To celebrate the cinema release of Hoopa and the Clash of Ages in Taiwan on 20th November, from 3rd November you can pre-book tickets online.
I believe everyone who buys a pre-booking ticket receives a Hoopa serial code.
Can be redeemed on X, Y, OR and AS (PAL/JPN)
Serial code expires 30th November 2015
A maximum of one Hoopa can be claimed per save file per serial code.
In addition, the first 3000 people who bring their movie ticket to a Funbox store from 20th November to 15th December can receive an Arceus serial code. Note: you need to visit a cinema and exchange your pre-booking ticket for a movie ticket.
Source: Pre-booking page
EDIT: Added some clarification.
EDIT2: There isn't any information about the events themselves, but they are likely repeats of the Japanese Hoopa and Arceus movie events, so presumably Shiny Arceus will be hidden amongst them.
Hoopa and Arceus events announced for Taiwan.
The tickets are a minimum of 300 Yuan (30GBP). And I thought UK Cinema prices were bad. Given the price of the tickets and the limited release of Arceus, these events will probably be rare for serial code events.
Well, at least another place is getting Arceus. I'm sure they don't get the awesome potential for it to be shiny though.![]()
Nah, knowing Nintendo, it's probably a copy pasta of the Japanese Hoopa and Arceus vents, which means the return of the shiny Arceus lottery. For the lucky 3000 or so people that is.
Also, kind of random, but I finally redeemed my PGL and Satay King Pikachus.
Lately I've been leaving too many events unclaimed, since I like resetting for natures or IVs. I still have a bunch of Rayquazas, Diancies and Hoopas on various games to claim and Shiny Xerneas just arrived yesterday.
EDIT: Also, I still have some extra PAL Hoopa codes for anyone who can't reach a store. But I only have a handful left, so don't hesitate ^^
Hell yeah! Shiny Virizion! That was so scary. Forgot my Stantler was so high. But got a critical capture on it! Woohoo!
Only took 1387 times. So Virizion has broken the streak. Woot.
Edit: HOLY SHIT NO WAY! I get out of that and fly out and Cresent Isle is there!! OMG!
Well I guess McD's is going all out for Pokemon next month. Hoopa but also now Pokemon Happy Meal toys. I want that Lugia...
Hmm if it's obtained via Nintendo zone doesn't that mean it's a code like the 7-11 events here in Japan? Nintendo Zone isn't mystery gift wifi.
Hell yeah! Shiny Virizion! That was so scary. Forgot my Stantler was so high. But got a critical capture on it! Woohoo!
Only took 1387 times. So Virizion has broken the streak. Woot.
Edit: HOLY SHIT NO WAY! I get out of that and fly out and Cresent Isle is there!! OMG!
Well I guess McD's is going all out for Pokemon next month. Hoopa but also now Pokemon Happy Meal toys. I want that Lugia...
Is it possible to redeem events from NZ like codes?
I thought it was just a wifi event, but that only works through specific routers settings
5 shinies now, right?![]()
It's been a good day Pokemon wise. Been a long time since that has happened. Maybe the universe is trying to keep me going for a little longer, haha.
So, question for those of you who will be farming shiny Xerneas and shiny Yveltal: how many do yall plan on stock piling? (I know we have until mid January or so, so that's a long time!)
The 7-11 NZ events in Japan are just codes you redeem in game, I don't know how they do NZ events elsewhere. I think I'm still holding your Diancie I think.
A box or two at least.![]()
I was thinking up to a box of each. But then I wondered if I was greedy by myself. LOL. Guess I won't be alone. XD Holding off on the stock piling yet. Have gotten a couple handfulls so far for folks and myself (with none that haven't been claimed), but kind of holding off to see if it pops up Stateside so I don't waste a ton of time. (Plus waiting for shiny Yveltal so two birds, one stone.)
Just restarting every time is so awful. I think I've memorized the start of both Y (had to wipe that earlier this year for farming WHF Rayrays) and AS. x_x I think I hate ORAS start stuff more.
Since I'm currently working on collecting Safari Ball females, and don't own any Gen 3 games anymore, any chance anyone here is masochistic enough to catch some of the Gen 3 exclusive ones(and transfer them up)? =p
I mostly focus on collecting ball combinations, so that's what I mainly have to offer. Well, that and HAs. The only breedable HAs I don't have are Tyrunt and Amaura. I have every breedable female in a Luxury ball that can be, and if it can have its HA in a Luxury ball then I have that too. I've got an assortment of Dream Balls too, though I'm lacking in that area. And of course I'm working on Safari Balls right now, I actually have more of those than are currently listed in my spreadsheet but haven't added them to that list as I haven't transferred them up yet.
The Gen 3 exclusives, and the games they're in are as follows:
Pikachu RSE
Venonat FRLG
Pinsir RSE/LG
Ledyba E
Spinarak E
Natu RSE
Aipom E
Pineco E
Gligar E
Snubbull E
Heracross RSE
Teddiursa E
Remoraid E
Phanpy RSE
Miltank E
Edit: Also, occasionally lately the spreadsheet loads and the ball images disappear, no idea what's up with that but yeah. Also sorry if it's difficult to read haha. Ignore the ability listings and their colors because that was mostly for an abandoned project. I was working on an "ability-dex" of sorts, just to make breeding for specific abilities easier but that's a huge hassle, especially when a lot of those are pointless. I should consider redesigning this at some point, but outside of the abilities it's about as simplistic as possible for its function...
I can try to catch those for you! It might take time but hey you bred all those Pokemon for me.
I'm thinking about just trying to catch a non-shiny flawless jolly or adamant Landorus in my current game. I'm having too much fun with my VGC trained mon. Although my holdover dream radar Landorus is naive scarfed.
I'm looking at another scarf Landorus or something that I can work with in other builds. Should I go adamant or jolly?
I still have like 5 (technically 3 since two of the 6 are used to farm events) other games to catch shiny Landorus in. Lol
Now if a shiny Landorus comes along the way, obviously I won't say no. Haha
I think ORAS is easier for farming Shiny XY because you only need the Pokedex to access pokebank. Shiny XY aren't holding any items, although my farming JP OR cart has some personal event mon that I have yet to SR for.
Oh right I offered it to PreyingShark, but if you're ever interested in old games like say Japanese Emerald, I can still get it for you and even enable the events for your own playthrough. And give you fun stuff to start with so the game isn't a total bore.
That'd be awesome. Hunting all these Safari females in Gen IV has been a massive hassle @_@ And HGSS doesn't even have the dreadful step limit, though it has its own annoyances...
Also I'd assume Adamant would be the way to go, but I've done basically nothing competitive this gen even though I originally intended to, so =p
I didn't have internet (as I don't tether or anything) for my 3DS. It was easier to trade over to another game that I'd stockpiled with trash Pokemon. That's how I farmed the WHF Rayrays anyway. Though with shiny Xerneas I'm farming on my AS cart. I did claim one on my X cart just because I could, but I have to replay through that soon anyway for real to get back to where I was before wiping it for Rayray farming. Guess at this point just because of some events used to having to farm on ORAS.
I should have picked up a JPN Emerald before I left, but didn't really find any that I recall. Ruby was the hotness I guess in area I was in. But at this point not so sure I want to go back. I mean I want to play Emerald as I skipped it (and Sapphire) that gen. But at same time I don't want to go back. I hated R/S so much. Few redeeming qualities in these remakes that make me able to deal with them. (Biggest being shiny legendary hunting.)
Scarf Landorus-T is generally Adamant because otherwise you might find yourself lacking power.
You don't need them to be special in any way? Just females in Safari balls? If so I think I could get the few LG ones. I seem to have given my Emerald cart to my brother.Since I'm currently working on collecting Safari Ball females, and don't own any Gen 3 games anymore, any chance anyone here is masochistic enough to catch some of the Gen 3 exclusive ones(and transfer them up)? =p
Don't mean to bug but I don't know if the Hoopa distribution is in Canada or even if any local McDonalds has the "nintendo zone" - or even what that is. What are the chances someone could get me a Hoopa? No nickname and in English would be ideal.
Oh no, I agree trading to another game is faster and more reliable than Banking as I do it too, but in cases like Shiny Xerneas and Yveltal, since they don't have items and you can do this from the comfort of your own home, banking is the faster option.![]()
I posted this on the community thread, but figured I should post it here as well:
I know it's ridiculous to ask, but does anyone have a shiny koffing or beldum they'd be willing to trade? I have some decent stuff.
I want koffing because weezing is my favorite Pokemon, and I want beldum because... Well, shiny metagross looks sweet.
Bwuh. I have to take back what I said about this. Didn't have a good file on LG. I you still need stuff in December I will have my Emerald back around christmas so I will be able to help then!Since I'm currently working on collecting Safari Ball females, and don't own any Gen 3 games anymore, any chance anyone here is masochistic enough to catch some of the Gen 3 exclusive ones(and transfer them up)? =p
Bwuh. I have to take back what I said about this. Didn't have a good file on LG. I you still need stuff in December I will have my Emerald back around christmas so I will be able to help then!
You can't nickname event Pokemon received via mystery gift, if it was nicknamed then it's hacked.
I don't know if McDonald's has it, but I know Best Buy has a Nintendo zone in Canada. Basically said store would have a Nintendo zone home page, which you access from the 3DS' Nintendo zone app.
The PR only says United States when talking about the distribution but says US and Canada when talking about the Happy Meal so chances look low.Don't mean to bug but I don't know if the Hoopa distribution is in Canada or even if any local McDonalds has the "nintendo zone" - or even what that is. What are the chances someone could get me a Hoopa? No nickname and in English would be ideal.
The 7-11 NZ events in Japan are just codes you redeem in game, I don't know how they do NZ events elsewhere. I think I'm still holding your Diancie I think.
The PR only says United States when talking about the distribution but says US and Canada when talking about the Happy Meal so chances look low.
I was just happy to finally find something I thought I could help with ;P I don't breed stuff and I'm just a simple nuzlocker, so most requests in here I can't help with at all. Saw your Safari ball thing and went all "omg I can heeeeelp!" and then I couldn't anywayNo worries. Lupinko already offered and we have a decent batch of outstanding trades haha, though I'm also not in a super hurry. Appreciate the offer, though =)
I was just happy to finally find something I thought I could help with ;P I don't breed stuff and I'm just a simple nuzlocker, so most requests in here I can't help with at all. Saw your Safari ball thing and went all "omg I can heeeeelp!" and then I couldn't anyway![]()
You will need one more slot in a yearPhew finally picked up a Hoopa.
That last slot empty slot in my final box is now filled and I can be at peace![]()
Mantine is impossible to catch, so I just levelled up a Mantyke instead.
Not sure if I should ask here or in the Community thread but does anybody have a Jellicent or Frillish they could trade with me? I'm trying to make an all ghosts team and Frillish isn't available in X/Y and I've had no luck with Wonder Trades so far.
Sorry dude, I got a beldum from a friend just shortly after I posted that.Whatcha got to trade? I have some extra shiny Beldum from the event at beginning of ORAS that I farmed. Won't probably be specific nature if you're looking for that, or IVs. Also lacks the stone it came with since in beginning I only had one copy of game so I banked them all.
Edit: If you're curious about Beldum, not sure if I have much more information on them on the sheet but you can check it out on my Google Docs sheet.
Sorry dude, I got a beldum from a friend just shortly after I posted that.
But I still need a shiny koffing... Anyone? Please? :"(