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Pokémon Trading Card Game Online |OT| Everything You've Ever Dreamed

Rawk Hawk

I've recently started getting into the trading card game, not sure if anyone still plays this online or anything, but if you are interested in some free victories while I figure it all out.. my user name is RawkHawk13.


Definitely going to get back into this.

Is PVP up yet?
PvP has been up for months. The'll be introducting tournaments later this month in beta form.

I'm FirestormXVI on it though I haven't played much at all since States ended. Might start testing a bit more again with the new set coming out. Really want to try out an Accelgor / Gothitelle / Mew deck with Float Stone and Ghetsis.
After much trading (since I had terrible luck with my pulls) I put together a standard Rayquaza/Eelektrik deck. It's pretty much unbeatable unless I get a really bad draw or my opponent goes first.

I'm experimenting with a Sableye/Raticate Hypnotoxic stall/annoy deck but with no reliable energy removal (Crushing Hammer is risky) it's not that great. I'm going to add Darkrai to make a Night Spear deck that attacks faster.

Another deck I've toying with is Hypnotoxic Burn with Vulpix, Bright Look Ninetales, Volcarona, and Entei EX. Lack of energy acceleration is its weakness though.

My luck with pulls has gotten so bad I've been trading PS packs.

Seems like the metagame revolves around Rayquaza/Eelektrik, Keldeo/Blastoise, and Darkrai/Sableye. I've seen Garchomp/Altaria work pretty well though. I hear Plasma/Shift Gear Klinklang is effective though I have yet to see one used effectively.

Username is Lone_Prodigy.


Garchomp / Altaria really isn't very good. It loses steam far too fast unfortunately. If you want to play with Ninetales, Darkrai / Ninetales is pretty legit. I have seen a decent Klingklang Build or two, but they (like Blastoise) really need Tropical Beach which isn't in TCGO yet.

Then again, one of my opponents almost beat me without Beach at the BC Provincial Championships a week ago. I took 4 prizes in about 3 turns, then he N'd me to 2 which crippled me as I hadn't had enough time to burn through my deck yet and he refused to play his Beaches because they would have saved me XD I had to deck him out around the time that time was being called.
Garchomp / Altaria really isn't very good. It loses steam far too fast unfortunately. If you want to play with Ninetales, Darkrai / Ninetales is pretty legit. I have seen a decent Klingklang Build or two, but they (like Blastoise) really need Tropical Beach which isn't in TCGO yet.

Then again, one of my opponents almost beat me without Beach at the BC Provincial Championships a week ago. I took 4 prizes in about 3 turns, then he N'd me to 2 which crippled me as I hadn't had enough time to burn through my deck yet and he refused to play his Beaches because they would have saved me XD I had to deck him out around the time that time was being called.

What do you mean by loses steam too fast? No late-game? I suppose Altaria/Gible/Gabite are Catcher fodder but if you start with Emolga you could fill your bench ASAP. No EX's mean you need to kill 6 of them and it doesn't need Energy acceleration.

Maybe I just got unlucky that time.

I played one Klinklang deck before and my Raikou sniped his Klang. That killed his momentum pretty fast.


Well, Garchomp still isn't strong enough to OHKO the EXes whereas most of the big decks can OHKO your Pokemon. I've just never seen a Garchomp deck perform. It is sound in theory but hasn't been able to put up good results.

Raikou always scares me because I play Garbodor and it an OHKO me on the bench though a lot of people have stopped playing it due to its unfortunate 170HP, fighting weakness and for wanting to place a larger emphasis on Rayquaza EX / getting out a mass amount of Tynamos.

Rawk Hawk

Awesome, glad you guys are still hanging around the game. I basically play theme decks with a few added things, got the Plasma Storm theme decks from Toys R Us when they were running a sale. I've opened maybe 10-12 online boosters, with little luck. Two EX's (Victini and Lugia if I remember correctly) but certainly not enough to help make a deck around.

I was going to try and make a Ray Eels deck as well Lone, basically since the free deck you get has the eels.. it's really the only competitive deck I'm close to finishing, glad to hear it still does well so when I pick up some Ray's I can compete.

I'm still not sure about trading and such, but if anyone has extra rayquaza's with dragon burst I'd love to try and trade for them.
Well, Garchomp still isn't strong enough to OHKO the EXes whereas most of the big decks can OHKO your Pokemon. I've just never seen a Garchomp deck perform. It is sound in theory but hasn't been able to put up good results.

Raikou always scares me because I play Garbodor and it an OHKO me on the bench though a lot of people have stopped playing it due to its unfortunate 170HP, fighting weakness and for wanting to place a larger emphasis on Rayquaza EX / getting out a mass amount of Tynamos.

You're right, Garchomp lacks the ability to OHKO EX Pokemon, though when you only need to kill 3 of them (while losing 6 of your own) it doesn't seem so bad.

I used Raikous before Rayquaza and the lack of OHKO did hurt me in some battles (plus the Landorus weakness). Sniping Stage 1's on the bench is fun though.

Battled a guy last night whose deck basically consisted of Heatmor, Fire Energy, Skyla, and Etherdex. It was pretty amusing.

Rayquaza EX is one of the most sought-after EX's so it will be hard to get one. You could try to get a promo code off eBay or just get really lucky with Dragons Exalted pulls.

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
PvP has been up for months. The'll be introducting tournaments later this month in beta form.

I'm FirestormXVI on it though I haven't played much at all since States ended. Might start testing a bit more again with the new set coming out. Really want to try out an Accelgor / Gothitelle / Mew deck with Float Stone and Ghetsis.

Oh god yes. I was all about it last summer, but fell off because of waiting for PvP.

I have a durant deck pretty much assembled if I remember correctly. Really want to build the seven points/power rangers deck I have in real life on there though. Such a beast.


Screen name: Fidelismon

I can't wait to get home and try it out.

Rawk Hawk

Thanks Lone, I ended up getting some online. $1.88 for the card and a booster pack credit, not too bad I suppose. Now to get the trainers I need!

Think right now I have 4 Tynamo's, 4 Eels, 4 Rayquaza's, 1 Zekrom for my Pokemon, 5 fire energys and 9 lightning for energy, and then a mixture of trainers.. 4 Colress, 2 N, 2 Juniper, a Pokeball, 2 Giant Capes, 2 Rocky Helmets, 4 switches, 2 catchers, a dowsing machine, 2 level balls.. some other stuff I can't think of right now..

I have that Lugia EX (extra prize ability) and Victini EX (with the put 2 fire energy on any bench pokemon attack), hoping maybe I can turn those into some bianca's, juniper's, level balls, ultra balls, catchers, eviolites, skyarrow bridges Not completely sure what would make a great RayEel's deck, just know my hodge podge of trainers made it very hard to play last night.

What do you guys run in your Ray Eel decks, or whats a good website to check this stuff out on?
I pretty much copied the deck here: http://www.sixprizes.com/2013/02/01/surviving-the-storm-a-look-into-eelektriks-future/

Dragons Exalted Emolga is your best starter. Use a Level Ball/Ultra Ball to get it out on your first turn and Call For Family.

I've debated among Tynamos; the 30HP one has free retreat (useful if you don't have SkyArrow Bridge out) but it's OHKO'ed on your bench from a Darkrai Night Spear/Landorous Hammerhead. The 40HP one with Thunder Wave is useful if you have to attack with it. But with Level Ball and Supporters you should have Eelektrik out ASAP.

I rarely use Zekrom but it can be useful in a pinch if you're against PlasmaKlang or Sigilyph. 120 damage is nothing to sneeze at, and with an Eviolite attached you only take 20 damage yourself.

Level/Ultra Ball is better than Poke Ball. I don't think Tools will be useful since they'll just take up room. I prefer Computer Search as my Ace Spec but Dowsing Machine can work.

Lugia EX is one of the more valuable EX's so feel free to make ludicrous demands for it. Victini EX isn't quite as valuable.

In terms of the cards you need, Bianca, Ultra/Level Balls, and Catchers are pretty valuable. SkyArrow Bridge and Eviolite are worth less.

Rawk Hawk

I pretty much copied the deck here: http://www.sixprizes.com/2013/02/01/surviving-the-storm-a-look-into-eelektriks-future/

Dragons Exalted Emolga is your best starter. Use a Level Ball/Ultra Ball to get it out on your first turn and Call For Family.

I've debated among Tynamos; the 30HP one has free retreat (useful if you don't have SkyArrow Bridge out) but it's OHKO'ed on your bench from a Darkrai Night Spear/Landorous Hammerhead. The 40HP one with Thunder Wave is useful if you have to attack with it. But with Level Ball and Supporters you should have Eelektrik out ASAP.

I rarely use Zekrom but it can be useful in a pinch if you're against PlasmaKlang or Sigilyph. 120 damage is nothing to sneeze at, and with an Eviolite attached you only take 20 damage yourself.

Level/Ultra Ball is better than Poke Ball. I don't think Tools will be useful since they'll just take up room. I prefer Computer Search as my Ace Spec but Dowsing Machine can work.

Lugia EX is one of the more valuable EX's so feel free to make ludicrous demands for it. Victini EX isn't quite as valuable.

In terms of the cards you need, Bianca, Ultra/Level Balls, and Catchers are pretty valuable. SkyArrow Bridge and Eviolite are worth less.

Nice, thanks a lot. I had been looking at the official forum deck construction zone, but having a hard time finding serious builds. Yea the Pokeball, Dowsing Machine and tools.. are basically there due to lack of other options, I'll likely start working towards what you linked and just replace the bad as I get better trainers.

Use the following codes for a bunch of cards:

This is how I got my eels, although I typed in both and I'm pretty sure it gave me the same theme deck.. is that right or did I mess something up along the lines?
It might be the same. Wasn't sure. This is my friend's list for RayEeels that he used to win PA States: http://nuggetbridge.com/forums/topic/975-pokemon-stateprovinceterritory-championships/?p=20985

I do like Victini in this deck though (the V-Create one that needs 4 on bench to attack).

You can get as many Power Relay decks as you want. I think that's the only free deck though outside of the Basics (Orange/Yellow/Blue/Red).

Interesting deck. Keldeo EX, Bicycle, standard Rayquaza.

I had one game where I got set up and then realized all my Fire Energy were in my Prizes. :(

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
Oh man, the rogue decks today look so fun. My favorite one I've ever built was a Shuppet based one a couple years ago, but this bad boy looks like a blast to play.

Ninja Bugs

Loving the easy trainer engine too with level ball and revives. Need . . more . . cards . .

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
Started it up and am in love.

I'm in dire need of some revives, catchers and junk arms (though I don't think they're legal anymore . . sad). Anyone want to trade?


Junk Arm isn't legal, but Dowsing Machine is. Revive isn't really used to often. Usually people go with Super Rod over that.
Anyone still on here?

If so send friend request to:

makeamidget: My account, mostly trades.

chibi_anime: My wifes account... Obviously, where everything is at. Have almost every meta deck, minus the PF one's.


Got a Mew EX because I could really use one x.x Been wanting to build AccelGoth forever. I really shouldn't have waited so long because now it's popular. Gonna be a bitch to get those final two Mews now now.


Just picked up this deck although I haven't played the new cards much.


Glaceon looks pretty cool.

Also like how there's also Jolteon and Vaporeon in this deck as well.


I've got a couple hundred codes, not sure if I want to use them or sell them.

Played about a dozen matches online with the pre-built Fighting deck they give you and have yet to lose a single time, the new client is really fast when you disable all animations (although it does have a few problems, especially when playing against people with high latency).

I'm trying to kill some time until Hex, so I'm not really sure if I want to get super into this or just try for a few decks. Are there any good places to read up on the current metagame? I'm trying to figure out what sets I'd want to open if I were going to open my boosters.


I've got a couple hundred codes, not sure if I want to use them or sell them.

Played about a dozen matches online with the pre-built Fighting deck they give you and have yet to lose a single time, the new client is really fast when you disable all animations (although it does have a few problems, especially when playing against people with high latency).

I'm trying to kill some time until Hex, so I'm not really sure if I want to get super into this or just try for a few decks. Are there any good places to read up on the current metagame? I'm trying to figure out what sets I'd want to open if I were going to open my boosters.

http://sixprizes.com (articles)
http://thetopcut.net (podcasts/video)


how is this game from a technical perspective ... well animated like yugioh online or more static without many effects?


Insane necrobump, but is anyone actually playing this? I go online and do the one battle everyday for tokens, but I really don't see the reason to do anything aside from that, there's just no goal.


Insane necrobump, but is anyone actually playing this? I go online and do the one battle everyday for tokens, but I really don't see the reason to do anything aside from that, there's just no goal.

The trading system is really annoying me with the newest update and ranked matchmaking feels like anything but. I used to use it to test my decks and get comfortable with them but with the quality of opponents and the tedium of trading for what I want, I don't know how much more time I'll spend with it.
New UI is trash but at least it doesn't always crash on me now.

I still login daily for the tokens but haven't made any new decks.

The meta seems to have changed a bit with the XY expansion.


Finally finished the CPU challenge thing (it's been a year?) and now I'm actually trying to do some PvP. I just got rocked by an all Dragon trainer, wow.

Card Boy

I'm legit playing this more than Hearthstone these days. The fact you get booster pack codes from real booters and theme decks is really good and something MTG should follow suit.

Sure it's not as fancy but the client is light weight and runs on anything.
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