thanks bulbaface
Also just to confirm - can you play this sucka in Japanese with a PAL/EU/US copy?
thanks bulbaface
Also just to confirm - can you play this sucka in Japanese with a PAL/EU/US copy?
Just got sent this. Confirms the shiny lock is dead for Mirage Spot Pokémon. Shiny Reshiram & Zekrom are now legal
Assuming no foul play involved.
IIRC a shiny mirage pokemon was found during a livestream so and a lot of other people have reported the same so I would say its confirmed.
If it makes you feel better, I killedJust killed a 3 Star Carvanha.![]()
Not like I use Legendaries...If it makes you feel better, I killedand saved right after.Deoxys
If it makes you feel better, I killedand saved right after.Deoxys
Nah, lupinko has a shinyNot like I use Legendaries...
Well you can always restart.![]()
Well you can always do that Shark. >.>It'll respawn at the pillar![]()
Elite 4 question specifically for theIce one
Whydoes she have or even need 2 Glailies and 2 Froslass?
It was memorable with Lance having 3 dragonites as the Champion but here it just feels lame
Because Hoenn lacked Ice-types initially.Don't worry, the rematch has a more well-rounded team
Garbage, go again.(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
No wonder it let me catch it so easily. It's Naive. I just might keep it but what do you guys think?
Kyogre - #382 (Naive)
HP: 29 - 31
Att: 18 - 19
Def: 0 - 2 <- lol
SpA: 31
SpD: 29, 31
Speed: 29 - 31
Garbage, go again.
Yeah and use your Masterball? :3Bleh. Should I just knock him out and try after I get all the story stuff out of the way?
Yeah and use your Masterball? :3
Yeah and use your Masterball? :3
Note about that: Just knock it out when you see it and go for it later if you want to SR for a good one. You'll see why when you get there though and I don't wanna spoil it.Deoxys says hi D:
Serious question. Do you happen to have any quick balls or are you at a point in the game where you can buy them? If the calculator I'm using is correct (the metalkid one) just lobbing a quick ball at its face should capture it 100% of the time.Well you can always do that Shark. >.>
Edit: Just crit a 2 Star Speed Boost Carvanha... UGH
I think I can buy Quick Balls, but just prefer to use Dusk Balls.Serious question. Do you happen to have any quick balls or are you at a point in the game where you can buy them? If the calculator I'm using is correct (the metalkid one) just lobbing a quick ball at its face should capture it 100% of the time.
I know this was posted a few pages ago and I see posted around a lot. About the bolded one. Are you playing Alpha Sapphire? That horde is reported to be ShuppetOkay, tested hoard training in this game. Weather does not affect Sweet Scent anymore. Hooray! 100% chance of hoards for that EV appearing:
Speed: Route 104
Attack: Mt. Pyre, inside
Def: Route 111
Sp.A: Route 119
Sp.D: Route 115
HP: That cave in Verdanturf town
So yeah, it's even better than XY. No Sturdy to deal with either. Pretty happy with EV training speed now.
Do you still have an XY game? Given how easy destiny knots are to get there (trainer in lumoise city, look up a video for location) it would be an idea just to get them there and then use GTS to trade with yourself if you lack 2 3DS systems (in XY deposit Pokermon holding knot and ask for something you have in ORAS complete with a level range, go to GTS in ORAS and search for whatever you put up, if it wasn't sniped you've got your knot now*).Jesus christ, the amount of shit I'm going through right now trying to get a Destinky Knot in this game. Why the hell did they make it so hard? Finished Master Rank contest 3 times and people just keep giving me useless berries. Then I find out you can win one from global link minigames. Great, more RNG and "Game Sync server is busy".
Cool.In case people want Lucky Eggs, DexNav Pelippers. I have three so far without even trying.
In case people want Lucky Eggs, DexNav Pelippers. I have three so far without even trying.
Do you still have an XY game? Given how easy destiny knots are to get there (trainer in lumoise city, look up a video for location) it would be an idea just to get them there and then use GTS to trade with yourself if you lack 2 3DS systems (in XY deposit Pokermon holding knot and ask for something you have in ORAS complete with a level range, go to GTS in ORAS and search for whatever you put up, if it wasn't sniped you've got your knot now*).
*-Sometimes to avoid sniping or even make it beneficial people will ask for a legendary.
Hm? According to Serebii you get to (postgame spoilers)choose one of the Unova starters when you rematch the E4, right? The event just triggered for me and I haven't rematched them yet
Yeah, I used my spare 3DS to download it from Australia. I couldn't waitYou got this game yet? The wait is killing me
I just changed pre-order at the last moment, from ruby to sapphire.
Yeah, I used my spare 3DS to download it from Australia. I couldn't waitIt's great - Hoenn is my favorite region after all and all the new touches are fantastic!
Yeah. If you have a spare 3DS without a linked NNID you can change the country to Australia and download the game nowHow does that work? Can you just download games from the Aus eshop? Didn't even know they get their pal copy earlier than us.
The first is stairs. Some Super Secret Base layouts have this diagonal plane that leads to a second floor of the base. But when you try to walk up it, you can't. That's where the stairs come in. If you go to Fortree City, the house to the left of the Super Secret Guild Building (i.e. the building with the flag on it). Talk to the kid in the back-right corner and he will give you the stairs decoration.
The second is the boards. Some Super Secret Base layouts have holes in the floor that you can't walk over to get to the rest of your base. The solution to this is to cover it with a board. To get the boards you need to go to the roof of the Lilycove Department Store on Saturday. A merchant will have a tent set up there where you can buy a multitude of items including the boards. Then you can use them to cover up those nasty holes. Also, if it's not Saturday, just change you time forward or backward to a day that's a Saturday.