Anyone want a NA Darkrai code? First to quote gets it.
I'm quoting, but I don't need the code lolAnyone want a NA Darkrai code? First to quote gets it.
There was no Pikachu giveaway this year.Alright.Just glad I didn't trade beforehand. I knew there was a reason and I wasn't going to trade it until I figured it out, haha. Munch Poke, contact me when you get a chance. Thanks to Aveyn, it's all yours now.
On a side note, congrats!! They would be sneaky like that! Haha.
Lupinko, was Outbreakchu this year worth it? Or was it like one Pikachu again? For some reason that came up in my mind while typing about this and thinking it should have happened already.
There was no Pikachu giveaway this year.
But I did go and I enjoyed for the day all the Pikachu hijinx in Yokohama. I'll upload photos and videos later.
Pikachu events so far were the Pokemon with You 3/11 Pikachu and the Pikachu from the Japanese PC Online Shop opening.
Edit: I also saw the Volcanion and Magearna movie.
It's better than Diancie but not as good as Hoopa.
Volcanion isn't very big and the movie gets pretty grim dark surprisingly.
Also Ash, Jessie and James should have died many times in that movie.
There was no Pikachu short film which I found out.
I got my Magearna QR thingy, when I watch it again, I'll get my second, so I'll have Magearna at Sun and Moon launch.
Victini doesn't know V-Create
OK, so I need to get rid of some breeding rejects and figured I might as well offer them up here before throwing them into the Wonder Trade abyss. I've got:
I put giveaway as the title because I'm not asking for anything in return. You can definitely have one. My Friend Code is in my profile.Wait, so I don't really have anything to trade because I don't breed or do anything competitively...but can I have one of those Croagunk??![]()
Yeah, its because they wanted to make the event version special so it's not on the standard move list despite being a semi signature. X/Y at least enables relearning if you get an event with it but there's only been one XY gen V-Create Victini which of course was Japan only because of course it was.
Yeah, its because they wanted to make the event version special so it's not on the standard move list despite being a semi signature. X/Y at least enables relearning if you get an event with it but there's only been one XY gen V-Create Victini which of course was Japan only because of course it was.
Congrats! That must feel awesome ^^Got Victini.
Full Living Dex complete! All in PokeBank.
Well until Volcanion and Sun and Moon lol.
The Magearna QR codes in Japan are unique? Didn't knew that.I saw the movie yesterday again, and since the theater was pretty empty I took some pics.
I might watch it again this Sunday if it's still showing. Might as well get another Magearna.
I already have two.
The Magearna QR codes in Japan are unique? Didn't knew that.
Do you have time to trade over the weekend?![]()
So Magerna is Gen 6?
What the hell, I participated in about a dozen battles in the Unova Classic competition which are logged on my Global Link account, but the website doesn't have me listed in the rankings and won't give me the code for the Darmanitan prize. What am I supposed to do? Does anyone have a Darmanitan code that they'd be willing to give me?
Good luck. My second account never got the Shiny Mewtwo code. I think they like finding a way to screw folks. Know at least one or two others didn't get theirs either.
Was going to say I've not gotten an email on that either, which I'm not sure why. Every time I log in says I'm opted in for email. ><
I don't think they have a set date. Last one was on the 11th. Haven't got anything yet either.Actually, speaking of emails... has anyone gotten this months Pokemon newsletter? I haven't even gotten it on my main account which does get their emails.
I think having shinies of either:I'm really glad 6th gen added horde battles, it means EV training only takes like 20 minutes now. The biggest time sink of it is the fact I can't be bothered to pay attention while doing it.
Since I wasn't paying attention, my 3DS ran out of power and I lost a mon and a half's worth of progress, which meant I had to start over. But on the second attempt (still not really paying attention), I heard a twinkling noise...
...and I now own Radditz the shiny Oddish. I think he'll become a Bellossom, but I might wait just in case there's potential for evolving it into an Alolan Vileplume or something. In the mean time, more shinies for the glorious shiny pile.
I think having shinies of either:
* Whismur
* Oddish
* Sandshrew
* Shuppet
* Banette
* Swablu
Is proof that you're a legit breeder.
I meant Zigzagoon instead of Banette. I have a shiny Patrat from EV training in Black, too.What about Zigzagoon? I got him from ev training as well.
I also have Whismur, Swablu and Altaria but they're actually from earlier gens.
Hm, maybe they don't have a set date for emails, but I have always gotten them by now. Did they skip this month or something? I just always like the codes and stuff in them.
Last one I got was 18th of August. Scrolling through it looks like they aren't Super consistent on date.
Why does the only wild Spiritomb in the game have Memento?!
I'm lucky I saved before battling it.
I just realized that this is the more specific thread for VIth gen pokemon games...
And I just realized I didn't make multiple Turbo Torchic (you know the giveaway one back in early X/Y days).
So I made a few eggs, 4 males, 2 with Turbo.
So I send both rejects to wondertrade and after something that seemed like hours of shit I get a Larvesta.
I know I could get one in OR but that's better than fucking Tentacool or Machop.
You would expect less shit in Wondertrade these days but nope.
Wonder Trade is an absolute crapshoot. 95% of the time I just get junk from people wonderlocking or grin ding for PokéMiles. That remaining 5% of the time you're getting someone's breeding rejects. Some hidden ability, 5 perfect IV monster lands into your lap and you just think to yourself: "You know what? Wonder Trade is all right."
You are not done. Next month is GenesectAnyone have a spare Volcanion code? My GS was already out on the first day?! That can't be right.
On a second note, I'm so happy to be done with this stuff soon. I hate going to GS.
I have him already luckily.You are not done. Next month is Genesect![]()