I'm currently fighting a Mewtwo Y who is poorly doing against my stalling Porygon2
You should really consider rankings lol.I'm currently fighting a Mewtwo Y who is poorly doing against my stalling Porygon2.
After realising Fire attacks aren't as effective against M.Venusaur, she swaps her Hydreigon for Charizard.
Now it's Greninja against my M.Venusaur. I'm not even going to stall, just Giga Drain it to death.
Darkrai's a pain, especially when Dark Void keeps hitting your Pokemon.Yeah, so far Darkrai has been the most problematic legendary to fight for me.
Even still I almost soloed one with a Pikachu because his Dark Void kept missing.
Then it did hit and he destroyed my whole team.
I would fight you guys... but I'm not confident. I think I'm afraid of fighting Crimson the most. From what I've been read here, I don't think my Pokemon can counter his team.You should really consider rankings lol.
Or battling any one of us on GAF. We won't disconnect.![]()
You should really consider rankings lol.
Or battling any one of us on GAF. We won't disconnect.![]()
Anyone want to do Multi Battles a little later?
Anyone want to do Multi Battles a little later?
I might disconnectcause my internet is terrible.
Just had a passerby disconnect after my Roserade's Sleep Powder hit, pretty damn hilarious.
Try Multi-Battles then to boost your confidence, get more comfortable, and most importantly have fun, because they are a lot of fun (especially when things go wrong like attacking your own partner lol).I would fight you guys... but I'm not confident. I think I'm afraid of fighting Crimson the most. From what I've been read here, I don't think my Pokemon can counter his team.
Dude, I don't think our pokemon levels are scaled. My latios was still 100.
I think I have everyone one as Friends or at least Acquaintances except for ugoo18.
In which case:
My FC:5000-3009-5859
IGN: Crimson
Though, yeah, theres now like 7 people for Multi now.
I am
Is there a reason some of you guys keep playing Unrated Battles? I notice complaints abouy Legendaries but isn't that what that ladder is for?
Yo met my mad, had to do some stuff for a bit, I can trade now if you're available
I think a dragon claw would have killed Houndoom anyways.Ehh, not much I could have done there other than maybe mass switching/intimidate spam that Dragonite. ._.
I think a dragon claw would have killed Houndoom anyways.
You should have hydro pumped his Zard. Spencer is so dead![]()
Oh ok.Me?
I don't have Hydro Pump on my Greninja. I have Surf instead.
Oh ok.
Sorry about that earthquake too.
Also, Holy shit at Typhlosion.
GGs, Quest1. That's a tough team to battle against. Is your Talonflame Adamant with full Speed investment? Wondering if we had a speed tie in the second battle we had or if yours was just faster.
It's all good.
Man, that was a close game. I should have just went for fire punch.
It's all good.Sorry about the incoming attack
Thanks, ggs to you too. Staraptor is a beast. What's it's set? My tflame is adamant choice band 252speed. We probably tie.
I've actually just been fooling around with team composition, trying stuff that looks like it could work.
Let us see if there are enough people for a second multi battle group.