What's a good way to get the legendaries?
Trade evolutions. Probably doesn't work as well now tho.
Trading bred starters on the GTS worked well when PokéBank just came out in Japan. Not sure if it still works well.
If you're sitll looking for someone to hold Pokemon for you, PM me. You can take as long as you want.Hey, sorry. Maybe 1-2hr max?
Leanne right?I need help evolving my Onix, is someone online now who can help me?
Leanne right?
Oh my bad. Leanne is TWILT's new ID.Alv. Just gimme a second, this stupid Metang doesn't want to be caught.
Which ones do you need?Does anyone have any legendaries? If so, I'd be very grateful if we could do a data trade. I wouldn't keep them; I'd just need the data in order to help complete the National Dex. Of course, if anyone had any spare legendaries, I would not be complaining, but again, data only is fine for now.
Which ones do you need?
I can maybe help you out later. I should be doing work atm lolHahaha...pretty much all of them that aren't Xerneas, Yveltal, Zapdos, Phione (if that one counts as a legendary) or Zygarde. Any for data are appreciated! Also, if you have an Unown for data as well, that'd be rad.![]()
Are mega evolutions allowed? If so, what Pokemon are you planning to mega evolve?Now that my moving is done, I can get back to breeding the teem I want for the Regionals up here in Seattle in April. Just gotta decide on my Pokemon. I definitely want to use a Gradevoir or Gallade, I think. Then a Fire and Water starter from Gen I or VI. Gotta figure out what else from there. Some suggestions would be welcome from the list that would be usable at that event.
I can maybe help you out later. I should be doing work atm lol
I'm willing to do most of the legendaries. Just send me a PM and I'll reply when I'm available.
For the time being, why not try to get Articuno and Moltres?
1. Breed Elekid, Elygem, Koffing, or Baltoy
2. Offer on GTS for Rhyperior
3. Offer Rhyperior for Milotic
4. Offer Milotic for Xerneas or Yveltal
5. Offer Xerneas or Yveltal for Articuno or Moltres
I haven't done it since last week as I'm trying to collect untouched Xerneas, Yveltal and Zygarde atm, but I think it should still work.
Are mega evolutions allowed? If so, what Pokemon are you planning to mega evolve?
Now that my moving is done, I can get back to breeding the teem I want for the Regionals up here in Seattle in April. Just gotta decide on my Pokemon. I definitely want to use a Gradevoir or Gallade, I think. Then a Fire and Water starter from Gen I or VI. Gotta figure out what else from there. Some suggestions would be welcome from the list that would be usable at that event.
Does anyone have a good tutorial for cloning?
Here's my cloning guide. It's a lot faster than the Jay video one since you're not waiting for the black screen to pop up.
Do whatever the guy said in the video about what ds to trade/turn off. Now once you trade and once the communicating screen pops up, count to 4 mississIP.
So like this, 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi, 4 mississIP turn off. Then immeadietly start counting again and turn off the next ds at 4 mississIP. Don't finish the 4th Mississippi, stop it at mississIP. Count at a normal pace, not too fast and not too slow. Once you mess around with the counting timing, you'll find a pace which works best for you and gets you good results.
You won't always get a clone, sometimes it'll take more then 5 tries to get one. But that happens with any method so don't get discouraged because of it. But this method is quicker than the black screen one and has been pretty good to me.
If you have questions, ask away!
Another good point is, sometimes one communicating screen comes before the other. Start your count whenever you see the communicating screen come. Doesn't matter what ds it comes on. Just start counting whenever you see the blue screen pop up.
I use 2 3dsXL's btw. So this method is for 2 3dsXL's. Ppl claim that the regular 3ds has different timing.
I said exactly what to do about the counting speed in the post lol. Start by counting at a normal pace, just regularly say 1 Mississippi. don't zip the words and don't say them like a sloth. Once you do this and get a clone, you've found your pace to go by.
And like I said even if you go by your normal pace that's been working well. You sometimes still won't get a clone. It's based on luck too.
Last night I was cloning a Skarmory and elecktrike for myself and someone and my regular pace wasn't working at the start. It would trade the pokemon over and over again and of course I got annoyed but it is what it is. What did I do though? Stuck at it and eventually the clones came. Cloning is more of luck than skill. You gotta have a sense of the timing but that's it. It can work 5 times in a row and then the next 10 could be duds. Thats cloning for ya!
Now that my moving is done, I can get back to breeding the teem I want for the Regionals up here in Seattle in April. Just gotta decide on my Pokemon. I definitely want to use a Gradevoir or Gallade, I think. Then a Fire and Water starter from Gen I or VI. Gotta figure out what else from there. Some suggestions would be welcome from the list that would be usable at that event.
Thank you kindly. I'll give that a shot.My post from ot3
I can maybe help you out later. I should be doing work atm lol
I'm willing to do most of the legendaries. Just send me a PM and I'll reply when I'm available.
For the time being, why not try to get Articuno and Moltres?
1. Breed Elekid, Elygem, Koffing, or Baltoy
2. Offer on GTS for Rhyperior
3. Offer Rhyperior for Milotic
4. Offer Milotic for Xerneas or Yveltal
5. Offer Xerneas or Yveltal for Articuno or Moltres
I haven't done it since last week as I'm trying to collect untouched Xerneas, Yveltal and Zygarde atm, but I think it should still work.
Are mega evolutions allowed? If so, what Pokemon are you planning to mega evolve?
We talked about this a little before. I got a Xerneas and an Yvetal from this method. (Elgyem > Milotic > Xerneas/Yvetal) Xerneas and Yvetal DO NOT trade for shit. Haha. However, what I did do was make about 5 Porygon2s and put a dubious disc on them. Those traded out fast as all hell. You can get virtually anything for Porygon-Z. I used my 5 Porygon2/Zs to get every single legendary I could get on the GTS, using trade chaining. That's just my experience with GTS as of late.
Between Charizard and Blastoise, Charizard has the better mega evolutions. X is better, but Y isn't too far off.I don't know if they're allowed. If they are, I have 3 potential choices of the ones I already want, Gen I starters and Gardevoir. The Gen 6 starters and Gallade don't have them but I wouldn't mind using them either so...
Talonflame would destroy ScraftyUse Scrafty. DO IT FOR GREAT JUSTICE!
Jolly with Moxie as its ability and Hi-Jump Kick, Crunch, Dragon Dance and Poison Jab or Careful with Shed Skin and Drain Punch, Bulk Up, Rest and Dragon Tail work really well with the right items and setup.
I think the added work of getting those items is not worth it when you could get a Porygon-Z by chain trading anyway.We talked about this a little before. I got a Xerneas and an Yvetal from this method. (Elgyem > Milotic > Xerneas/Yvetal) Xerneas and Yvetal DO NOT trade for shit. Haha. However, what I did do was make about 5 Porygon2s and put a dubious disc on them. Those traded out fast as all hell. You can get virtually anything for Porygon-Z. I used my 5 Porygon2/Zs to get every single legendary I could get on the GTS, using trade chaining. That's just my experience with GTS as of late.
They are allowed, here are the rules: http://support.pokemon.com/FileManagement/Download/07294296edc545bca57c76266cef60feI don't know if they're allowed. If they are, I have 3 potential choices of the ones I already want, Gen I starters and Gardevoir. The Gen 6 starters and Gallade don't have them but I wouldn't mind using them either so...
Y is better. Drought is too good. Even if the weather nerf exists. Though you may have said that with a Singles format in mind, I would still say Y is better lol.Between Charizard and Blastoise, Charizard has the better mega evolutions. X is better, but Y isn't too far off.
Interesting. Aren't the Dubious Disc and Up-Grade only available through the Battle Maison, though?
I think the added work of getting those items is not worth it when you could get a Porygon-Z by chain trading anyway.
My guide isn't law. It's just a guide and you're free to be as flexible with it. I just posted what works for me.
If you want me to show you all the legendaries I got, I can take a picture and put it up here. There's no need to "Haha" what I suggested, especially if you consider that I started from 0 and ended up with all 718.
Between Charizard and Blastoise, Charizard has the better mega evolutions. X is better, but Y isn't too far off.
I'm not sure how Gardevoir or Gallade perform because I haven't used them, but I think Gallade would do well if trick room was set up.
As for other Pokemon, it's tyou have a counter for Aegislash, Talonflame, and Mega Lucario. An earthquake and rock slide sweeper would be good I think.
Maybe consider Azumarill. Aqua Jet and Play Rough are excellent moves. It usually can't tank more than one hit, but it usually OHKOs a lot of threats.
They are allowed, here are the rules: http://support.pokemon.com/FileManagement/Download/07294296edc545bca57c76266cef60fe
Should be noted that the tournament is using a Doubles format, so for anyone that is recommending Pokemon, keep that in mind.
Now that my moving is done, I can get back to breeding the teem I want for the Regionals up here in Seattle in April. Just gotta decide on my Pokemon. I definitely want to use a Gradevoir or Gallade, I think. Then a Fire and Water starter from Gen I or VI. Gotta figure out what else from there. Some suggestions would be welcome from the list that would be usable at that event.
Yep, 32 BP each. It's not cheap. But you technically can just make one Porygon-Z, trade for a legendary, then continue trade chaining till you fill your dex. It only took me a few hours when I did it. Worst part is, there are a lot of idiots trying to GTS special pokemon. Luckily the GTS sorts by time so those trades are all in the back.
I meant no disrespect. :-( I know Xerneas used to get you anything you wanted but now with Bank open, and all this cloning, it seems like everyone either has him or has his dex entry.
You might want to take a look at http://nuggetbridge.com. It has tons of coverage and reports fromn players who have competed in some of the Regionals thus far. Reading through them should give you an idea of what kind of Pokemon are used in high level play.
I strongly recommend reading through this regional report by Ray Rizzo (3 time VGC champion). It's damn a good read.
I strongly recommend reading through this regional report by Ray Rizzo (3 time VGC champion). It's damn a good read.
Both of your guys' advice is good, honestly. I'm going to try both, despite being a pretty awful competitive battler. Still, I only need to do 64 battles for a Porygon-Z. I'll probably just try to grind for the discs while Elekid awaits trade.
Actually, it seems like a Milotic is worth more than Xerneas/Yveltal now. And Prism Scales CAN be obtained through the Pick Up ability (sure, it's only a 1% chance Level 50 and up, but still, unlimited). I'll just move my shiny Phantump breeding to my Y game and commence getting them all via X.
Also, if anyone has an extra 5IV/6IV Ditto, I can try to get a spare UpGrade/Dubious Disc in exchange. I don't care if the Ditto is foreign or shiny.
Mother of god, their teams are so BORING. Garchomp, Garchomp, Rotom, Kangaskhan, Garchomp, Salamence, Rotom, Kangaskhan, Kangaskhan, Tyranitar, Tyranitar, Tyranitar, Salamence, Garchomp, Rotom...
Ray Rizzo said:I only say this because I see so many people complaining on places like Nugget Bridge or Showdown! chat about how there are only 6 viable Pokémon because everyone uses the same team. I think this is far from the truth, and I think this metagame has a lot more variety than VGC 13 did. People just need to be willing to experiment. Look at Enosh, who is an excellent player and an extremely consistent tournament finisher, Toler, a former World Champion, and Wolfe, a 2-time National Champion and Worlds runner-up. They all used some crazy stuff, much crazier than I did, and they all had a very successful regional. Hopefully, this regional encourages people to be more creative, because I think that makes the game more fun for everyone playing. If you manage to think of something thats creative yet actually good, youre going to have much more success. Just think of it mathematically. If you consider yourself a good player but maybe not one of the best, and are aiming for not just top cut, but a really high finish, would you rather be one of the hundreds using the same exact team and just hoping you get better luck than those who are also of an equal skill level to you, whether its by lucky pairings or actual luck during battles? Or would you rather try and work to find something creative that can help break down the metagame and separate yourself from all of your competitors using the standard team and even compete with the top tier players? Its more difficult absolutely, but if you have aspirations to finish really highly at the more challenging tournaments, I think thats the way to go. Enough of that rant, inspired by that drama filled thread on Nugget Bridge, back to the team. Also Talonflame sucks.
Alv, we doing 3v3 or 6v6?
I can't seem to wonder trade. It says that the server is under maintenance once in a while.
6v6 sorry, I dont know why I had flat rules :/
So, how exactly do you get hidden abilities? I want to get a HA Tyrunt.
YesIsn't HA Tyrunt technically impossible to get at this point in time?
Isn't HA Tyrunt technically impossible to get at this point in time?
Damn it, I thought you'd switch Magnezone out.
And I need a rapid spinner on my team asap! lol
I got really lucky there, entry hazards did half the job.
And dammit, I haven't got the chance to try my Xatu, I always send him to die so stupidly...
Yea, I saw Xatu in your Box and knew you would probably lead with it so I sent out Greninja.
Want to play again later?
Talonflame would destroy Scrafty.
Ray Rizzo said:Talonflame sucks