else to be gained via the buddy system. My favorite pokemon is my Wigglytuff, but there's little reason to walk with him since he's already at max cp.
I'm grinding Snorlax because I've three and they need to be in tip top shape so they can eventually be left to rot in a gym.

I wish there was something else to be gained via the buddy system. My favorite pokemon is my Wigglytuff, but there's little reason to walk with him since he's already at max cp.

well, unless you have a boatload of candy it's always good to have candy in the bank for the highest levels. right now I have about 80 jigglypuff candies with wigglytuff maxed out at 1900 cp...next power up is 8 candies and I'm gonna level soon so I'm glad to have so many in the bank I don't have to worry about it. my lapras candy is ready for my next level cause of the event.
well, unless you have a boatload of candy it's always good to have candy in the bank for the highest levels. right now I have about 80 jigglypuff candies with wigglytuff maxed out at 1900 cp...next power up is 8 candies and I'm gonna level soon so I'm glad to have so many in the bank I don't have to worry about it. my lapras candy is ready for my next level cause of the event.

Same here. I've got about three levels worth of candies. Considering things slow to a crawl by level 30, I'm thinking about diversifying my buddies AFTER I level my three Snorlax (which I think I need 400km in total for).

Is Raichu any good? I got one with Thundershock. Is it at least better than a Jolteon?


I think 6 candy per level up is already too much. Raise it to 10 then that means 10*2*5=100 km per trainer level per snorlax/lapras. RIP legs


Hatched lapras just few hours before event ends.
Nice for candies, too bad it was bad lapras, ONCE again.
Think I have 3 lapras now and all with bad moves and IV.


Got two 10k eggs this event, one an Aerodactyl(which I needed) and one a Pinsir(oh boy). Not bad I guess. Because of this event, I am currently sitting on 1,503 Gastly candies, 832 Cubone candies, and 487 Meowth candies. Really didn't catch many Drowsee or Zubat since I didn't really care.

Only need four more Pokemon, Alakazam, Muk(which I only need 8 more candies for), Kabutops, and Lapras.
Was super busy this month, so I couldn't fully enjoy the candy boost.. but I was able to play a decent amount today. Caught some decent Meowths, and my first Gengar and Cubone. No hatched eggs, though I did try. :(

I'm really going to miss that candy yield buff.


Never really considered using the candy for leveling up the player before. Mostly because up until this event, it was really hard to find Gastly, Drowzee, Meowth, and Cubone for me. But now I may consider using some of the useless ones as a way to level up.


Finally walked to get enough candy for Charizard. The attacks are "Wing Attack" and "Fire Blast", how good of a moveset is that?


Got another 10k egg unexpectedly this afternoon, so I decided to play chicken with the end of the event and walk around the neighborhood.

Anddd it's another Jynx. I have 160 candies and only one of the Jynxes has Frost Breath (and not an Ice Special). Alas. Nice event to push back into playing, but might take a break until the next event.


Finally walked to get enough candy for Charizard. The attacks are "Wing Attack" and "Fire Blast", how good of a moveset is that?

I hate you.


Anddd it's another Jynx. I have 160 candies and only one of the Jynxes has Frost Breath (and not an Ice Special). Alas. Nice event to push back into playing, but might take a break until the next event.

Frost Breath/Psyshock are the best Gym Att and Def combination for Jynx:

Was downtown today at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. For those of you familiar with the area in Cleveland, it's literally right on Lake Erie.

I was kind of hoping to find a lot more water mons around there, I know I've spotted Pikachu on a scanner before and a coworker's brother found Gyarados down there too.

Sadly, despite the tons of stops I could hit, there was just Gastly infestation all over the damn place. Even the stops with lures on them had Gastly lmao.

On the way out, I spotted Omanyte's shadow nearby but didn't find him. Then as I was pulling out of the parking garage he popped up. So that's another new one at least!

I'm glad they increased stuff but I'll be honestly glad when the event is over. I just got Gengar less than a week before the event started so imagine me right now.
Had some time tonight finally with 3 10k eggs in the oven, so I walked around 7km to hatch them all.

Omanyte...meh, have Omastar already but now have a shot at a better moveset.

Electabuzz :(


My most exciting 10k hatch to date. Never seen one in the wild and no idea where to even look so I was counting on eggs for ages to get this guy.

Down to Muk and Porygon now. I have 28 Grimer candies; I started the event with 6 so really great progress thanks to this event.


All told, this event is going to make getting to 142 way more feasible—enough for Charizard (although I'd like a better Charmander), close on Venusaur (switched Buddy over a few hours ago), close on Machamp (will just need a few days of Buddy-ing). After that, it's just Omanyte and Kabutops, which will take long but can be focused on sooner with the others out of the way.


Man I wish FastPokeMap was working right now, there's a Charmander somewhere near by but I don't really feel like going out on a wild goose chase for it.

john tv

Almost 12 hours into Nov. 2 in Japan and it's still going. Bet they're in no rush to end it seeing how much money it made them, LOL. Probably scrambling to do something for Thanksiving now
Almost 12 hours into Nov. 2 in Japan and it's still going. Bet they're in no rush to end it seeing how much money it made them, LOL. Probably scrambling to do something for Thanksiving now

I'm sure right when the event ends we'll get a big ol' recap post detailing event statistics with at least some sort of news for upcoming events.

Also, we're about due for an announcement teasing changes the next update. Probably will get one by Friday.
Finally walked to get enough candy for Charizard. The attacks are "Wing Attack" and "Fire Blast", how good of a moveset is that?

I hate you -_-

best moveset, I have failed like 3 times with my charizard

edit: I'm sure Niantic made a butt load of money with people buying incubators left and right.


Event still going, wonder for how much longer.

My guess is two more minutes.

EDIT: Nope. Still going.

Almost 12 hours into Nov. 2 in Japan and it's still going. Bet they're in no rush to end it seeing how much money it made them, LOL. Probably scrambling to do something for Thanksiving now


Hmm, IF Niantic has any sense, they'll announce a new event soon.

Masked Man

I said wow
The new buddy bonus helped me evolve my Machoke AND my Grimer! Working toward my Electrode now. All that's left in my 'Dex is Charizard, Kabutops, Lapras, and Aerodactyl!
I was expecting this event to be over by now! It's 3pm on the 2nd in Australia, no complaints.

I have 115 Charmander candy. I've never seen any in the wild here, so this is off a single hatch. I think I was at 37 candy when the even started? Crazy. So close now.

Pokedex is at 124 caught, and I have a few right on the cusp of evolving. I'm going to end up with everything except for the regionals and a damn Lapras or Snorlax. Looking forward to "finishing" the game.


Got my first porygon today from egg 378!

Just need a chancey and aerodactyle from eggs now.

I have enough machop candy to evolve but don't have a good machop.

I only need 4 more kabuto candy and 18 grimer candy.

And then I will have a full NA pokedex!

I was waging war with an instinct group earlier today. One of their users is level 33 with 5+ 2000CP snorlaxes. They didn't take too kindly to my taking down their level 7 gym solo.
Can this be over soon? I woke up to see a Machop nearby and thought we were back to normal, but no. I want to get back to collecting.

It has started snowing, so I wonder how active this game will be around here now for the next six months...


Desperately trying to hatch my 2k eggs for bonus Bulbasaur or Charmander candy but the game hates me and I got 3x Zubats. I wonder how long this event is going to last! I'll try and get some more 2ks today and get them hatched before the cut off.

I kind of wish it was over though. All of the event Pokemon are ones common to my area except for Cubone and Marowak, which I farmed to get the gold Ruin Maniac medal. Now that that's done I want the normal spawns to return.
Does anyone know how long the event will still last? I hope they add like one more day. Put in a 10km egg right now. Maybe I'll be able to hatch it while at work.
Probably gonna be another evee anyways ;_;
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