Blue Ninja
I'm out of codes again.
BTW, if anyone has a spare legit and uncloned Meloetta, please let me know.

Full Dex again, thanks!
I'm out of codes again.
BTW, if anyone has a spare legit and uncloned Meloetta, please let me know.
I approve your Arceus!
So midnight for Mirage Spot updates, I assume, means midnight the time your 3DS is set to?
Also, as I want some legendaries shiny, and among them are the Regi trio and Latios, I don't even have the oval charm yet..
Can someone borrow me those (and Groudon) ? I will give them back, its just to get their dex entries![]()
Awesome, thank you.
I think you mean shiny charm, since oval is for eggs. But, it's totally worth it once you get the shiny charm. So exciting to see them pop up shiny. Though, would say if you have the game to allow Latios be gotten through the Eon Ticket, I'd go that route. So much easier. (That's why I'm catching the Lati@s on both copies of my games via Eon Ticket for the ease of it rather than story versions.)
I really meant the oval charm
But the golems and Latios are required to complete the regional dex, because of this, I don't have the oval charm yet.. I'm actually missing few pokemon to get the shiny charm.. But the majority are legendaries..
Ah so you're wanting to breed them. Totally worth it for that too. What all legendaries do you need? The the Regi Trio and Latios?
Yes, and Groudon
With the oval charm, at least I can breed more easily some trade baits to get what I'm missing
Its the non-JP one, I believe
Oh it's not the JP one I'm worried about. It's that I have 2 US 3DS's LOL. My original one and my XL.
What's your IGN?
You're online to me
random darmanitan
You're welcome.![]()
Got the charm
Btw, why does Jirachi is on the regional dex? lol
You know, I've never looked at the regional Dex. LOL. Guess it's benefit to having a living dex, not having to worry about the regionals. Are events not usually on the regional dex? I would say probably cuz they gave them out at Tanabata, but they surely wouldn't expect everyone to go there and get one.
Wow, just found out they hold a tanabata celebration here too.Haha. Since Japan is like my second home feel like this was a good choice to make.Guess west coast is best coast.
I.. actually don't know lol
But since Deoxys is required, now there is an event only between it and Rayquaza
Jirachi's a Hoenn mon, of course it's in the Hoenn Dex. lol
I don't think it's required for the certificate though.
Jirachi's a Hoenn mon, of course it's in the Hoenn Dex. lol
I don't think it's required for the certificate though.
Since I never really got any of the event Pokemon until B/W (because you know, living out in middle of where events don't happen is exciting) I don't even pay attention to what region they're in. :x But makes sense. But since it is event I imagine it isn't required for certificate though.
Is the Deoxys thing in ORAS good? Like did they do it well or did they just throw it together? (Don't want to read a whole lot about it because people just like to spoil shit.)
Since I never really got any of the event Pokemon until B/W (because you know, living out in middle of where events don't happen is exciting) I don't even pay attention to what region they're in. :x But makes sense. But since it is event I imagine it isn't required for certificate though.
Is the Deoxys thing in ORAS good? Like did they do it well or did they just throw it together? (Don't want to read a whole lot about it because people just like to spoil shit.)
Awesome, thank you guys. It'll be a while before I'm there, but kind of stoked about it. I kind of figured it happened where spoiler says. Just for fact think it's extra.
I know I'm only 4 shiny legendaries in, but I can't wait to finish this hunt and move on with story, haha. Ones I can only get in OR I'll get later as I want to finish AS first.
I am posting again because I changed my mind what I am looking for and there still seems to be a few people asking for Hoopa codes and I haven't received any offers yet.
I am offering
1 PAL Hoopa Code (Germany)
Everything else is NA (Canada, with IV's given by HP/Atk/Def/Sp.A./Sp.D./Spd)
3x Absol female jolly justified (31/31/31/x/31/31) in a premier ball with play rough (one is EV trained with pokerus as well)
1x Absol male (31/31/31/x/31/31) with play rough (Good for breeding field group shinies using MM)
1x female (31/31/31/x/31/31) adamant gale wings Fletchling in a luxury ball
1x male (31/31/31/x/31/31) jolly Sneasal with ice shard and icicle crash (Also field group)
1x female (31/31/31/x/31/31) adamant technician scyther in a poke ball
2x male (31/x/31/31/31/31) modest adaptability Eevee (also field)
3x male (31/31/31/x/31/31) adamant blaze Charmander in a luxury ball with dragon dance (monster and dragon breeding groups)
Looking for:
PAL Male (31/31/31/x/31/31) pokemon in the monster, dragon or human-like breeding groups
PAL Male (31/x/31/31/31/31) pokemon in the field, grass or water 1 breeding groups
Awesome. I will take the larvitar for the hoopa code. I sent you a pm with my friend code.Hey mate! We spoke a page or so back about trading for your Hoopa - I'd been trying really hard to hatch you that Charmander haha, unfortunately the RNG gods have not been on my side at all and every female I hatched so far turned out to be sub-par
On the upside, I do have several male Adamant Larvitars with 31/31/31/x/31/31 IVs. They've got a couple egg moves to boot, and are from Australia if that helps!![]()
I was breeding Pokémon for a living Dex and I ended up hatching a shiny Munna! What a neat surprise!
Omg just got the game and I tried to be slick and use rock smash and go back to the PC and switch pokemon but the rocks grew back -_-, guess I need a HM slave huh
Yeah, Sharpedo is fantastic for surfing. I tend to keep a surfer and flyer on me through playthroughs generally. Though this play through I'm finding I don't keep a flier, just Latias for soaring. I guess flying still can get you to specific points quicker? But I dunno I love soaring. Just wish I could skip animation every time of Lati@s transforming.
I definitely prefer just using Fly, especially since we can just go to the map app on the touchscreen and initiate fly from there in ORAS.
Soaring was cool, but it feels super tedious to me haha.
How many Gen VI games do you have already?I'm debating if I should buy another XY, I'm running out of WC slots, yeah I got farming carts, but eh the carts for XY are less than 900¥ a pop here.
How many Gen VI games do you have already? ^^
Btw. Wanna do the Hoopa trade this week?![]()
Hi everyone!
I'm looking for these Pokémon:
- Unburden Swirlix
- Shadow Tag Gothita
- Infiltrator Litwick
All I really care is the ability. Doesn't matter if it doesn't have perfect IVs. In exchange I can breed various Pokémon or give a Maison item.
Right now I only have disposable Jolly Charmander and Timid Larvesta for trade (both with 5 ivs and egg moves). But ask for what you want and I may be able to breed it.
I'll get all three for you in a bit. If you happen to have any Dream Ball HA females I don't have marked on my spreadsheet I'd appreciate one of those. But don't sweat it if not.
I'm sorry but don't really understand which Pokémon are "marked" in the spreadsheet. I do have these Dream Ball HA females tho, in case you want any of them:
- Prankster Riolu
- Friend Guard Igglybuff
- Cloud Nine Swablu
- Rattled Ledyba
- Soundproof Snover
Not exactly Dream Ball HA Female... but I also have a Heavy Metal Bronzor and a Claydol in Dream Balls.
Basically, in the column under the Dream Ball icon if it has HA next to it then I have the HA. Anyway, I'm missing the Ledyba and Snover so those would be great if you don't mind. I've got the three you asked for ready whenever =)
Sure, just let me breed them since one of them is nicknamed and evolved. Anything else I can offer you, since I'm asking for 3 Pokemon?
Anything's fine for the third, not a big deal.
Snover is done. I'll trade Ledyba as is. So, is it ok if we post FC here or should I send it to you via PM?
Mine's 2878-9608-8408, AS IGN Seira.