They're doing it on launch?
Reporting for duty:
Strange. Usually when we reach this point in a generation, that indicates the gen is about to be over.
My original plan was to get OR, but then I saw that I would get another Latias if I chose it. I think I have about 3 of this damn bird.
Don't expect it anytime soon. Usually you can tell how far the next generation is by the anime, Ash still hasn't even gotten to 4 badges yet. I expect a X/Y sequel next year.
Latias comes with AS actually. You can catch both if you get an Eon Ticket from StreetPass.
It comes with rated games. Streetpass Mii plaza, Streetpass Quest, AR game and Face Raiders. IIRC two of those are PG.edit: wait why does the 3DS hardware have a PG rating lol
Edit: I don't even know why I bother...3D can cause eye damage.
So they weren't just bogus fakes... Wow... So we really can get all the Pokémon between XY and ORAS! O_O This is too good...
*Crosses fingers and prays for an in-game Jirachi event*
XY's Mysterious Idol comes to mind.
Basically it's really possible that all the teasing will lead to another full-price Pokemon game, which I would find infuriating. It's one thing to do a remake of an old game, but another thing entirely to take that remake and pull its content apart into two full games.
I'm thinking we'll get a 20th anniversary game and then they will release Z a year after that to close out Gen VI.Apparently the pentagon mark can only appear in two games after this so it makes me wonder what the plans are (a RB 20th anniversary game would be too soon after a late 2015 z or emerald version...assuming they got for Feb 2016).
edit: wait why does the 3DS hardware have a PG rating lol
3D can cause eye damage.
I remember how much of a pain Latios was to catch... Tracking that thing down near Mauville and actually catching him was SO HARD! >_<
A lot of things weren't in Ruby and Sapphire but were in Emerald and yet are included in ORASI thought it was pretty clear that the idol is teasing something for a future game, maybe even Gen VII.
Also if they did add the Frontier in a different game that wouldn't be splitting content, the Frontier wasn't in Ruby and Sapphire.
A lot of things weren't in Ruby and Sapphire but were in Emerald and yet are included in ORAS
They're doing it on launch?
Okay, and? Then they'd be splitting the content of Emerald. Is that better?I'm just saying that putting the Battle Frontier in a different game wouldn't be splitting the content of Ruby and Sapphire.
Looking forward to getting this even if Gamefreak seems determined to troll us with Battle Frontier. Even if they seem to make this game even easier than before. Even if they seemed to revealed all the Megas in this game a whole month in advance. Even if customization is gone.
Wait, why am I getting this game again...
Mudkip or Treecko... I CAN'T DECIDE.
Poor Torchic got shafted by being given away, Mega included, in X/Y. Now nobody wants him because he's old news.
so it was all worth it
is there anything like that circle city in XY this time around, with the camera making it pretty much unplayable? that was so bad.
One city is like that but it more the camera swings round at certain parts rather than the camera only centers behind you if you're using the cricle pad. It also has a lot more maps scattered around so getting lost shouldn't be a there anything like that circle city in XY this time around, with the camera making it pretty much unplayable? that was so bad.
Trying to think what Team I wanna go with when I pick this up (probably in a few weeks, wanna get Smash first)...
Mudkip as my Starter. Then Trapinch (eventual flyer), Gulpin, Numel, Spoink, and Cacnea. All Pokemon I've wanted to use but never got around to.
It better not be before the Diamond and Pearl remakes.Now that we're up to GBA remakes, I wonder how long until we get remakes of Fire Red and Leaf Green.
Looking forward to playing this again. I'm not as crazy about digging into the games as I was a few years ago (ggs time and patience) but I still always get excited to play through them.
Well, you don't really need a flyer this time round...
Well, you don't really need a flyer this time round...
Yup.You can not deposit Cosplay Pikachu into Pokemon bank.
Back when it first announced I called it being this gens spiky Eared-Pichu...I din;t want to be right.
So they weren't just bogus fakes... Wow... So we really can get all the Pokémon between XY and ORAS! O_O This is too good...
*Crosses fingers and prays for an in-game Jirachi event*
new video is up
Is this for real? I just completed the Kalos Dex. If I complete the A/O-Hoenn Dex will I actually have them all (sans event only)?
Sooo... Been trying to keep away from spoilers, but saw this thing about Hoopa:
This is too crazy... Why can't Hoopa and Volcarion be out already? :/
I've heard it a few times where the intent is to be able to get all Pokémon between the 3DS games. I can't remember where I've heard it, exactly, but I know I've heard it multiple times, and with the way things look, I'm more an more inclined to think it's truly possible.
For those of you asking about Jirachi I wouldn't mind giving a few away for free this weekend heck we can pretend it's 2003 again and I will give away the same Jirachi we had access to back in Ruby & Sapphire which is the WISHMKR Jirachi.
disgusting dub
Real Anime is watched subbed English
still waiting for PocketMonsters Fansubs to sub this
new video is up
I am supremely interested. That and manaphy are the only event only 'mons I don't have.