Ill be breeding some Honedges soon, so I might do a Honedge giveaway some time this week.
I'll send one your way next time I see you on.
Sure thing.
I guess I'll give some Pokemon away for the new thread as well.
- All have at least 4 IVs, missing Special Attack and maybe Speed
- Adamant Nature
- Comes with the egg move Pain Split
- In a Luxury Ball
- All have 5 IVs, missing Special Attack
- Jolly Nature
- Comes with the egg move Knock Off
- In a Premier Ball
Both Spiritomb and Mienfoo are limited in number, but I can breed some more.
And I still have a some of Pokemon from my previous giveaways:
These sprite gifs can be found here.
If you're interested, send me a PM!
How are the Yamask's stats? And I'd love a Spiritomb if you could swing it
So, can someone explain how the balloon popping PGL minigame works? Which balloons I need to click in order to get a lot of points?
Since it's giveaway time, I also got some little guys who need a home.
I got Espurrs with their hidden ability, both sexes, most modest and with 4-5 IVs
I also got Joltiks, modest with Compound Eyes, 4-5 IVs.
Y-you guys like Bidoofs, right?
EDIT: almost forgot, my FC is 0001-3764-1620
Oh man...I really got away with murder there...
Great match Aggro! My Chespin did its job. XD
I got Espurrs with their hidden ability, both sexes, most modest and with 4-5 IVs
EDIT: almost forgot, my FC is 0001-3764-1620
I can breed you one if you want.And a Poison Heal Gligor w/Impish Nature?
10/10 title
For the new thread:
Does anyone have an extra Dragon Dance Charmanduh?
And a Poison Heal Gligor w/Impish Nature?
Also for those that have Mew, Darkrai, and Arceus. I'll be able to clone tonight and tomorrow. So if you're feeling generous. Let me know!
So.. many.. give aways..
so little, time...
I want both Espur genders, but I'll just take one and breed for the other gender to save time and Espur supplies.
I also want dat Joltik. plss.
FC 5215-0711-9638 In-game name Marvell.
Pokémon Bank
- Raleigh, NC, USA - January 22nd, 8AM - 8:15AM, 2114
I can breed you one if you want.
Nonsense! You want both genders, you get both gender! I got plenty!
Guess what, you get Joltik too!
AND a dragon dance Charmander!
Got your FC entered. Let me know when you're gonna be on next.
|OT3| Wall of Shame
790 -- MicH
702 -- Antiwhippy
573 -- SkullHydra
547 -- DaBoss
515 -- Nub
469 -- SeZMehK
438 -- spiritfox
391 -- Tiamant
381 -- HypnoDarkrai
375 -- ScraftyDevil
May I have a Mienfoo, please?I guess I'll give some Pokemon away for the new thread as well.
- All have at least 4 IVs, missing Special Attack and maybe Speed
- Adamant Nature
- Has Infiltrator as its ability
- Comes with the egg move Pain Split
- In a Luxury Ball
- All have 5 IVs, missing Special Attack
- Jolly Nature
- Has Regenerator as its ability
- Comes with the egg move Knock Off
- In a Premier Ball
Both Spiritomb and Mienfoo are limited in number, but I can breed some more.
And I still have a some of Pokemon from my previous giveaways:
These sprite gifs can be found here.
If you're interested, send me a PM!
Just started. Beat the first gym leader, having a blast. Lovely game.
Kind of worried that the xp share is overpowered and will simplify everything. Am I correct?
Good to see you all back in Gaming. When is the Pokemon bank out. I'm gonna wondertrade my cloned Jirachis from Gen III.
Switching it off now. Can't do this.You are correct, I switched off first thing.
Kind of worried that the xp share is overpowered and will simplify everything. Am I correct?
Good to see you all back in Gaming. When is the Pokemon bank out. I'm gonna wondertrade my cloned Jirachis from Gen III.
To celebrate the new OT I'll start a Lightningrod Cubone Giveaway!
That's right folks, I'll be giving away 4-5 IV Jolly Cubones, the bestest ground type ever, the only one capable to OHKO things like Carbink. These Cubones also come with Iron Head, a move that completely obliterates those nasty fairies and does a ton of neutral damage.
But enough of hearing my praisings, let's see what Smogon says:
Didn't make the wall of shame.
All these giveaways. Feels like I'm on Oprah!!
May I have a Mienfoo, please?
No problem, take your time. Gotta go train this Houndoom anyway.Sure! But you'll need to wait a little bit, ran out of Mienfoos. Breeding some more now.
5 Adamant Marvel Scale Dratini with Extreme Speed
8 Adamant Gale Wings Fletching
3 Bold Prankster Klefki
Edit: Oh yeah, my FC is 3067-4759-4728 and my IGN is Haruka.
4x 5 IV (non-perfect) female Bold Oblivious Feebas w/ Hypnosis, Haze, Mist and Dragon Pulse
Added you! Feel free to send me a trade whenever.These three. May I have one of each, please? It would be really appreciated!
My FC is 2852-7757-0580 IGN is Andre. Thanks in advance
Lol sounds like good karma to me. Congrats.Oh wow, just hatched a shiny Mienfoo. Wasn't expecting that to happen.
2 Adamant Huge Power Marill with Aqua Jet, Belly Drum, and Superpower (One needs to relearn egg moves)
18 Adamant Thick Fat Swinub with Icicle Crash and Stealth Rock
8 Careful Larvitar with Iron Head, Dragon Dance, Pursuit, and Stealth Rock
8 Adamant Gale Wings Fletching
3 Bold Prankster Klefki
9 Jolly Rough Skin Gible with Outrage, Iron Head, and Iron Tail (I have 13 with Sand Veil)
14 Bold Prankster Cottonee with Encore
Edit: Oh yeah, my FC is 3067-4759-4728 and my IGN is Haruka.
does anyone know if new retail copies that get put on shelves now of X/Y have Patch 1.1 or 1.2 on the cartridge? Or do you still need to be able to get online on the eshop to get the lumiose save glitch fixed?
Congrats dude!Oh wow, just hatched a shiny Mienfoo. Wasn't expecting that to happen.
Added you! Feel free to send me a trade whenever.
Oh wow, just hatched a shiny Mienfoo. Wasn't expecting that to happen.
Nah, thank you! I didn't have any of those Pokemon lol.Thank you so much!! ^_^
Sure. Just PM me what you want, your FC, and your IGN. I'll add you.Yo doge I'd kill to get one of each of these when I get home from work around 10:30 EST
Thanks so much for the Growlithe, Ocean!![]()